The patterns of the map change significantly 7 times, alongside with its difficulties,
representing the 7 stages of intoxication
Stage 0: Before drinking - Completely normal LN pattern and broken stream that you have seen a lot of time already
Timeline: 00:00:000 to 00:21:942
Stage 1: Sobriety - LN anchor in addition to broken stream. A step up from the pattern at the beginning of the map.
Timeline: 00:21:942 to 00:43:885
Stage 2: Euphoria - Everything is getting a bit tipsy. Chord LNs and also minijacks are used throughout this section. A step up from the previous stage.
Timeline: 00:43:885 to 01:05:828
Stage 3: Excitement - As you start to get unstable from drinking, physically and mentally, so is the pattern here. With no LN use at all and comfortable-but-yet-challenging stream and jack pattern, you are experiencing drunkenness.
Timeline: 01:05:828 to 01:22:285
Stage 4: Confusion - Everything starts to go south from now on. Constant minijack and LN patterns that require a lot of hand control can throw you off easily.
Timeline: 01:22:285 to 01:44:228
Stage 5: Stupor - You start to feel unconscious after too much drinking. Everything seems calm now, but you should prepare for what is coming next.
Timeline: 01:44:228 to 01:55:200
Stage 6: Coma - Everything has gone wrong! As your body falls into a coma, you are experiencing a near-death experience. Jacks are getting heavier and heavier the further you proceed, and tons of 1/4 LNs can easily turn this into a reading challenge.
Timeline: 01:55:200 to 02:17:142
Stage 7: Death - Congratulation! You have fully experienced the 7 stages of intoxication. Even though the cost of experiencing it was your death, I hope you had fun while it lasted! Everything goes back to normal.

Timeline: 02:17:142 to 02:27:857