
Official Development Changelog

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(+) osz2 integration: storyboard elements are loaded correctly.
(*) Code tidy-up.

unproductive day
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(+) Delete support for osz2 files (single file/full set).
(+) Added osz2 support for multiple audio files in a single container.
(+) Backgorund images loaded from osz2 containers to song select.
(*) osz2 sprite loading optimisations.
(*) Combined beatmap sprite cache with per-beatmap skin cache.
(*) Fixed crashes on deleting last beatmap in song select.
(*) Web: Optimisation to some forum maintenance queries.
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peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed loading of background images from storyboard (song select) in some rarer cases.
Oh jeez, I have the feeling those rare cases are my maps from earlier, when I used an .osb to add video and background at once since i was too stupid to realize I didn't need an .osb.

Good times.
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Won't help for .osb, just .osu
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(!) I made progress.
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(+) Completion of ffmpeg integration.
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(+) ffmpeg seeking, pts sync etc.
(*) 'z' key in editor jumps to first hit object.

test build coming very soon :)

peppy wrote:

(+) Completion of ffmpeg integration.
Is this going to elimintate the requirement to have ffdshow or another suitable codec installed?

peppy wrote:

test build coming very soon :)
Yay! xD It's been a while since the last build...
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james039 wrote:

Is this going to elimintate the requirement to have ffdshow or another suitable codec installed?
Yes, and more.
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(+) Distance spacing is stored per-beatmap.
(+) ffmpeg dts sync (for some weird encodes).
(+) Seamless support for conversion from osz2 to folder structure (for editor).
(*) Fixed many osz2-related bugs.
(*) Memory overflow fixes.
(*) Fixed video offset problems.
(*) Fixed some crashes on exiting osu!.
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(+) Incoming private messages open in new tabs by default.
(*) Fixed BSS submission.
(*) Fixed unnecessary file enumeration.
(*) Bancho announcements contain osu! chat friendly links.
(*) Improved seeking on some videos, fixed flv1 rendering where duration is invalid.
(*) Fixed buffering of videos where frame delays are grossly incorrect.
(*) In-game notifications are widescreen.
(*) Fixed slider bars misbehaving in widescreen resolutions.
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Echo wrote:

peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed unnecessary file enumeration.
No, unnecessary files as in the prompt you get when submitting a map :P.
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That it is. There were a few things i wanted to change before the final release.
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(*) Removed case sensitivity from osz2 containers.
(*) Increase level cap to 110.
(*) Some osz2 fixes (updating difficulties especially).
(*) Greatly reduced memory requirements of large storyboards by unloading textures after all references are lost.
(*) Fixed editor timeline zoom being reset on changing modes.
(!) Temporarily disabled osz2 conversion.
I like this

(*) Increase level cap to 110. ^^

Thanks man!
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(*) Fixed beatmap backgrounds not displaying on song select.
(*) Fixed ranking stars overlapping achievement graphics.
(+) Web: Added display of which maps from each beatmap pack are passed.
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(*) Fixed some issues with replay animation timing.
(*) Fixed spinners disappearing during replay playback.
(*) Fixed pasing/failing layers not updating when only sliders are present.
(*) Fixed timeline not resizing correctly.
(*) Web: Google custom search now feels more like you are still in the osu! website.

peppy wrote:

