omori fans try not to be obsessed with a single game
literally, i have played omori and i do like it, but most of the fandom compare their fucking lives to a video game, like what... i've talked to some people who are so fucking obsessed with omori, and its honestly sad knowing that they base their whole personality on 1 game. The comment section cringes me. (good map , tho ^^) b)
why you care about this that much though? people love complaining about literally anything towards others when people just having fun and participating in some communities with the same interests
The comment section is always like that, in every single beatmap, for example: IMAGE -MATERIAL- . There's a lot of comments says that song are singing: "Can't stop playing Among Us. I love Among Us!", even tho that chorus wasn't singing that line at all, it is just people assuming that. So, basically, these people that you've considered as a Omori "fans" aren't a true fans at all, they're just liked the game after watching it playthrough or memes from YouTube and trying to do the same, then, when the game will bore them, they gonna find something different from now (sorry for late replie, couldn't resist).