Some might say with this beatmap the incredible saga of 5-Key mapping is brought to a glorious end with a bang, but I say otherwise. Although hopeful, I adamantly believe that this is only the beginning to a beautiful revival of the 5-Key mapping movement. Throughout time the osu!mania beat-mapping community has been dominated by unstoppable torrent of 4-Key and 7-Key beat-maps. Now, don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with these key-counts. Every beat-map is expertly crafted to be represent the rhythm and pace of the song mapped in a unique, challenging, and engaging way. However, only by looking at the outliers can we truly understand what the cutting edge of osu!mania mapping is. A little over 4 years ago, I entered the osu!mania mapping scene bright-eyed and hopeful. I wanted to make a difference, and break the hardened mold of the mapping meta. I devised a plan, with up-and-coming mapper Asherz007, we would make an anime map that spanned multiple keycounts. Now, at the time this was my first beatmap, but that is okay. It was a part of the mapping journey that made me who I am. I was inspired by such epic beatmaps as Blocko's Happy End of the World. While I was inspired then, I think it is our duty to inspire the next generation of beat-map creators. That is what this map does. It shows to the world: "Hey, you don't have to be trapped by what society tells you to do. Do what you are passionate about, and you will find a way." I believe quite honestly that this beat-map is a rhythmical masterpiece, and with every note placed in the editor, a note has been placed within my heart. For this triumphant beat-map I award you complete respect, and I eagerly look forward to what future content you will astonish our community with.