(*) Web: Google custom search now feels more like you are still in the osu! website.
I knew something looked different :D
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(+) Music control on main menu now has a toggle for permanent display of song info.
(*) Fixed some music stream issues (looping, not playing etc.)
(*) osz2 conversion stores the files to correct folder.
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(*) Changed behaviour of hover selection to include the "snapping to current" behaviour.
(*) Changed skinning engine's handling of animations to give correct priority to beatmaps over skins.
(+) Web: Country flag in profiles is clickable.
(*) Web: Kudosu changes (see news post).
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(*) Fixed possible socket-related crash on closing connections.
(*) Fixed spinner-clear not appearing correctly.
(*) Fixed audio playing at slower speed when exiting play mode during fail sound.
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(*) Fixed audio not loading for the current song when importing a new file.
(*) Fixed distance spacing not saving to .osu files correctly in all cases.
(*) Fixed importing of new songs causing a full reprocess of the Songs folder.
(*) Fixed key binding behaviour on pause menu.
(*) Fixed keyboard navigation at song select.
(*) Optimisation of accuracy calcuation.
(+) Web: Added support for gifting subscriptions to other users.
(*) Web: Automatic subscription expiry with email notice.
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(+) Added support in editor for advanced rotation of objects by arbritrary angle (thanks to strager for math help).
(*) Web: Database optimisations.

nice to post in this topic again.

peppy wrote:

(+) Added support in editor for advanced rotation of objects by arbritrary angle (thanks to strager for math help).
Finally :D
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peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed animation problems when osu! has been running for over ~150 hours.
Who discovered this?

JarJarJacob wrote:

peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed animation problems when osu! has been running for over ~150 hours.
Who discovered this?
I think it was strager, though I also experienced it but didn't think of it as a bug.

JarJarJacob wrote:

peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed animation problems when osu! has been running for over ~150 hours.
Who discovered this?
Indeed, I did.
Why you guys keep osu running so long, I don't know. >>;


Derekku Chan wrote:

Why you guys keep osu running so long, I don't know. >>;

So I don't have to close it, of course, and reopen it.
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(+) Added custom touchscreen support.
(*) Improved handling of song select when using an absolute pointing device.
(*) Handle file write errors without hard-crashing osu!.
(*) Fixed sort by date (won't work at first unless you delete your osu!.db).
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(*) Improved Bancho stability (still not perfect).
(*) Further database optimisations.
(*) Fixed one crash problem with video playback.
(*) Fixed song selection categories not being selectable.
(*) Force reprocessing of song headers to retrieve missing dates.
(*) Fixed last-played date updating on watching a replay.

peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed one crash problem with video playback.
Hopefully there are other fixable problems, since I still get crashes with b682.
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(+) Added arcade-specific options tab.
(*) Fixed "Start Chat" button adding underscores to player name in tab.
(*) Fixed 3/4 timing not being recognised correctly for main menu flash effects.
(*) Fixed selection not remaining after returning from gameplay to song select (in any mode but Show All).
(*) Huge database optimisations. Server lived through peak hours without any load issues :).
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(+) Added bancho command for checking for multi-accounters.
(*) Fixed spectator causing crash.
(*) BSS submission pops any bubbles.
(*) Fixed !where not showing city even when user allows it.
(*) Fixed !where having no output when the user cannot be located.
(*) Bancho thread deadlock fixes (should be 100% stable now).
(*) Fixed certain position in screen causing seek during gameplay.
(*) Fixed notifications fading too slowly.
(*) Fixed mouse clicking outside of masked spritemanagers.
(*) Fixed taiko rankings not being displayed on song select.
(*) More database optimisations.
(*) Increased hits required for taiko spinners slightly (~15%).

peppy wrote:

(*) Fixed !where not showing city even when user allows it.
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(+) Added a shockwave showing where cursor is clicked when touchscreen is enabled.
(*) Fix for sliders playing at the wrong speed (0.5x or 2x) unexpectedly.
(*) Fixed File > Open in editor not updating control points (timing sections).
(*) Fix for ghost quits from IRC clients.
(*) Fixed codecs error appearing when video file does not exist.
(*) Fixed holding down mouse while hovering hoverable objects causing weird animation bug.
(*) Fixed replay/spectating not playing back at full speed.
(*) Fixed autoplay/autopilot not playing sliders/spinners at full speed.
(*) Fixed tablet support (restored to previously working state).
(*) Fixed options text appearing in wrong tab.
(*) Added error handling to video decoding process. video-debug.txt is created when an error occurs, but osu! will not crash (hi strager).
What will be the next big project you will be working on? (crosses fingers hoping it is almost - full internationalisation)

