
Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round [Please, Mod

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009 at 00:13:22

Artist: Powerpuff Girls
Title: Love Makes the World Go Round
Source: The Powerpuff Girls
Tags: the powerpuff power puff girls
BPM: 137,67
Filesize: 4495kb
Play Time: 01:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0,38 stars, 42 notes)
  2. ventuz - Normal (2,22 stars, 86 notes)
Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round
Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
PPG Music, old but cool, enjoy!
I need help with beatmap creation details, can someone help me?
Edit 1 : Added GbL's Normal Diff. Thanks GbL =)
Edit 2 : Added Easy Diff and Fixed BPM/Offset. Thanks CheeseWarlock =)
Edit 3 : Added:
* Combo Burst
* Countdown
* Spinner SB's~
* GbL's corrections
Edit 3.1 : Concerted the SB "spinner-osu". Why? Was too large and block the vision after the end of a spinner.
Edit 4 : Added Dragon Difficulty. Thanks Blue Dragon =)
Edit 5 : Added a new hitcircle color. Added GbL's Normal "New version". Thanks again for GbL and CheeseWarlock =)
Edit 6 : Added Dragon Difficulty Full version. Thanks, Blue Dragon!
Edit 6.1 : Deleted "Hard" Difficulty. Now, Dragon Difficulty will be the new Hard Difficulty!
Edit 7 : New Easy Diffculty... Play and rate!
Edit 8 : Added two new hitcircle colors and a video!
Edit 9 : Added "GbL's Normal" updated version. Thanks again GbL =)
Edit 10 : Added "GbL's Normal" updated version AGAIN. Thanks one more time, GbL =)
Edit 11 : Fixed roxkyuubiforever moding in Easy Difficulty. Thanks roxkyuubiforever =)
(off: moved to pending beatmaps)
Edit 12 : Added GbL's chances at Easy Difficulty. Thanks... AGAIN... GbL .-.'
Edit 13 : Updated "Dragon Difficulty". Finally, blue = ='
Edit 14 : Added some news SBs and removed the video.
Edit 15 : We're back to the Easy difficulty with GbL chances.
Edit 16 : Fixed Malar Mod. Thanks, Malar =)
Edit 17 : Added:
* Hit Circle and Hit Circle Overlay
* Hit 300~, 100~, 50 and 0
* A new Background (I love it *-*)
Edit 18: Fixed Breeze's Mod at Easy. Thanks, Breeze =)
Edit 18.1: Fixed and GbL's Normal too.Thaks again, Breeze
Edit 19: Fixed Breeze's Mod at Easy. Thaks again, Breeze ^-^
Edit 19,1: Fixed and GbL's Normal too.Thaks again, Breeze :D
Edit 20: Added ventuz - Normal difficulty. Thank ventuz, I really like your diff. =)

Ok, there is. Waiting for more mods, rates, and other things that can help me to make this beatmap ranked ^^'
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (Cheedar) [GbL's Normal].osu
Both the difficulties are timed wrong, and the timing on each is different. Use this:
BPM: 137.667
Offset: 1,768

This map is nowhere near finished. The spacing is very messy (use Distance Snap, it will make your map look nicer), and there are a lot of problems with your breaks. The breaks are on top of notes, on top of other breaks, and sometimes there are two breaks in a row. I don't know how you did this, but it's not good.

[GbL's Normal]
This one isn't as bad, but the timing is still wrong.

Both difficulties are going to need a lot of work. Start with the correct timing, and re-map anything that needs it.

This map is not ready to be in Pending, so I'm sending it back to Help.
Thank you so much, CheeseWarlock. I fix BPM and offset now.

It's here, Cheedar:

Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (Cheedar) [GbL's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
Added Easy Diff and Fixed BPM/Offset. Thanks CheeseWarlock =D

Ficou bom. Só algumas correções:
00:26:283 (1): move 1/4 pra trás
00:27:155 (2): ^
00:28:027 (3): ^
00:28:898 (4): ^
00:29:770 (1): ^
00:36:634 (1,2,3): Junta mais, como é uma dificuldade fácil, os circles tem que estar perto.
00:41:428: circle 1
00:41:864: circle 2
00:42:191: circle 3
00:42:518: circle 4
00:43:608 (1,2,3,4): Coloca um slider no lugar deles.
00:46:985 (1,2,3,4,5): Slider no lugar dessa sequencia.
00:52:324: circle 3 here
00:55:811 (3,4,5): separa eles do 1 e 2, porque o ritmo diferencia.
00:59:298 (3,4,5): ^
01:07:796: Break time here. o.o
01:21:634 (1,2,3): Remove tudo
01:23:377 to 01:35:581: tudo fora do tempo, arruma isso aí, e afasta um pouco mais.

