you can. if you set a new best score with a specific mod (nm overriding nm, or mirror overriding mirror,etc) and that mod was the pb shown on your profile (the highest pp youve gotten from the map from any mod combination) and the accuracy/ma ratio was lower, you will lose pp additionally, even if you do gain pp from a map, you can still lose rank if you decay enough. submitting a new play whether it be in your top 100 or not updates your rank, and if you dont gain enough pp to fight decay, it will show you lose rank
Please map some unmapped songs of Camellia instead of mapping an already ranked songs. The example is δ : for the DELTA, Mobius, Toxic Violet Cubes and stuff.
Yeah, I know but I said "please". i didn't try to force any of the mappers like mint or others to map any song, just did a bit of a reccomendation. Srry if it sounds like forcing or blaming.