I somehow fc'd the ultra spaced stream
rework nerfed ryuk's ONE THOUSAND PP
b rank fc on another diff LMFAO
Ok my acc kinda sucks but I'm surprised I could FC this
Top diff WYSI
you don't see it anymore 💔💔
almost fumbled an fc on this
someone tell me why i have some weird voice over on this map singing the song
nvm i fixed it
what'd you do, and how did it even happen
nice star rating
Top diff sr
Legends say he is still saying "1000pp" "what a time to be alive"
One thousand pp
this map with HDDTRX is the funniest thing ever LOL
the greatest 300pp in rx ever
passed plasma gun extreme hdhr
choked my 2nd top play on extreme
Top Diff 3 mod FC 1.6kpp by 6 digit?? 8month old play?What
just why does the last difficulty exist...
It has been seen
Finally XD
Wow, what a cool map. I sure do hope that the top difficulty doesn't have a particular number that could potentially cause pain and mental anguish to those who see it.
6 digit 5 star fc lets goo
EZ FC, easiest 7* medal ever https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4497932406
Just got a 65.7% FC on the another diff with hr 💀 How tf am I hitting notes by just mashing
why is the top diff hard stream like a oval 😭
i mean extreme diff aa
i fc'ing another diff with hr with A rank 5th time. kill me
another one dt fc
Arnold24x24 has lost first place on Memme - Plasma Gun [Extreme] (osu!)
oh this is the top diff! very cool!! wait whats the star rati- W Y S I
mrekk got most of his 100s earlier in the map while aetrna got them later
last diff, 727??
bien jugado tío!
wakala un peruano
oh no...
always see it :skull:
mrekk overrated
hello forgotten from ddmythical's epsilon dan
Why is it so hard so get good acc on this map ;-;
okay wysi https://imgur.com/a/vcKojNa
top diff wysi
mrekk a speed player now
always has been
just from like the past year
thanks for giving me my first 200
WHEN YOU SEE ITWHEN YOU FIRETRUCKING SEE IT727727WHEN YOU FIRETRUCKING SEE IT7.27 stars in the last diff by accident (or intentional)