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7k diff is very fun to play, but those slow scroll parts kill all the fun
you mean sv?
you mean slowjams?
fam 8K is for beatmania IIDX
8k 미친;;;별이 몇개야 풀콤이 몇명밖에 없어
lol 8k everywhere
like it babe
spro is FC'd up Akasha \O/ all hail spro \O/
Outdated now, 0133 hype
Mad, totally madness...
Aboard the spro hype train \o/
Is this called as a map ???!!?!???!
Yes, it is.
If Abcdullah actually played osu!mania regularly, he'd be #1 mania player in the game.
well he was #1 with only 1 week of play
Good map :)
why just mania :(
Abcdullah and ideu- its god :3
i love your map :D
I am a fan !!
let's play with mother father sister brother grandma grandfather friend >.< impossible song
I can play it with HT but it to suck ^^'
this music is very good. but this beatmap has only mania mode
this music very good. but only mania mode..
It's absolutely favorable for IIDX skin user :3
Luv how all the good songs are Taiko or Mania sets.
With luv I mean NOT.
별 미친;
8K=5 7K=1
7K DT no problem
beatmania fever :DDDD
Do you have any fingers to play 8K Fever?WTF?
yeah , and I ranked #36 on this map <3 ignores another <3
I cant play 8k I hand is challenged
awesome :D
So many comments I've seen so far in o!m section.
tl;dr : F.A. heheh
8K... djmax players here XD.
Fk 8k da faq xD
I can play half of 8K :D
this beatmap so crazy C O O L!!!!!
lol @ 9 people even having ranks on 8K FEVER after like a day. Nobody plays 8K.
Too hard to play.
i cant 8K...i have no finger XD
then use your mind
Buy some from eBay! ☺
Play with feet ET ♥
You literally have no finger. Yes.
finally you understand it LOOL
luyuja, 素晴らしい8k mapをありがとう! 8k mapがrankedされる日を心待ちにしていました。
8k mapはどれも小指が破壊される仕様ですねw
スタンダード勢「クッキージきたクッキージ」 太鼓勢「あかしゃきたあかしゃ」 CTB勢「フルーツ落ちてきたフルーツ」
NIce map!
What 8K? Its so hard for me
a hard mapset ;w;
d'awwww why can't this map have some standard diffs... *pout*
should tell Pokie to revive her mapset... but you'd need to revive her first ;_;