Someday the Dream Will End by Nobuo Uematsu from Final Fantasy X. One of my favorites from the game.
Difficulties (or so intended):
Small Dream = Normal
Inozuma's Dream = Hard
yeahyeahyeahhh's Dream = Insane
Even though they're all pretty easy...
Want to give special thanks to the people who have helped contributing on this map:
x3ns0r for skin.
Inozuma for skin, timing, and diff.
Lybydose for timing.
Thanks guys, you're awesome!
Complete and waiting your modding.
Added Lokamp's changes.
Added Lead in.
Added Xgor's changes.
Added minyeob's changes.
Added Lokamp's changes to Inozuma's Dream
Added Harris73's changes.
Added Hanyuu's changes.
Added Symbolic's changes.
Added mafiamaster's wittle change.
Inozuma's Dream updates.
Added Z-Ramm's and K2J's changes.
Redid entire spacing on Small Dream.
Fixed kiai timing ;(.
New eartastic mp3.