Olinad wrote:

What will be the next big project you will be working on? (crosses fingers hoping it is almost - full internationalisation)
Bug-fixing? =]
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peppy wrote:

(*) Fix for sliders playing at the wrong speed (0.5x or 2x) unexpectedly.
Oh, so this is while editing? Can't wait for next release, this bug doesn't let me map correctly :(

Gens wrote:

peppy wrote:

(*) Fix for sliders playing at the wrong speed (0.5x or 2x) unexpectedly.
Oh, so this is while editing? Can't wait for next release, this bug doesn't let me map correctly :(
No, this was only in the test build IIRC.
Here's the bug thread if you didn't know about it.
But... I guess this is the bug. And I guess it's fixed now.

Gens wrote:

Here's the bug thread if you didn't know about it.
But... I guess this is the bug. And I guess it's fixed now.
This one, actually.

/me checks if bug mentioned by Gens has been fixed.
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(*) Fixed incorrect ranking (rating) text display for own maps.
(*) Split 'Hover Select' into two options (added Hover Return).
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(*) Fixed mods on /np showing incorrectly when spectating.
(*) Fixed Autopilot not appearing on /np output.
(*) Fixed Song Setup dialog changes not triggering a save prompt on testing.
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(*) Bancho fixes (stable for >1day and counting).
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(*) Taiko drumrolls must be hit in time with the BPM (1/4-1/16 depending on bpm).
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(+) Added Song Selection translations for German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Italian.
(+) Added support for downloading translations from options menu. Automatic updates via osume.
(+) Added pippi-don sprites to library.
(+) Added kiai alert to editor.
(+) Taiko beats animate after 50 combo.
(*) Improved taiko drumroll limiting algorithm.
(*) Taiko sliders don't create flying notes when not in time with bpm.
(*) Fixed click priority on song select.
(*) Removed face from taiko hit area.
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(*) Fixed bug where clicking in certain area of timeline causes jump to start of song.
(*) Fixed hover return option not being saved correctly.
(*) Fixed selection bug in timeline when widescreen is in use.
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(*) Fixed some objects being incorrectly disposed (design mode).
(*) Fixed binding list activating when in the wrong options tab.
(*) Fixed user panel not responding to clicks outside the main menu.
(*) Fixed editor not prompting for save after changing sound additions.
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(+) Added count of spectators to spectator list.
(+) Added storyboard shortcut notation for repeated arguments (M,0,,320,240 <- you can leave the second time and second vector out because it is repeated. Note that you need an empty comma section for the time).
(*) Removed score bonus for hitting taiko drumrolls in double time.
(*) Fixed kiai time pulsating rate when in double/half time.
(*) Fixed non-disposed sprites in editor (causing clicking places to result in skipping around the song).
(*) Added minimum size limit of 1024bytes for hitsamples. Any lower will be treated as empty (silence).
(*) More sprite drawing fixes.
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(+) Added 'additive colour' parameter to storyboard parameter transformations (A).
(+) If parameter transformations have startTime == endTime, they are automatically applied for the life of that event, rather than being a time-based transformation.
(*) Fixed editor test keys not working when paused.
(*) Fixed editor test mode going crazy at end of autoplay.
(*) Fixed formatting of editor time links when no notes are selected.
(*) Sprite loading/unloading changes (to allow true dual-monitor support in d3d).

