Well, hi guys. Mogsy decided to map.
The Olde HeadBoard was the first Rasputina song I decided to map back in the summer of 2008 (yeah, before Gingerbread Coffin). This map has undergone many a revision (it originally started out as a stack-only map), and is finally done.
Things you will see in The Olde HeadBoard:
-Sliders (Normal is almost completely slider oriented, and Insane combines weird ones with quicker clicked beats)
-Switchback triples (1-2-3 beats, normally stacked, but only 1 and 3 are stacked, so you switch back from where 2 is to your original location, where 3 is)
-A single 1/8 stack (Insane is synced to the lyrics, that's why)
-Ugly sliders (to match the ebb/flow and overall feel of the song)
In Normal, however, it's much more simplified.
Mogsy made a map lolol
EDIT 1: lolol deliberate mapping style
EDIT 2: I changed the BG. Pixellated album cover did nothing to help, so here's a screenshot from the video (video is too distracting to add).
EDIT 3: Changed stuff.
EDIT 4: Um, okay. If anyone wants to suggest a timing change, just tell me.
EDIT 5: I think this timing change will do the trick.
EDIT 6: lol fixed timing again and fixed other stuff