[Music source Information]
If you like this song, please support actual creators and play actual Taiko no Tatsujin games too.
This song was composed by Linda AI-CUE
You can play this song at Taiko no Tatsujin Arcade Machine or console or mobile too!
Also, you can buy Official OST which includes this song from Amazon =
太鼓の達人 オリジナルサウンドトラック「サントラ2008」[osu! mapset Information]
1st ranked mapset in osu!
Too old right? Maybe I made this since played this song in DS1 too much hehe
Bubbled by whymeman / Ranked by minyeob BUT unranked by peppy due to unsnapped notes
YesBubbled by MaxwellDemon / Ranked by Tapdancingmetroid