Everybody watch 👀 her, 🏻 she's 💯 a 👉 revolver 🔫🔫 She'll 😍👀 break through your 👉 armor, ⛓⛓ don't 🚫 try to ✨ stop 😡👮 her 🙅 Never seen 👀 one like her, I 🚨☝️ wanna be 🐝 like 🙅👍 her She's 🗨 a revolver, 😎 revolver, revolver 🔫🔫
I and all other mappers from this mapping set received a notification of consent to nominate the map in the "loved" category, which means that in a few days the map will be on the voting, I advise you to start preparing for your words❤️❤️❤️
according to science, there's no way that a human could live inside a wall. all osu! players are humans, not chess bots, so how could they be inside your walls?