
[invalid] Combo Fire each 500 combos.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +6
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I'd thought about this 6 months ago but I hope this will be a good idea.
Everyone that has a Combo Fire enabled and passed the '499' Combo number they've noticed it turned into Blue.
I'd thought of each 500 combo it'll change color.
For example: 1000 - Green Fire Combo, 1500 - White Fire Combo, 2000 - Purple Fire Combo and so on..
Please consider this feature to improve the gameplay while getting to the 'higher' combos.
The hottest flame is a blue flame. That's why it changes. Changing it in these colours sounds silly.
Topic Starter

Remco32 wrote:

The hottest flame is a blue flame. That's why it changes. Changing it in these colours sounds silly.
Well I didn't mean these specific colors. But adding each 500 combo a new color to the Combo Fire sounds cool for me.
Please keep in mind how a flame changes color in the real world. The only way a flame could ever burn those colors are with elements burning in it. A good idea would be having the flame gradually change into a blue flame as the combo increases above 500 or so. Or just something like this:
30 - Red flame
<500 - Red flame increases in height
>=500 - Red flame completely engulfs the screen/Begin changing into blue flame
2000 - Completely blue flame

Also, Science Rules!
Topic Starter

soradg123 wrote:

Please keep in mind how a flame changes color in the real world. The only way a flame could ever burn those colors are with elements burning in it. A good idea would be having the flame gradually change into a blue flame as the combo increases above 500 or so. Or just something like this:
30 - Red Flame
<500 - Red Flame increases in height
>=500 - Begin changing into blue flame
2000 - Completely blue flame

Also, Science Rules!
That is true. But if you think of it Flames can be in green too.

soradg123 wrote:

Please keep in mind how a flame changes color in the real world. The only way a flame could ever burn those colors are with elements burning in it. A good idea would be having the flame gradually change into a blue flame as the combo increases above 500 or so. Or just something like this:
30 - Red flame
<500 - Red flame increases in height
>=500 - Red flame completely engulfs the screen/Begin changing into blue flame
2000 - Completely blue flame

Also, Science Rules!
How often do you get a 2000 combo?
Doesn't the flame stop growing at 300 combo or so? What about letting it begin changing in a blue flame from that point, ending at 500 combo?

Remco32 wrote:

How often do you get a 2000 combo?
Doesn't the flame stop growing at 300 combo or so? What about letting it begin changing in a blue flame from that point, ending at 500 combo?
It was simply a concept. I would, of course, prefer Ouendan's behavior over everything.

soradg123 wrote:

I would, of course, prefer Ouendan's behavior over everything.
The whole screen covered? That would be... crazy. @_@
I agree the fire colour changes too... sudden (makes me feel nervous sometimes). A gradual effect would be nice.
Topic Starter
I love that it turns blue at 500, and makes sense, but to counter everything the hottest flame is white. Even then, why does it matter what color it turns? It's not real life. Male cheerleaders saving the world through their dancing skills doesn't happen, and it's all in fun.

I'm all for the idea. Combo Fire is a great indicator of my progress since I rarely find time to check out the counter at the bottom. Preferably a gradual change would be best on the eyes as soradg pointed out.
I see no reason for it to change after 500 since combos usually don't go higher than like... 600/700 (unless it's a marathon map). A gradual change to blue might be okay, but I really don't have much of an opinion since I don't play with fire on. :X

LordMoonstone wrote:

the hottest flame is white
It goes to white then blue. Just look at the stars.
I like the suggestion in the OP except maybe green. Green I think would be distracting.
Well, I think I'll not support this, but i think Just change the Flame color a little by little, when 400 combo, it changes color a little by little as combo increase, why I suggest this?

when i got to 500 combo, it turns to blue suddenly, and that makes me shock, And the combo ended up in 501, I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!!
Awesome idea SecksyJennie. :D You got my support.
Topic Starter

LordMoonstone wrote:

I love that it turns blue at 500, and makes sense, but to counter everything the hottest flame is white. Even then, why does it matter what color it turns? It's not real life. Male cheerleaders saving the world through their dancing skills doesn't happen, and it's all in fun.

I'm all for the idea. Combo Fire is a great indicator of my progress since I rarely find time to check out the counter at the bottom. Preferably a gradual change would be best on the eyes as soradg pointed out.

Aoitenshi wrote:

Well, I think I'll not support this, but i think Just change the Flame color a little by little, when 400 combo, it changes color a little by little as combo increase, why I suggest this?

when i got to 500 combo, it turns to blue suddenly, and that makes me shock, And the combo ended up in 501, I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!!
It used to happen to me but you get used to it..

