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map nearly gave me carpal tunnel im so deadass i have webcam video of my hand cramping up too hard, got that 62 pp tho
Bro this song is so good!
FREE PP 2023 no hack (WORKING)
fr fr??? it works in 2024??
Nah it was patched
"Falcom level of quality" will always be a thing for me. What a cool track!
Недавно по реквесту начал играть в Ys Origin, я знал что играл в осу сонги из серии Ys, но из каких частей нет и вот, дойдя до финала я услышал этот ост, это было очень приятное ощущение,
it hurts
Banger song <3
fun map, made me poop my pants
really good stream prac
Insane is my favorite diff of all time. Not too long, low bpm streams, and 2011 mapping. Amazing.
right, it should be 3 stars
he was right
just play more
I love this map dude even though I never passed it good streams and bursts <3
This is one of the best/fun-ist maps I've ever played. gg's whoever passed this :)
i hate you for adding that really fucked jumpedit: finally did it
my hand hurts from tapping HELP¨¨
best map
This is my favorite OSU map
nice stream
The audio is different
Very nice map ! Love it
This is so good!
ez 2 rank
Pheon's Taiko Oni is pretty much a PP grinder for Taiko players. xD
such DT lel
You should make the Super-arrange version
Damn Rafis
RIP my score, thanks submission system... WP Rafis ^^
Origin spinner can sure ruin a fun HR play.