see the storyboarding by scripting thread for all new SB features.
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(*) Fixed avatars not loading after initial download.
(*) Fixed cursor skinning intermittantly displaying incorrect sprite.
(*) Fixed arrows on pause menu not animating correctly (with hopefully no side-effects).
(*) Fixed beatmap import problems (where the full database is reprocessed when not actually necessary).
(*) Fixed dynamic sprites causing a crash on monitor swap (osu!direct, achievements). For now they are just disposed (as they would have to be dynamically generated again).
(*) Fixed "perfect" graphic not always dispalying.
(*) Fixed unpause cursor appearing in unclickable places on the screen.
(*) Fixed taiko autoplay not hitting drumrolls correctly.
(*) Fixed large taiko notes not getting a face when flying.
(*) Large taiko circles default to the second frame of animation (open-mouthed).
(*) Improved avatar loading/unloading algorithm. They are now unloaded from graphic memory when possible (up to ~10mb saving).
(*) Performance improvements on some game screens.
(*) Fixed song select background not updating after roulette/random selection.
(*) Removed transitions on beatmap loading screen.
(!) Happy birthday to me.
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Test build only, sorry.
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(+) Added new separate option for softening filter (so other shader effects can be enabled separately).
(*) Slight direct3d performance improvements.
(*) Fixed text not clickable after a monitor change.
(*) Database optimisations. Things are running amazingly smoooooooothly!
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(+) Added volume attribute to sample events.
(*) Changed events to be saved to file using full event name (I think this will make things easier than remembering numbers).
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(+) Added bindings for Finish/Whistle trigger loops.
(+) Added passing/failing trigger loops.
(+) Added arguments to trigger loops for start/end validity times.
(+) Added adjustments for lower-spec'd PCs.
(*) Fixed universal volume not updating music volume in options.
(*) Fixed sprites not accepting repeated mouse clicks.
(*) Fixed SB sprites not reloading correctly in editor.
(*) Fixed sort order of transformations (using endtime rather than starttime affects some rare SB cases).
(*) Fixed SB not fading to 100% brightness at the end of the beatmap.
(*) Fixed "Perfect" not displaying (for real).
(*) Web: Bubbled maps in pending will no longer graveyard automatically.
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(*) Fixed multiple trigger events of same type in same event not saving correctly.
(*) Fixed song info not updating when on permanent display mode.
(*) Fixed taiko notes glitching out in very rare cases (overlapping sprites/notes).
(*) Flipped volume control to the right way up.
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(*) Fixed osu! crashing after closing when using osu!direct.
(+) Web: Added news rss feed.
(*) Web: New score submission code.
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(*) Web: Database optimisations.
(*) Web: Completion of score submission code.
(*) Web: Stat migration code.
(*) Web: Fixed a few backend performance hindering bugs.
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(*) Web: Doubled download speed limit when server is idle.
(*) Web: More work on new ranking backend.
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(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed letterbox appearing during outro time.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed skip button not fading when being hovered during fadeout.
(*) [peppy] Fixed main menu buttons behaving strangely when mouse button is down.
(*) [peppy] Changed handling of custom offsets during gameplay.
(*) [peppy] Fixed updating of maps in multiplayer not working correctly.
(*) [peppy] Fixed pause cursor not clickable at edges of screen.
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(+) [peppy] Background images are resized to a maximum size of 1024x768 if they exceed it (on adding a new background in editor).
(+) [peppy] Options menu is now widescreen compatible.
(+) [Intermezzo] Added toggable mouse precision mode.
(*) [peppy] Fix being able to enable Relax and Autopilot at the same time.
(*) [peppy] Changing resolutions in options menu fades out/in. Looks a lot cleaner.
(*) [peppy] Fixed "No personal high score" not fading in.
(*) [peppy] Fixed sprite import dialog using wrong filepath.
(*) [peppy] Fixed storyboard sounds not being saved correctly by the editor.
(*) [peppy] Fixed jukebox progress not working in f9 view.
(*) [peppy] Fixed forms not rendering correctly in fullscreen modes. As a result, fullscreen no longer has to swap to windowed for some cases.
(*) [peppy] Fixed jukebox unnecessarily showing current track every time game mode is changed.
(*) [peppy] Made taiko drumrolls more lenient.
(*) [peppy] Web: Title on beatmap info pages reflects the beatmap.
(*) [peppy] Web: Admin confirmation prompts explain what you are about to do.
(*) [peppy] Web: Fixed songs with no artist displaying badly in Bancho/web announcements.
(*) [peppy] Web: Imcreased security of captcha/confirmation.
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(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed a taiko bug where notes always hit if all buttons are pressed simultaneously.
(*) [Intermezzo] Fixed a Taiko exploit where spinners could be finished with incorrect hit sequences.
(*) [peppy] Fixed taiko finish notes causing misses when too close together.
(*) [peppy] Fixed before/afterGameplay calculations causing crash when no hitObjects present.
(*) [peppy] Fixed test build not connecting to bancho.
(*) [peppy] Fixed mode logo not displaying on song selection when background image is loaded.
(*) [peppy] Fixed taiko input sometimes not accepting both sides of drum at once.

