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she is not in love with the concept
this is one of my absolute all time favourite songs, and the way this map is designed is amazing. good job! <3
Thank you again for mapping this, I hope all of the pre-2010 discography can get ranked some day...
this fucks. i would love to see more FOB maps from u <3
actually so fun
fun to play wow
thank you
old fall out boy rlly hits different
shes in love with the concept
as if we're all just how she imagined
we're in love we just don't know it yet
holy shit this map plays so smoothly
Thanks for the map, much love.
np !!!
ranked fall out boy in 2022 i love you
np ~
yesss fob
congrats on ranked! i love this song
мапа годная ставлю лайк , мапинг по душе
osu needs more fall out boy
love this map
ty ~
Goated xD