ShaggoN wrote:

Awesome idea SecksyJennie. :D You got my support.
Thanks<3 I hope it'll happen. ^-^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

peppy wrote:

The current fire is horrible, after all.
It is? I quite like it. As for drawing flames, I'm terrible at that. But a slower transition to blue rather than a snap to blue would be nice. As for other colors, I sort of support this idea.
Topic Starter

peppy wrote:

I want to change combo fire to a sprite based animation before any other changes. Until someone helps me draw some awesome fire nothing will happen. The current fire is horrible, after all.
Okay the current fire is horrible, that's part true, I still like it but I'm bored of it.
and I respect your decision ;]
i like the idea, the first time i got a 500X combo i got surprised and lost my combo so i think is a good idea that gradually the yellow color turns to blue. is nice, but when i saw that in the achivements there are a 750X 1000X and 2000X i thought in each achievement the colour will change. when i reached 750X, i got dissapointed because i was wondering if the flame will turn in other color and about fire colours in real life? if your are a fireworks maker you probably know this if you add copper to a flame this turn in a green color and i know there are other quimics that if you add to a fire this turn in other color like red, blue, orange, purple etc etc like in fireworks

so this is an awesome idea, and Peppy actual fire is fine for me i think if you use a "likely real fire" this might need a powerfull graphics card and i have a really bad one... i like osu because is ligth game that don't need too much ram or cpu it need a bit powerfull graphics but i like my configuration and overall, i like that fire because it makes me feel that my soul burns XD

hope my english isn't too bad XD i'm still learning and if i wrote something bad hope you forgive me
Holy necropost batman.
It is a good idea though, and I'm still sort of interested to see this implemented.
Red at 1,000? :D
I wouldn't mind such a change. Although combo fire is kind of distracting as it is.
Tanomoshii Nekojou

Torran wrote:

Please keep in mind how a flame changes color in the real world. The only way a flame could ever burn those colors are with elements burning in it. A good idea would be having the flame gradually change into a blue flame as the combo increases above 500 or so. Or just something like this:
30 - Red flame
<500 - Red flame increases in height
>=500 - Red flame completely engulfs the screen/Begin changing into blue flame
2000 - Completely blue flame

Also, Science Rules!
Ahmmm... I rather suggest this:

Flame color will change every time peppy pops.*
Flame colors will be based SCIENTIFICALLY. Colors will change from the weakest color of flame to the strongest one....

*Well, I forgot my Chemistry class days.... so I forgot how many colors a flame can be... So Its not be good if every 30s 50s 100s and so on the flame will change colour...
red flame<orange flame<yellow flame<green flame<blue flame
dunno where purple goes~
More distractions so you can fail when you have an even higher combo, that's what I call this request.

70% of everyone who can reach 2000 combo doesn't even play with combo fire on anyway.
but it's not just about people who reach 2000 combos, right? And it would be fulfilling for some players like me to reach the highest combo color. lol I actually got so happy after reaching my first blue fire in osu!standard mode :">

peppy wrote:

I want to change combo fire to a sprite based animation before any other changes. Until someone helps me draw some awesome fire nothing will happen. The current fire is horrible, after all.
oh. I'm gonna try making some awesome fire for ya. ^_^
soo.... it should be white, right? and osu! will recolor it during gameplay :)
no serious player plays with combo fire turned on, really...
peppy look, I found a gimp script for animated fire! :">
oh btw, this animation has 20 frames and plays at 40 milliseconds per frame.

here's a small recolored rainbow version :">>>
The only reason I don't use combo fire is that it doesn't look very nice, especially how it's slanted. If it looked more like that or used some nice sprites, I'd use it.

Also the abrupt cutoff halfway up the screen where flames just disappear. Keep the same cap on how far they go up but don't have an invisible line past which it stops being drawn.

Zarerion wrote:

no serious player plays with combo fire turned on, really...
And this feature request isn't for those people. It's for people who use the fire or would use the fire if it were changed.

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

hey, it's been 2 months. guess it's time to revive this.

it would be nice to add the recolors to the current shader fire first ^_^
Dont even mess with the fire. Fire doesnt matter.

//I dont even use it.
Awesome, rainbow-colored fire.
Let's go on a space trip.
the fire easily tells me that my combo broke. When I enjoy the music too much, I don't even hear my combo break sound.