peppy wrote:

(*) [peppy] Fixed taiko input sometimes not accepting both sides of drum at once.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet Thanks peppy! <3
Hell yes. Each Taiko fix and improvement draws closer to the Taiko score wipe. And when that happens... yeah~!
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(+) [peppy] Local scores are displayed on in-game scoreboard.
(*) [Intermezzo] Taiko drumrolls are now affected by kiai timing.
(*) [Intermezzo] Made the Taiko spinners a lot more strict.
(*) [Intermezzo] Taiko face animations are no longer affected by inherited timing.
(*) [Intermezzo] Changed the way how Taiko Face animatons look by adding zigzag-like patterns.
(*) [peppy] Fixed mouse button detection rates in taiko mode.
(*) [peppy] Fixed new users being unable to connect to Bancho.
(*) [peppy] Huge performance improvements to local score storage system.
(*) [peppy] Web: Fixed "User has lost first place in song" notifications getting sent to wrong user.
(*) [peppy] Web: Fixed layout of player ranking page.
(*) [peppy] Web: Fixed ranked score not updating for CtB/Taiko modes.

peppy wrote:

(*) [peppy] Web: Fixed layout of player ranking page.
Not exactly. The "Displaying x to y of z results. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... Next'" doesn't show up on the top or bottom when you search for a user's stats on any of the three games.
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This is on purpose and not going to change for the moment. The load on the database is far too high without some intricate optimisations which I don't have a high priority on at the moment.
Okay. Just making sure it's not a bug XP
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(+) [peppy] Added three new play-count based achievements. Art contributed by ToRMeNToR_84.
(*) [peppy] Change large taiko hits to have their mouthes closed by default.
(*) [peppy] Fixed stats/rank commands in Bancho not working with new ranking system.
(*) [peppy] Changed rank sort behaviour to handle empty ranks.
(*) [Intermezzo] Doubled the taiko face animationspeed after 150 combo's.
(*) [peppy] Fixed denden completion not giving combo bonus.
(+) [peppy] Web: Reorganised achievements profile section.

peppy wrote:

(*) [peppy] Change large taiko hits to have their mouthes closed by default.
Uhh wut?
Uhh wut?
They look better closed and the Taiko mode doens't have to be 100% authentic ;)
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peppy wrote:

(+) [peppy] Web: Reorganised achievements profile section.
Beatmap Pack achievements are still out of order, but they would have to be reorganized every time a new one is added, so whatever =X

Derekku Chan wrote:

peppy wrote:

(+) [peppy] Web: Reorganised achievements profile section.
Beatmap Pack achievements are still out of order, but they would have to be reorganized every time a new one is added, so whatever =X
I think it's fine as it is, but having it sort by name within each section would solve that

Intermezzo wrote:

Uhh wut?
They look better closed
I disagree. While I agree they don't have to be 100% authentic, I think having the big ones with open mouths makes them more distinct from the little ones
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Also worth noting that when I was making the graphics: for the little ones I made the closed-mouth versions first, and later created the open-mouth variant. For the big ones, I created the open-mouth ones first and had to make the closed-mouth versions as a variant. So there's that.
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