Fiz vista grossa pra outros erros, haha.
Aumenta um pouco Overall, tá lerdo demais.

Less sliders, please. :/

Nice SBs.
Topic Starter
Edit 3 : Added GbL's corrections and Some SBs. Thanks GbL =) ²
Muda o story board do Spin por favor @_@
Quando termina o spin do Normal ou sei lá, fica uma parte branca e nao dá pra ver nada @_@
Topic Starter
Edit 3.1 : Concerted the SB "spinner-osu". Why? Was too large and block the vision after the end of a spinner.
Very Legal D:
Really Cool map =D
Shintou Hiakusa
Great song.
The BPM on [GbL's Normal] is still wrong. And the notes are still all at the wrong times. Almost all of the notes should be on white or red ticks. And all the difficulties, especially Hard, really, REALLY need to use Distance Snap. Please.
I'm making a new diff for this map. Wait for me! :)

EDIT: Uploaded

Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (Cheedar) [Dragon Difficulty].osu
Topic Starter
Edit 4 : Added Dragon Difficulty. Thanks Blue Dragon =)

CheeseWarlock wrote:

The BPM on [GbL's Normal] is still wrong. And the notes are still all at the wrong times. Almost all of the notes should be on white or red ticks. And all the difficulties, especially Hard, really, REALLY need to use Distance Snap. Please.
Argh, ty again, Cheese. x.x
Cheedar, please, give kudos for CheeseWarlock. ;)

Now is good, i hope.

Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (Cheedar) [GbL's Normal].osu
My diff isn't finished, wait for me. D:

EDIT: YEAH, Finally!


Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (Cheedar) [Dragon Difficulty].osu
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Blue Dragon, sua diff tá boa, mas tem umas falhas. c_c
A começar pelo spin, tem que dar pelo menos 2000 de bonus, não pode ser inferior.
Outra é o espaço dos cirles, usa o distance snap. :~

Cheedar, baixa a minha atualização ali no outro post e upa, por favor. >.<'
Topic Starter

GbL wrote:

Blue Dragon, sua diff tá boa, mas tem umas falhas. c_c
A começar pelo spin, tem que dar pelo menos 2000 de bonus, não pode ser inferior.
Outra é o espaço dos cirles, usa o distance snap. :~

Cheedar, baixa a minha atualização ali no outro post e upa, por favor. >.<'
Ok, valeu ae gbl ;)

Edit 8 : Added "GbL's Normal" updated version. Thanks again GbL =D

GbL wrote:

Blue Dragon, sua diff tá boa, mas tem umas falhas. c_c
A começar pelo spin, tem que dar pelo menos 2000 de bonus, não pode ser inferior.
Outra é o espaço dos cirles, usa o distance snap. :~'

E eu usei./]

Sobre a sua, sincroniza aí as notas, é só o refrão que tá sincronizado =/
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
hahaha i love this chapter XD
well, let's mod it ^^

tão confuso, as notas estão tão próximas q não ta dando pra ver quando tem q clicar.
Você ta usando Distance Snap? .__.
Se n estiver, use XD
E se estiver usando, aperte ALT e mude a barra para 1,5x e reposicione tudim XD, ou deixe pelo menos sem Grid Snap.

00:28:789(3) - mova 1/8 para tras
00:33:420(2) - mova 1/8 para a frente
00:33:365(2) - mova 1/8 para a frente
00:35:654(7) - mova 2/8 para tras
00:36:089(1) - mova 1/8 para a frente
00:36:253( ) - um circulo aqui
00:48:838(2,3,4) - mova 1/8 para trás
01:21:634(2) - mova 1/8 para tras
01:34:600(spinner) - 1/8 para a frente
01:39:394 até 01:45:496 - não intendi o rítmo que você usou O.O, por favor, refazer essa parte =/

bem, depois de tanta coisa, eu tenho q falar bem né? XD
A skin ta muito maneira, e foi uma ótima escolha de música XD
obs.: to fazendo uma dificulty tbm ;D
me manda uma mensagem quando terminar de mudar essas coisas q ai eu faço o moding nas outras dificuldades ^^
Cheedar, eu arrumei o seu easy. Com o distance snap e menos beats. ... _.osu.html

Não quero créditos, o easy é seu. =)
Se for usar esse, quero kudos, HAHAHAH
Topic Starter
Edit 13 : Updated "Dragon Difficulty". Finally, blue = ='
Edit 14 : Added some news SBs and removed the video.
I found normal to be MUCH easier than easy. This is not because it's slower or less complicated, it's because the buttons in easy overlap so thickly that you cannot see anything. At the end of easy, the spinner is impossible to time. The notes after the spinner actually appear on the screen before the spinner does. Use some more spacing in this difficulty, and less overlapping.