Edit: Also, sprite-based fire makes it skinnable. <3

Zarerion wrote:

no serious player plays with combo fire turned on, really...
Which is less than 10% of the community... :P

Anyway, nice find JeMhUnTeR
This would definitely be better than the current \o/

Stuff about the colors of fire
Fire will burn different colors depending on the chemical reaction of the material burning. If you are just burning wood, the color is probably due to the heat of the fire. Relatively cool fires burn red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet as the fire gets hotter. The reason we usually don't see the last three hottest colors is because they are not as easily seen by our eyes. As a result, they often appear white.

red = 30
orange = 100
yellow = 250
green = 500
blue = 1000
indigo = 1500
violet = 2000
white = 2500...? :> awesome white fire

JeMhUnTeR wrote:


white = 2500...? :> awesome white fire
Hell yeah! 8-)
I don't play with the Combo Fire turned on but here's an idea I got while reading through this thread.

In my opinion it'd be cool if the combo fire would adapt the max combo of a map.
So if the map has a max combo of 500, the Flame will be fully blue if you reach the 500 combo.
In this example the flame would be tinted +1% blue every 5 combo points (500 / 100 = 5)
100 Combo = 20% Blue | 250 Combo = 50% Blue, and so on...
The height of the flame could also be adapted in that way.

Well that's just an idea.
All objects with a temperature above absolute zero radiate energy by emitting photons.
Most things emit photons you can't see: turn out the lights, you can't see them, because the photons being emitted are invisible to you.
As you increase the temperature, some of the highest energy photons will be emitted in the lowest-energy part of the spectrum you can see, which is the red and orange light.
Low temperature flames and a low-temperature metal element of your stove look like that.

Increase the temperature more, it emits more photons in the yellow-green region, the colour grows more yellow.
Increase temperature more, photons will be emitted about equally in all parts of the visible spectrum, so all colours of light are produced, and the light appears white.
White-hot is hotter than red-hot.

Increase temperature more, now very few released photons have so little energy that they are low-energy red, most are high-energy green, blue, violet, and even UV -- higher-energy than you can see.
That object will appear bright blue: blue-hot is hotter than white hot.

You see this progression with stars, and the colour of a star gives you an approximation of its surface temperature: red stars are <3500K, orange yellow white stars are progressively hotter, blue-white and then blue stars are around 8000K or more.

In theory, you can keep going.
Make the object so hot that none of the emitted photons is in the visible range, they start in the UV and go up from there.
The emitted light would be entirely invisible, or at best a pale violet.
In practice, that's not something you could ever actually do, because you'd need a temperature of like 50000K or more.

An oxy-acetylene torch will get you around 3800K, a plasma torch around 12000K.
Those flames are blue, and a plasma torch is about as hot as you're going to get outside a supernova.

Note that this all assumes that the colour is only due to the temperature you generate.
You can change the colour of a flame by throwing different chemicals into it, and the different elements will emit characteristic colours due to the energy levels of electrons in the ions, not the temperature.
You can make a low temperature blue flame by adding copper chloride, for example.

According to this, colors should be: red-orange, yellow-green, white, blue.

So the combo should change like this (maybe):
0-499     -> red-orange
500-999 -> yellow-green
1000-1999 -> white
>2000 -> blue
well whatever. i don't really care about how colors are arranged anymore. (especially when it involves chem >.<) just let peppy decide.
They are actually fine for now. What's the problem.

peppy wrote:

I want to change combo fire to a sprite based animation before any other changes. Until someone helps me draw some awesome fire nothing will happen. The current fire is horrible, after all.

just waiting for this part :)-

DragonXRG wrote:

peppy wrote:

I want to change combo fire to a sprite based animation before any other changes. Until someone helps me draw some awesome fire nothing will happen. The current fire is horrible, after all.

just waiting for this part :)-

Just curious, how is the fire "drawn" in osu anyway? Scripts eg wimamp visualisation, or animated pics/movies eg osu story board?

EDIT: Have we considered other type of animation eg aurora?
Shade effects. which looks horrible.

making combo fire sprite based allows us to modify how the combo fire looks. You could make your own animation once this gets implemented, and if it is skinnable.

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

Shade effects. which looks horrible.

making combo fire sprite based allows us to modify how the combo fire looks. You could make your own animation once this gets implemented, and if it is skinnable.
inb4 skinning a strobing smiley face that progressively gets happier
The hottest star is blue.. so..:)
i support the idea but..... idk if people even enable combo flre these days. although i think that i don agree with the color
i think these colors are better dont you think?
its just a suggestion
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