atian540 for GD + 2 stars >_<
Umo- for pattern and SV check (all diff)
Zylin for pattern check (all diff)
L A U R A for pattern check (all diff) + 2 stars >_<
genkicho for pattern check (Lunatic diff)
Emperor of Time for pattern check (Lunatic diff)
Shana Lesus for pattern and SV check (Lunatic diff)
FadillSan for pattern check (Normal and Hard diff)
Acnos for pattern check (Hard diff)
Salty Mermaid for pattern check (Lunatic diff) + 2 stars >_<
Syadow- for pattern check (Lunatic diff)
DustMoon for pattern check (Lunatic diff)
Unknown_player for pattern check (Hard and Lunatic diff)
dudehacker for a bit hitsound check
Amiichii for pattern check (all diff)
chouyaa for pattern check (all diff)
error_exe777 for pattern check (Easy and Lunatic diff) + 2 stars >_<
Asherz007 for FULL MOD
Tofu1222 for pattern check (all diff)
Envory for pattern check (all diff)
Ridho2307 for pattern check (Lunatic diff)
Couil for a bit pattern check (Lunatic diff)
Angki for pattern check (Normal and Hard) and BG + 1 star >_<
AchsanLovers for metadata and pattern check (Normal and Lunatic)
game rock for pattern check (all diff)
Scarlet Red for pattern check (all diff)
Julie for awesome hitsound and pattern check (Lunatic) + 1 star >_<
Navyzeap09 for a bit hitsound check
Nixeria-sama for pattern and a bit metadata check
Sinnoh for FULL MOD
Riunosk for pattern check (Hard and Lunatic)
Rivals_7 for pattern and SV check (all diff)
DoNotMess for take a look a bit lol =w=