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Raise a Floppa is the reason I listen to this
Sans is so handsome on the background 🤤🤤🤤
In the three days that I've been playing Taiko, this is the most fun map I've found so far
I'm glad you liked the map~! :)
I'm getting the fishnet leggings and purple floodlights out for this
You think the title is a troll ? No , its just in Toby Fox style
toby fox is a spoiled child if I were to expect anything while in a hotel it would be a goddamn roach on my bed
i should probably add that this comment is satire
Can You Really Call This A Hotel? I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything
and map c:
thanks~! c:
is this rly the title its long
actually no, the real title is two marks longer, it's just too much for osu :D
cute song :DD
i cant wait to see the aiess message for this one
this map cool i like banananas
you dont even play taiko
the more important part about amasetic's statement is that he likes bananas