After look at the discussion topics, no one has really mention looking at the rules as a whole and see how they relate to each other.
hopefully changing the title will make it clearer
how specific rules relate to another specific rules.
For Example
hopefully changing the title will make it clearer
how specific rules relate to another specific rules.
For Example
Total contradictionnew rules/guidelines wrote:
The song should not be too long. Aim for 3 minutes maximum; anything longer gets tiring. If you need help editing a song down to length, feel free to ask in the Beatmap General Questions forum.
The maximum draining time for a map is 4 1/2 minutes. "Draining time" is the total time of a song excluding breaks, intro, and outro. Thus, it's the length of time that hitobjects are on-screen.
isn't only the first one rules/guidelines wrote:
Gameplay elements must be visible. You cannot make any element that will impair the playability of the map invisible as it will make the map unintuitive or even impossible to play.
Spinner circles must have a clearly visible center to make sure players have something to effectively spin around while playing through the map.
Spinner circles must be clearly visible (i.e. they should not be excessively transparent or near-invisible). This will ensure that players have a visible aid to help them spin consistently