Deep there into your conscience you know that you could've make it less stupid on 1 or 2 moments right? but instead you decided to play the role of ''weird maps dude lolol screw intuitive stuff XD''...the map is intresting really fun <3 but there were few moments that you HAVE to be trolling to do that haeouhuoae
Finally done with that piece of worthless junk. Crap, _83, when you started making things like Arcade Busters, I actually started getting my hopes up that you were finally going to break out of your terrible All Alone With You and Little Nova stage and start cranking out truly admirable maps. Even though Aoi Shiori raised a red flag or two, I still had high hopes. And then this self-indulgent pretentious abomination gets vomitted onto the site. This is not only your worst map, but possibly the worst map I have ever seen. Why? Others were bad as satire, ignorance, age, or inexperience. You qualify for none of these categories, you have no excuse.
Believe me, I have nothing against weeb, be it anime, eroge, or manga. And I have no problem with someone in the osu community championing the genre as a flagship of broadening horizons. What I do have a problem with is that you, the person championing it, have absolutely no respect for the music or its structure. At the slightest strum of a guitar or hit of a snare drum, you are more than happy to start disregarding the music and just throwing ugly and pointless jumps where you just make the distance and position anywhere you feel like, no matter how awful the end result is.
This vulgar excuse for a map reeks of every stupid and arrogant Borism the community has had to bear witness to: Extreme jumps with no musical reasoning, sky high DS at random times, streams that just decide to jump to some random part of the playing field with no warning, buckshot spread patterns with no cohesive structure, streams that space out to absurd degrees, rampant abuse of SV changes and BPM modification to cover up lazy mapping, slider jumps that clearly are just cases of Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J abuse, and worst of all, using the music genre as your own little shield to justify every little moment of "I map like this because fuck you, I'm _83" you can stuff in your pathetic and self-subservient maps.
Stop using songs as canvases for your abhorrent "artistry", stop using your cult of personality to force your lazy work on others, and stop thinking that maps are good just because a computer designed to perfectly perform with flaw can manage to beat it.