
Touhou PyP Mafia [GAME OVER - Town wins!]

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LadySuburu wrote:

I can elaborate, but it would require two or more claims.
To specify, role claims.
LS, how did you get your information? I'm not saying to claim, but did you get it by investigating KRZY or something?
Actually I'll be more generic. Did you target KRZY?

Lybydose wrote:

LS, how did you get your information? I'm not saying to claim, but did you get it by investigating KRZY or something?
Revealing how I got it requires me to claim as I've mentioned.

Lybydose wrote:

Actually I'll be more generic. Did you target KRZY?
I did not.
Raging Bull
I think I prefer plan B. It seems like a classic case of risk vs reward. We could get those from KRZY's report to role claim now and get 50/50 chance to lynch or we could wait few days to get better results. Although I'm rather curious what report LS has that conflicts with KRZYs ._.

And what's scum anyways?

Raging Bull wrote:

And what's scum anyways?
Raging Bull
Vote: Kiddo-kun.

Haven't said anything yet since day 2.
Raging Bull

Vote: Kiddo-Kun
I think he said he quitted mafia , not worth a lynch imo.

FoS : Raging Bull
Raging Bull
He did? Where did he say he quit Mafia?
He told me on osu after WWV and to some others also , and dropped out from Video game theme mafia.

I'd suggest a replacement for him asap.

We have recognised this.

Looking for a replacement now.
Oh yeah. Forgot to say something here.
Yeah I'm out.
Try DxS, I believe he expressed an interest when the game was getting started.

akrolsmir wrote:

Try DxS, I believe he expressed an interest when the game was getting started.
I second this
Topic Starter
DeathxShinigami replaces Kiddo-kun


Raging Bull (1) - akrolsmir
Salvage (1) - Rantai
Kiddo-kun DeathxShinigami (1) - Raging Bull
Raging Bull
OH HELLO. Catching up from my very first post. Ho hum...give me til the morning.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

OH HELLO. Catching up from my very first post. Ho hum...give me til the morning.
Yeah take your time, and welcome :D
Oh hai DxS.
Chris you seem to imply that we will never mynch scum ever ever ever in our entire game. "mislynch NK mislynch NK"

LS claim already and stop rolefishing

Wojjan wrote:

Chris you seem to imply that we will never mynch scum ever ever ever in our entire game. "mislynch NK mislynch NK"

LS claim already and stop rolefishing
I was half-told not to claim, but now I'm bored and everyone's being quiet. I fully intend to vote KRZY unless I get a good enough explanation for the conflicting results.

Here's the two claims required to explain my conflicting results.

Claim: Cirno


1: Confirmed Masonry. Both me and my mason partner Rolled (Daiyousei) were both told that the other is confirmed town. Each night we may speak to each other via PM or other communications means. There is nothing against claiming in my role PM, and stated my intentions to the mods well before the situation even came up for me to claim.

2. Rolled has no special secondary ability. I have a flavor-based ability. Each night, I'm allowed to choose one person to attempt to kill. However, this ability has a 9% chance to work.


Reason why I suspect KRZY to be lying:

Last night, Rolled was motivated. This caused us to be able to communicate during the day today. I highly doubt the existance of two motivators, and without a watcher claim I strongly believe he is lying.
Oh hmmm.

So basically if a watcher doesn't claim then it's most likely that KRZY made it up?
god damnit LS you ruin everything. Now I have to claim the specifics of my motivation >:(

sup y'all Kanako Yasaka here, goddess who is pretty big on this whole faith thing and can help people out with it. It takes some time, so my actions have a one-day delay. I got to pick a target both on D1 and N1 which was a one-off occasion. From now on I can only target at night, and the motivation will start the next night.

The "motivated" that showed up in KRZY's list means that I targetted two and mash, not that they received their boost on that time. If they were alive, they'd get their boost the next night. Since I got to target Rolled D1 (which pieguy counted I guess as N0) he got a faith boost thing last night.
Oh and I guess I'll boost you tonight giving you probably a 99% chance of killing? HAve fun as a vig I guess
Wow that's a complicated role. Interestingly done, though.
I believe wojjan, and I believe KRZY. Lyby is quite confident in KRZY's claims as well, so I'm thinking he's amongst the aux roles targeting mash/two. I never really expected there to be two motivators floating around, else there would be counter claims regarding KRZY's information. Wojjan being able to motivate two people is the only thing that makes sense.

Let's get this game kicking. Confirmed town (imo?):

Lyby (subtleish claim)

Since we pretty much already have 2 claims from the people targeting two/mash, lets go with plan A and find some scum.

be back in a couple hours~
Raging Bull
Just curious but what would motivation do to hider?

Raging Bull wrote:

Just curious but what would motivation do to hider?
Probably make them a kind of insomniac in WWG?
Just woke up. Sup ya- OH MY GOD :I
I missed a good bit of info =w=

Wojjan wrote:

god damnit LS you ruin everything. Now I have to claim the specifics of my motivation >:(

Thanks for getting us quite a few mostly confirmed town and clearing that up.

