Despite the fact that the original would technically be one of the earliest "Loved" maps (it was approved and had leaderboards, but I don't think it was like that for terribly long of a time), the Loved staff have openly refused to consider waiving the normal (and quite terribly executed) process for getting Loved status in light of the markedly important history of this map.
The captains won't put it in Loved, I can almost guarantee you. Here's why:
1.) It has less than 30 favourites. It doesn't quality for consideration. 2.) The captains don't pick maps like this. They rarely actually pick maps that are truly loved by the community. They are most inclined to choose recently made run-of-the-mill tech maps, meme maps (no, not ones like this), or maps that are according to their own tastes. 3.) You don't simply "get" a map Loved. You must first wade through an ocean of red tape so vast that the US government would be amazed by. It is a several year long process, there is no structure for prioritization of maps, and it is at the whim of maybe 5 people tops as to whether any given map (regardless of actual popularity), in their eyes, "deserves" to be put up for the voting polls (which have pathetic voter turnout). Many maps have been rotting in the Loved Limbo, otherwise known as the Loved spreadsheet, for many years.