i spend a very very large amount of my time helping new mappers. don't act like because your map that is not good enough for ranking (believe me or not, i did check before hand when it was requested to me) did not get ranked when mine did, i am some evil guy trying to kill new mappers because simply put that is not the case.
having the excuse of "cuz we work it for a long time, it should get more attention" isn't justified in terms of general mapping skill, there's nothing wrong of speedmapping if the mapper is qualified enough to make good map in a short time (look at RLC's Dstorv Forum lol). Yes, it is wrong for nao to steal your mp3 without your notice, but now he's already give you mod as a direction that you'll definitely needed if you really want to rank your mapset
I recall, in march 2016, hearing about this anime for the first time. As a big fan of "Shining Hearts: The Bread of Happiness", I was very elated to see yet another bread-related anime being produced. After all, Shining Hearts gave me happiness, a light in my depressing life. It told me, that even if I were to forget my past, that my present is still important and just as valuable. On top of its wonderful breadness, "Pan de Peace" also featured character designs by Shizue Kaneko, who's other anime related work were the character designs for "If Her Flag Breaks", which was also a masterpiece. Which also gave me light in my sad, sad, sad life. Even if it was a short, I was determined to give "Pan de Peace" all of the love I could muster. It had such deep ties to other animes that had brightened my world and life.
but then it was crap. Why? Because it was too short! It should've been a full series instead of a bunch of shorts, grumble grumble. I want more Pan de Peace, grumble grumble.