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Powerless is good
9.9/10 No Frey's MASTER+
Frey's PhilosophyNo Frey
More lanoot noot songs please. Lanota is la noot noots. because im creative
epic song.
Guess author of this philosophy: "Our life is simmetrical sliders and romb jumps"
Jacque Fresco?
So glad this was made, just discovered it :) If anyone is interested in seeing how it plays in Lanota https://www.youtube.com/wat...
such a godly map xdc
Frey's Philosophy by Frey
this purified me
aaaaaaaaa i have been waiting for this to get ranked ;w; congrats!!
"Frey's CP"
This is a really nice song... Already in love with it
Ayy congrats x)
.__ .
nice map sahuang
thanks sotarks!
why isn't the top diff Frey's Philosophy?
Because Frey refused to GD according to his Philosophy
We need to fry his philosophy.
Yes more Lanota songs <3
this needed a frey gd so i could dt it :(
Minecraft sucks in the S.Korea.
Frey? I think this song's title looks like Frey's guest diff...