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i love this song :))))
Pogger song
lel, sightread SS, only a matter of time until the hdhr fc's and dt fc's take over
finally someone mapped this song <3
Finally a ranked version of this song! Pog
ye boi #26
nice bg, hope no one else uses it
Anything from mifulu is basically the oral cigarettes map only
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/808148#osu/1700344 lol no
really fun mapset!
Skytuna şahlanıyor
really good map, each difficulty flows pretty well, and im not straining due to snapping. The insane diff is prob my favorite id say.
U can try azrael's other maps, they are all worth a try!
agree!! owo
Pretty good map difficulties you've got here sir.
we all love aesthetics owo!