
Jun - Silver Dream

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Wizard Of Orz
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, July 31, 2009 at 7:04:28 PM

Artist: Jun
Title: Silver Dream
Tags: DDR Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party Wii Music Orz
BPM: 192
Filesize: 2785kb
Play Time: 01:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Basic (4.85 stars, 211 notes)
  2. Beginner (3.95 stars, 149 notes)
  3. DaRRi Difficult (4.9 stars, 312 notes)
  4. Expert (4.9 stars, 343 notes)
Download: Jun - Silver Dream
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
sousei is bad person
one of my favourite song in DDR!
so i quickly mapped one Difficult difficulty :O

Download: Jun - Silver Dream (supergarlic) [DaRRi Difficult].osu
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
added it but why did you make a new acc ?_?
spinner AUTO 2000+ now
also changed the sequence of combo color (blue silver blue silver)

Download: Jun - Silver Dream (supergarlic) [DaRRi Difficult].osu
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz

no mistakes.

00:31:68 (1,2,3,4) - make a parallelogram

00:14:96 (8) - make parallel to 6?
00:46:52 (9) - relalign with the ends of 7 and 8
01:22:30 (2) - change the placement of 2 so the start is centered between the starts of 1 and 3

00:12:93 (1) - make a 90 degrees counterclockwise turn of 3
00:15:11 (13) - make a vertical reflection of next combo's 3, or make this a line with 11 and 12
00:17:14 (6,7,8,9) - very hard to read
00:18:08 (1,2) - reposition both of these so they end on the exact same location
00:23:86 (5) - y does this start at a different location than 10
00:35:43 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 2
00:48:39 (7) - make a horizontal reflection of 5
00:49:18 (1) - nazi post: center this slider on the y-axis
00:53:55 (8) - not the same distance from 5 as 6 is (few pixels off)

I would advise you turn down the drain 1 or 2 notches because the parts without notes or slow sliders really drain your guage.

Great beatmap. Star.
:) COOL!
I like it
expert:1:04:336~1:05:586 add a slider? :P Because in I play behind cannot catch the rhythm

Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
fixed some things
it's not supposed to be a parallelogram

here's some fix

Download: Jun - Silver Dream (supergarlic) [DaRRi Difficult].osu
very good!
  ε ⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ
 (   (  ・ω・) ~☆
  しー し─J
awesome map :)
More like "Hard" for most map sets. Make an easier one. (This is good though; keep it.)

DaRRi Difficult
Not a DaRRi Mix D=

Looks great though.

00:22:46 (2) - New combo and maybe unstack.
00:39:18 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Ugly stacking. Decrease Stack Leniency one tick.
00:50:58 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Unreadable because of (5), thus requires memorization. I dunno if you need to do something about this though.
00:54:18 (1) - Put timing section before the note.
01:04:18 (1) - Same here.
01:06:68 (1) - Same here.

00:34:80 (2,3) - H-flip.
00:59:18 (1,3,4,5,6,7,1,3,1,3,4,6,7) - Clap?

I didn't get too far into this map because it's too fast for my wings. xD Was tons of fun while it lasted though.
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Just suggestions.

01:04:18 (1) - hitfinish

01:04:18 (1) - hitfinish
01:05:58 (2,3,4) - hitnormal or hitfinish
Try use custom hitsounds to silence some unused sounds.

~DaRRi Difficult~
00:44:18 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - omg O_O
01:14:18 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
Whatever... all fine.

01:04:18 (1) - hitfinish
01:05:58 (2,3,4) - hitnormal or hitfinish
Try use custom hitsounds to silence some unused sounds.

01:04:18 (1) - hitfinish
01:05:58 (2,3,4) - hitnormal or hitfinish
Try use custom hitsounds to silence some unused sounds.

Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
i like my little slient sections :(
HPDrain a bit too high for ME :(
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
expert and difficult were at 7. its not that high :<
Dropping by to say I love this map/song. Sorry this is late. >:
I'm not going to mod this just yet, but oh my god the star ratings are all so high.
I don't feel like modding this right now but you get a star.
this is a bit difficult for a lowest diff
00:29:33 (4) - kill whistle plz
00:54:18 (1) - bpm changes in lowest diff???
00:59:80 (2,4) - remove claps
01:04:18 (1) - insert break
im going to go ahead and say this is too hard for a lowest difficulty to be rankable

00:21:68 (1) - unintuitive bpm change
theres a lot of unnecessary whistles but other than that pretty nice

00:22:61 (1) - overusing hitsounds
01:33:86 (1) - kill the whistle

00:11:83 (6,7,8,9,1,2,4,6) - clusterfucky
00:18:08 (1,2,3,4) - stack the endpoints
00:51:68 (1,2,3,4) - ^

