ngl bg is fine 4 me cuz mapping a song doesn't mean you have to use its orig illust under any circumstances, but i honestly do think that the map would benefit much from further polishing at least i find the lower diffs' quality to be less than satisfactory
Two years later, I started to figure out how to map, and when I played with it again, I still couldn't understand why this map can be mapped like that.
cheri is by far the most underappreciated mapper in this community. so sad this masterpiece did not get the praise it deserved, much like the rest of cheri's maps.
Silentroom - 驟雨の狭間 (Rainshower) so I think the bg fits
but this map is just not the best aesthetically, i like the rhythm choice though
i just think that this song deserves better considering the aesthetic behind the music video and song, like look at nhelv's mapsets they're sexually appealing
oh yes 😻😻😻I love😻😻 Nhelv😻. Those curves🏃🏃 Those hot sliders🏃🏃🏃, how curvy they are... Man, I really 🌠🌠🌠🤞wish🤞🤞 I can have one of those🍆 hot curvy sliders🔥 shoved up my ralsriARSE🍑, though we may be further apart, our rhythm always the same. 😿😿Without 😿😿😿❌Nhelv❌😿😿😿, I don't think I would have a will to 😿😿💔💔💔live... Rainshower just isn't enough.. I 😍😍NEED Nhelv. Thank you, Nhelv for giving me my will to live😻❤️
oh yes 😻😻😻I love😻😻 Nhelv😻. Those curves🏃🏃 Those hot sliders🏃🏃🏃, how curvy they are... Man, I really 🌠🌠🌠🤞wish🤞🤞 I can have one of those🍆 hot curvy sliders🔥 shoved up my ralsriARSE🍑, though we may be further apart, our rhythm always the same. 😿😿Without 😿😿😿❌Nhelv❌😿😿😿, I don't think I would have a will to 😿😿💔💔💔live... Rainshower just isn't enough.. I 😍😍NEED Nhelv. Thank you, Nhelv for giving me my will to live😻❤️
I've been inactive for quite some time, but you literally have like double my playtime, still hasn't passed an 8* map and your most played beatmap is fucking despacito.
Not if literally everyone ignores you and your existence, even if you constantly advertise yourself, you still have to pull off a few publicity stunts just to get people to notice you, senpai.
This is such a nice map set for such a technical song. I really like how you varied the different difficulties to allow for a nice variety of playability. Thank you so much!
This comment section is what happens when you don't pick a generic anime background like most other ranked maps, personally I'm just happy for a little diversity. Thanks for the nice maps
But there’s just as much maps without anime backgrounds though...
It’s more because it’s Cheri and for whatever reason she seems to attract controversy and hate. Noffy has made BGs for mappers guild mapsets and I’m pretty sure there hasn’t been any hate towards her
There's no controversy. Just people who get an rush from being rude and getting a few internet points to cheer themselves up. If anyone actually had anything meaningful to say they would just ignore the outliers but afaik people will act toxic in this community as long as it's mutually agreed upon in closed groups and it doesn't help that majority of players will judge something harshly because they don't understand it.
In short there's no respect and people like to think in the moment rather than for the fact that their comments are meaningless.
I mean it kinda does, it's the first thing you see when you download the map. So if you see some Microsoft Paint drawing people aren't gonna respect it that much.
i don't have any issue about the background at all but i do really, really do have a mixed feeling within seeing how you handled the song and managed to Rank the map away with this mapping while Necho x Otosaka's map of the same song -- which has been highly commended by many (including myself) -- will most likely never ever be getting anywhere forward
((speaking for the higher diffs mostly)) while as a fellow mapper i can understand the mapping direction that you're applying and the intention in the objects and patterns that you are placing, i just... can't help to --personally-- feel that the entire thing was brought forward in a state that is waaaaaaaaay less then what it could've been i suppose? i know that a lot of things in mapping are subjective and there are certain considerations already behind the map's perspective but looking at how you mixed up the mapping approach with the rhythm/design choice here in its execution here i really really really feel like
a]] the end result is very under-representative of what the song actually is, and
b]] you're missing a good bunch of creative and innovative opportunities that should be made possible (even without deviating from your mapping style) with this kind of song throughout... 😦
nevertheless congratulations for the rank i guess, doing a 9 diffs spread all by yourself is definitely a feat of its own yeah ;~;
I didn't rushed the map, i spent every single day polishing up to the point that i grown insane listening to the song
this wasn't map for fa, I was already mapping silentroom and it was a coincidence that they became fa the similar time I gain interested in mapping their songs
You MAY think it is rushed but it fucking isn't and that is the only thing i am offended by this. I wouldn't spent hours each day and regardless of how you may think it is good or bad, I put too much effort to be called out for something that isn't true on it
Your comment simply just smell out to me that you just hurt another version didn't get rank and i understand that, but please don't go around accusing me for something just because of that man :/
I would rather you just simply said you didn't like the map, then going around with assumptions
ah, yeah, my apologies if i went over the line somehow there with all the rushing assumptions tho (i wasn't in the best of mood myself earlier due to something else outside of this topic that just happened to me the other day -- i wasn't trying to pick up a fight or anything really D:)
if any, this is more of... a personal point of view (that is by any means not indicative of any other individual or any mapping circle out there) coming from someone who has their own particular expectation around what map this song can possibly pull having been familiar with Necho and Otosaka's interpretation of it i guess ;~;
((also i've edited the original comment accordingly dw))