As rolled said, let's go with Plan A still.

As for motivating me, that's fine regardless. Doing so means that unless I'm NKed tonight we'll have a vig kill the next night. I'd say to motivate the Voyeur or Watcher, but the only flaw with that is the one you motivate has to live through the next two nights.

Small text wall, don't skip!

That leaves us with...

Two was...
tracked (???)
killed (???)
motivated (wojjan)
watched (???)

If the watcher claims...

tracked (Player A/B)
killed (Player B/A)
motivated (wojjan)
watched (watcher)

Now, if Rolled motivates me, we basically have a night Vig kill the next night. So, instead of lynching player A or B, here's what I propose.

The watcher and voyeur target the same player. Either player A or B, since they aren't confirmed.

The real tracker targets himself.

Based on that, even if one of the watcher or voyeur dies we'll recieve a result D3 confirming if that player was town or mafia based on if they targeted himself. (Result being Player targeted himself, or player was tracked.)

Then, I can use my power on the remaining player (mafia).

The only downside is not having the watcher/voyeur/tracker gain more results that night. However, due to the nature of their roles (based around aux/mafia targets) and the gain of not having the chance of lynching that power role, I believe it's a better plan than not doing so.


Writing this pretty long after I got up so I'm tired. I may have made errors and please correct them if I did.
x.x my head hurts a bit.

I can't think of any reason why that circle of targeting wouldn't work. I've already stated that I'd rather get this plan through and have some sort of information to run on opposed to waiting and hoping.

I'm going to sleep now, if I think of anything I'll post it in the morning.

LadySuburu wrote:

Now, if Rolled Wojjan motivates me, we basically have a night Vig kill the next night. So, instead of lynching player A or B, here's what I propose.
Writing this pretty long after I got up so I'm tired. I may have made errors and please correct them if I did.

As for the plan itself, I don't see any problems with it, since D3 will definitely net us a mafia even if KRZY or the watcher is NK'd.
I don't like anything of that. Let me point everything out:

One, we don't know how the watcher works. If the mafia played their game even a little cautious in the results of tracking or watching someone would've killed Two who had an expendable secondary night action ability, along the lines of roleblocking, framing etc. If those people self visit the night we're planning this and they kill the voyeur, we ain't got shit but a confirmed town mafia.

Two, we waste three odds of finsing scum. A watcher voyeur and tracker all can potentially find scum, and chaining them together (watcher checks tracker to see to it he doesn't get killed, a presumable doc in a setup this big protects watcher) basically means that the tracker (who is basically a rolecop including the stress of roleclaiming) will lose a night's investigation to confirm himself. We can work around this by sending tracker, watcher and voyeur to another target, but even then we can't work it out. Explaining nextly.

Three, nothing prevents the mafia of killing the appointed target. Since we only have a watcher and a voyeur and no means to link one name to the other, the mafia killing and the tracker tracking a specific target even with both the watcher and voyeur watching will deliver nothing else than "Target got visited by [Tracker] and [Mafia]" or "Target got killed, tracked." This is one obstacle we can work around by having the tracker as their target, but then again we can't really because the tracker will be dead and we lose what is right now our most powerful investigative role around.

Other than that it grievely concerns me that the watcher still hasn't claimed, we've got a shitstorm of lurkers around, we have had next to no discussion for a lynch target yet.

Wojjan wrote:

I don't like anything of that. Let me point everything out:

One, we don't know how the watcher works. If the mafia played their game even a little cautious in the results of tracking or watching someone would've killed Two who had an expendable secondary night action ability, along the lines of roleblocking, framing etc. If those people self visit the night we're planning this and they kill the voyeur, we ain't got shit but a confirmed town mafia.

Two, we waste three odds of finsing scum. A watcher voyeur and tracker all can potentially find scum, and chaining them together (watcher checks tracker to see to it he doesn't get killed, a presumable doc in a setup this big protects watcher) basically means that the tracker (who is basically a rolecop including the stress of roleclaiming) will lose a night's investigation to confirm himself. We can work around this by sending tracker, watcher and voyeur to another target, but even then we can't work it out. Explaining nextly.

Three, nothing prevents the mafia of killing the appointed target. Since we only have a watcher and a voyeur and no means to link one name to the other, the mafia killing and the tracker tracking a specific target even with both the watcher and voyeur watching will deliver nothing else than "Target got visited by [Tracker] and [Mafia]" or "Target got killed, tracked." This is one obstacle we can work around by having the tracker as their target, but then again we can't really because the tracker will be dead and we lose what is right now our most powerful investigative role around.

Other than that it grievely concerns me that the watcher still hasn't claimed, we've got a shitstorm of lurkers around, we have had next to no discussion for a lynch target yet.
First off, I'll say that assuming the watcher is claiming anyway, we might as well go through with my plan. Even if something goes wrong, we can still lynch one of the two the next day as we would do today.

