Alright guys, I think you are right. I personally think that most of the rules are well defined, but I was amazed how some map worked out. While adding this rule may benefit some mapper, but most of the times are being abused.
I think that the osu! editor is very powerful and can make many fun things possible.
but I guess I'm wrong. Osu is Osu. we do not want to change the way we play the game.
If you think that a certain rule is bad, then make/go to the thread discussing that rule.
those no rules are bad, they just sometimes do not cover small majority. will not work, of course.
If no mapper are going to support this, then I guess they don't need it since rules are very nicely done.
Why am I doing this... I shouldn't care about these things if I only plays them, not make them

(although I do have strong interests)
forgive me, I will stop making these silly posts
final one:
If there are enormous numbers of player supporting a certain map that breaks rule, Mark that map approve able.