Also: I love this song.
Hi ! ^^

00:27:100 (3) - this circle is too far, move it to this time 00:27:046
01:18:474 (1) - end this spinner on this time 01:25:012
01:25:938 (1) - star this spinner on this time 01:25:884, and end on this time 01:31:985
01:32:857 - fix break

xD i was waching this cartoon when i was a kid xd it was funny xd
Topic Starter

Malar wrote:

Hi ! ^^

00:27:100 (3) - this circle is too far, move it to this time 00:27:046 done
01:18:474 (1) - end this spinner on this time 01:25:012 done
01:25:938 (1) - star this spinner on this time 01:25:884, and end on this time 01:31:985 done
01:32:857 - fix break done

xD i was waching this cartoon when i was a kid xd it was funny xd hoho, me too >.<
Thanks ^.^'
hi Cheedar
oh, I'd love this animation~~XD
nice skin!

and come to see if I could find something helpful to you XP :

blue :arrow: it's just my personal opinion, fixed it or not both OK, it depends on you
red :arrow: it's strongly recommened that you fixed it


  1. BPM is totally wrong, CheeseWarlock has gived you the right BPM, why not fixed it? after changed BPM and OFFSET, resnap all the notes, how to? click on "Timing" in the toolbar and choose " Resnap All Notes "

  1. Slider tick rate : 1
[GbL's Normal]

  1. spacing is too small, 1.0x or more is OK
After you fixed BPM, repost or PM me, I'd like to mod it again
and a star for you, cheer you up
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
oh well, timing is confirmed
now mod start!

as before :
blue :arrow: it's just my personal opinion, fixed it or not both OK, it depends on you
red :arrow: it's strongly recommened that you fixed it


  1. hitsound sounds a little loud, low it a bit
  2. 00:22:688 (1) - end at 00:25:085
  3. 00:27:918 (1) - wrong spacing
  4. 00:35:327 (4) - ^, as for a Easy diff. spacing should be the same, or it confused rookie
  5. 00:48:402 spinner - end at 00:49:491 with a normal finish
  6. 00:52:760 (4) - spacing...
  7. 00:56:247 (4) - ^
  8. 00:57:554 (1) - end at 01:00:387 and move it a little up, Offscreen notes are bad
  9. 01:02:784 (4,5) - 1/2 backward
  10. 01:25:884 spinner - start at 01:25:448
  11. 01:51:162 (1) - end at 01:52:251
  12. 01:58:135 spinner - end at 01:59:225
[GbL's Normal]

  1. this diff. didn't chang the BPM, it's wrong...please fix it orz
[Dragon's diffculty]

  1. still, hitsound loud
  2. the sequential notes are for a hard diff. anyway, it's OK, but what impotant is : they match nothing
I'm excepting it RANK
come on, just do it
good job for now!
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

oh well, timing is confirmed
now mod start!

as before :
blue :arrow: it's just my personal opinion, fixed it or not both OK, it depends on you
red :arrow: it's strongly recommened that you fixed it


  1. hitsound sounds a little loud, low it a bit ok, from the 11th point for 7th! >_<
  2. 00:22:688 (1) - end at 00:25:085done
  3. 00:27:918 (1) - wrong spacing deleted
  4. 00:35:327 (4) - ^, as for a Easy diff. spacing should be the same, or it confused rookie deleted
  5. 00:48:402 spinner - end at 00:49:491 with a normal finish done
  6. 00:52:760 (4) - spacing... deleted
  7. 00:56:247 (4) - ^ deleted
  8. 00:57:554 (1) - end at 01:00:387 and move it a little up, Offscreen notes are baddone
  9. 01:02:784 (4,5) - 1/2 backward done, and made a straight sequence with these hitcircles the game to make it easier
  10. 01:25:884 spinner - start at 01:25:448 done
  11. 01:51:162 (1) - end at 01:52:251 done
  12. 01:58:135 spinner - end at 01:59:225
Thanks for mod it! ^-^
I'm waiting Blue Dragon's and GbL's reply to adjust the difficulties
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes the World Go Round (Cheedar) [ventuz - Normal].osu
Cute beatmaps deserve stars. ^^ hahahahah

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Deleted GbL's and Blue Dragon's diff.
Cade os hards desse mapa cheedar? D:
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