00:21:68 (1) - unintuitive
w/e zzzz

not exactly stellar but have a star anyways *sleep*
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

this is a bit difficult for a lowest diff
00:29:33 (4) - kill whistle plz done
00:54:18 (1) - bpm changes in lowest diff??? killed
00:59:80 (2,4) - remove claps done
01:04:18 (1) - insert break no
im going to go ahead and say this is too hard for a lowest difficulty to be rankable
made drain lower by 2

00:21:68 (1) - unintuitive bpm change its fine
theres a lot of unnecessary whistles but other than that pretty nice

00:22:61 (1) - overusing hitsounds
01:33:86 (1) - kill the whistle
these are fine imo >.>

00:11:83 (6,7,8,9,1,2,4,6) - clusterfucky readable imo
00:18:08 (1,2,3,4) - stack the endpoints its fine >.>
00:51:68 (1,2,3,4) - ^ same

00:21:68 (1) - unintuitive its fine
w/e zzzz

not exactly stellar but have a star anyways *sleep*

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

this is a bit difficult for a lowest diff
00:29:33 (4) - kill whistle plz
00:54:18 (1) - bpm changes in lowest diff???
00:59:80 (2,4) - remove claps
01:04:18 (1) - insert break
im going to go ahead and say this is too hard for a lowest difficulty to be rankable

00:21:68 (1) - unintuitive bpm change
theres a lot of unnecessary whistles but other than that pretty nice

00:22:61 (1) - overusing hitsounds no it's not
01:33:86 (1) - kill the whistle it's fine

00:11:83 (6,7,8,9,1,2,4,6) - clusterfucky
00:18:08 (1,2,3,4) - stack the endpoints
00:51:68 (1,2,3,4) - ^

00:21:68 (1) - unintuitive
w/e zzzz

not exactly stellar but have a star anyways *sleep*
okay very good star :3
The difficulty settings are fine but the layout is far too heavy for a "beginner" map.

00:36:68 (1) - Maybe separate the endpoints on these sliders. When playing, I thought the timing on these would be closer together like on the three sliders a bit before it.

Feels more like a "hard" than a "normal", which is what I'm assuming "basic" to mean. Not as big an issue as with beginner, though.

The difficulty names are kind of bad. Are they lifted from another game or something? I'd recommend sticking with traditional easy/normal/hard/insane.

Griping about difficulty names aside, this is a nice mapset. It definitely deserves a star! :)
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
the names are from ddr hence the tag says ddr
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
cmon i need a bat beginner has no 1/2 note now >.>
nothing you wont refuse to change

as above


00:11:83 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - cluttered

wow o.O awesomeness!!!!
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
ok sfg i fixed the expert cluster >.>
I wanna let you know how much I really love you~ darri makes the map <3

Hesitant to bubble because of the way the difficulty are set up. I see no reason why Difficulty should be the last difficulty, and why DaRRi isn't the hardest. >> Just see if you can do anything about that, or try explaining to be. I dunno, I'm just confused right now.
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
i dont know how to move it up and down >.>
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
screw it ill just delete difficult. ill just post it here for memoriesssss

Download: Jun - Silver Dream (supergarlic) [Difficult].osu
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
ok uploaded your new version darri. i dont know what you changed though >_>. probably some hitsound stuffies.

and did you think i was going to delete your dif? because i would never do that <_<
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
im sorry but i wont add it in ><.

1)there arent any sounds at all (i dont if the hisounds are super good. i just want some)
2)its just a bunch of noted in a vertical or horizontal stream :<
3)there a few illegal things
4)whats up with those random 3/4 length sliders?

you should try mapping a map by yourself first before you make difficulties. There arent really major faults so try making your own map first.

sorry ><
00:20:74 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing?
00:44:80 (3) - Nazi. Up a bit.
00:59:18 (1,2) - Spacing.

All cool.

[DaRRi Difficult]
01:01:68 (1) - Clap?

It's rock.
00:59:02 (3,1) - Spacing?

Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz

tieff wrote:

00:20:74 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing? whats wrong with it?
00:44:80 (3) - Nazi. Up a bit. its fine D:
00:59:18 (1,2) - Spacing. i didnt see any problems with this but i changed some stuff around because the 1,2,3,4,1 being unsymmetric pissed me off
All cool.

[DaRRi Difficult]
01:01:68 (1) - Clap? ill leave this to darri~
It's rock.
00:59:02 (3,1) - Spacing? well the music got a bit faster so the spacing got a bit wider

Star! ty
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
you smell
no you girl!
that's not a clap haha~
So I can bubble this?
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
loooove yooouuuu

01:06:68 (1) - The beginning of the slider is silent. Is this intended? If not, please fix it.
Topic Starter
Wizard Of Orz
its not silent i even clicked it earlier than the hitcircle lining up with the approach circle and it still make a hitnormal.

so its fine
That's odd - it was for me before. Then again I did have some problems with my own map.. ah, well. Ranked (only because of darri)!
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