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WOW!!! ITS LIKE Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie Part 2: streamshttps://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/542081#osu/1153285
ooh code red intro
Guy i just FCed euphoria with HRDT, i am a go... oh wait wrong euphoria.
komo sabes
Intro is faster than jumps lul
damn, why is it a firetrucking cut version ...
cause long version = this^2
Bac's Insane 😍
taiko moment
wow, an actual good panda eyes mapset. respect
unspecified other
Bac's Insane STD:5.03* Takio:7.06* :thinking:
1/8 sliders are broken
rippppppp convert pp so dumb :c
its finally ranked yEeT
sdafsf's Extra is something else. Cool
How many other Panda Eyes songs will continue getting mapped and ranked
whats wrong with panda eyes
They all sound the same.
>Squilly's Insane in this moment, i am euphoric
press f to pay respects
press F to pay respect to squiller
best of 2018. seriously good work hobbes2 you outdid yourself this time!
Where is Plaudible diff? D:
nice try but without a 7* you'll never reach top played sorry
you mean every single panda eyes song
try mizu and say that me again
panda eyes as featured artist:
30 songs with the same melody and rhythm.