best map i've seen
lets goo
сдохни сын бляди ебаной(без негатива уебище)
очень добрый комментарий
guys put music to 0% i got SS guaranteed :))
first 400????
owo thx ^w^
pretty fun
Justin Bieber: Gomen Amanai
huynya mapa
Good song!
annoying song
Just played and got 283pp without realising 😂 that was so easy I kinda don't want it on my acc
418pp #631 W
-1 240pp play because 1 miss at the end
ty for the top play
2 attemps, third top play, this is so free
easy 179pp
Holy shit he really can't sing
quite ban
skill issue
good map
can we get much higher
so high
wowwww wowwwww wowwww
i hate this map so much
i fced it
still hate it?
gratz with first 400
so good
love the map
I'm playing map, getting high )
I really like this map :D
worst map of all time whoever mapped this has serious issues and should stop mapping in general.
hey thats me!
i apologize for my behavior, I was extremely tilted after a streak of 100 retry spams to fix my acc and eventually i gave up.
3 month of plays, now im fc with hr 220pp, les gooooo
adu hay he
nooo played this shit once in multi now I have justin as my 3 top play kill me
rip bro
thanks for 209 pp
this map is so good. ggs
"only for the pp"
chupame el pico
Papi, Log Off Now, te quiero papi, un saludo fuerte desde aquí papi.
She left me, on Christmas Eve. I wanted her to change, to be better for me. I couldn't change to be a better person for her though
come on use different slider shapes
nice map, jumper
i enjoy this song and map. very nice
this is a good song