i died to fc this and its worth nothing
shimon no 100 no 50 and 1 miss how
finally fc on this shit bruh
1x100 on halfs extra and #666 truly a cursed score
bruh that diff nerf went from 6 to 5.7 wtf
what the guy below me said, im rank 300k and i just 1 missed it on my 3rd try
it deserves it lmao. its still overweighted af
i missed the last note
ouch that nerf
why is this so hard to acc
bruh 20- succes rate i alr got A
came for the HERO BRAVE
I will DT Pass every diff some day
skull dont worry zaether ill carry on the legacy
Done it yet?
i got 97.27acc wysi WYFSI when u see it i will never play this dif again holy shit WYSI
first 200 and my first 6 star FC wowie
bg sauc?
Thank you for 2nd best play xD
good map, have a godmode on it 227pp yeeeeey
close to 2nd 200 pp play bruh
#23 on halfs extra \o/
#25 now :))
I don't mind farming songs I like
how the fuck mrekk
chupenme los wbos - SrChispa
chispa wtf
My first 6* map, thx, always in my heart <3
Dear Pros.
201pp :o 98,85% FC with HD ,the only HD FC in my country...
first nomod 200pp tysm
82.46 B fc 160pp thx and RIP MY ACC :c
waiting for hddt fc
not fc so sad
SrChispa FC HD+DT
first 6 star FC and SS (blade dance doesn't count)
265 pp :thinking:
rip new top play
thank you I love this map 184 pp bp3
amazing ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ
This map is really good (EZ 251pp)
my first 100 pp map
I really love Kano