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very good
Eh paano kung
Quality map
3# France lol
Fun map
nyaako pog
grats kyle
finally someone make it, thanks!
osu! needs more Tenjin Kotone!
Nice map, congrats <3
love this song so much
This map is absolutely chaotic in a good way for low six stars. Amazingly fun to play through.
unfortunate that it's NOTICEABLY mistimed by like +10ms, really really enjoyable map
Huh... I didn't notice. Maybe I'm too bad to notice, haha!
Woa love it :333
Good map
I've been waiting for this map to become ranked for so long! Congrats!
Really good song and solid map, gj
congratsand WYSI
pretty fun
ok banger
o its finally ranked g's
i've been waiting for like, a long time lmao