i used to play this back when i was 6dig owo
Awesome mapset! keep going!!
awesome map, thank you so much for create this
top diff easier than expert
where is the art from?
wdym. this is mapped really well. just cuz you're too trash to play it doesn't mean it's bad
its not badly mapped, this is just easy tech lol
How can you find it fun? You just spam the shit out of it, these type of maps should not be ranked
Literally just get good at the game. Love it when 6 digits critique maps like they can even play them
nah this style of map is like... easy tech
best style ever
Super nice map
pretty good map
Congrats on getting ranked!
one of the best maps of 2020 by far
good to see some bns arent retarded!
Ikr, maybe there's still some hope for this ranked system
That was joke, right?
it should be modding queue's expert, smh
Finally Ranked!!!! :D
Fun, but kinda confusing
Good map
fun map ;D
Absolutely amazing!
I love dis