If we don't have the watcher claim, we leave the rest of our roles to be picked off and the aux roles to play "who is targeted next?" with their abilities and potentially get nothing out of it.

1. "The Watcher learns who targeted a player, but not what actions were performed on them. " Mafiascum wiki. I also find it unlikely that the mafia were that careful. Even so, refer to the above.

2. The voyeur cannot find scum on his own. If the watcher claims, we'll lose one of the other two tonight as well anyway. The watcher has to get lucky as hell to find scum, and the tracker as stated elsewhere here is going to die regardless in this scenario. I don't see how we're losing anything.

3. As I said, the tracker targets themselves, the watcher and voyeur both target the same one of the claimed trackers. Therefore, if the mafia kill the assigned target, the other was the mafia. Boom, easy. As for losing the tracker, by having the watcher do his thing we lose the tracker anyway if the mafia want him gone. However, in my scenario we aren't lynching the tracker at a 50% chance. Instead, if the mafia kill him as I just stated it's a free find.

tl;dr: The only way my plan has any problem based on what you said is if the watcher DOES NOT CLAIM. If the watcher does not claim the rest of our claimed roles are open to be picked off at mafia's choice.

Also, still tired but I believe I've answered all your concerns. If I've missed something tell me so I can answer it.
Prod: Backfire

Heading to work soon. Will finish reading the thread on my mobile. Will post tonight.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Prod: Backfire

Heading to work soon. Will finish reading the thread on my mobile. Will post tonight.
Prod? Im right here :l Unless prod means something else.
yeah i think LS's plan it's better than the other ones suggested till now

i don't find the watcher claiming a really good idea , but with everything LS said it's one of the best choices so far .. plus i can't really find a good plan involving the watcher not to claim ..

LadySuburu wrote:

I don't see how we're losing anything.
We're losing the tracker

Wojjan wrote:

We're losing the tracker
How is that different than any other situation where the watcher claims and gives us the names?
That we can scumhunt those two names and make an educated guess to their alignments. We don't have Two but that doesn't mean we can't hit mafia.

Wojjan wrote:

That we can scumhunt those two names and make an educated guess to their alignments. We don't have Two but that doesn't mean we can't hit mafia.
By the way, one of those two names is the tracker.

The mafia knows which one is the tracker.

Tonight the mafia kills that one.

We lose the tracker.

No difference.

Unless I'm missing something?
the watcher is on the tracker. The mafia loses two mafia. Not really a gambit I'd take if I were them, with already a member down

Wojjan wrote:

the watcher is on the tracker. The mafia loses two mafia. Not really a gambit I'd take if I were them, with already a member down
So if I'm following correctly, this is what you want:

50% chance of lynching the tracker and losing another power role at night, have just the one confirmed mafia.

50% chance of lynching mafia and losing the tracker at night, gain another mafia name next night.


100% chance of not lynching the tracker, and a chance of lynching a different mafia

Basically 100% chance of tracker dying at night. We get the one confirmed mafia.

Is that about right?
I was thinking if we just let the watcher target one of the two people without role claiming. We don't have to know the result from the watch to perform LS's plan. This way, the voyeur would be able to do his own thing for the night as well and not risk the chance of losing a watcher for the night.

bmin11 wrote:

I was thinking if we just let the watcher target one of the two people without role claiming.
Then the mafia will go after the voyeur or the watcher, and both tracker and maf will probably stay unconfirmed. The tracker won't be needing a counterclaim, but since they killed the watcher already the tracker dies next night regardless of the voyeur.
and both tracker and maf will probably stay unconfirmed
According to LS's plan, trackers will track themselve. Once the watcher targets one of them for the night and figures if the person targetted himself or not, the watcher can just role claim on D3 and tell us the result of it. I think it would be fairly obvious at that point.

but since they killed the watcher
I doubt the watcher will survive this night if watcher role claims, because I'm also doubting there would be a doctor if we look at the night result. Not a sane doctor would let a double night kill happen knowing there were no guarantees Two had a protective ability. IF we have the watcher not to role claim, we would be taking a 1/6 chance of losing a watcher.

LadySuburu wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

the watcher is on the tracker. The mafia loses two mafia. Not really a gambit I'd take if I were them, with already a member down
So if I'm following correctly, this is what you want:

50% chance of lynching the tracker and losing another power role at night, have just the one confirmed mafia.

50% chance of lynching mafia and losing the tracker at night, gain another mafia name next night.


100% chance of not lynching the tracker, and a chance of lynching a different mafia

Basically 100% chance of tracker dying at night. We get the one confirmed mafia.

Is that about right?
Basically, yes. The chance of lynching another mafia today that doesn't counterclaim the tracker is slim, because hardly anyone has even discussed the lynch yet, everyone discusses what we'll do tonight. That's important but nothing to lynch on. The odds of lynching town or mafia while not considering the tracker is more leaning towards lynching town than lynching the two mafs I suspect remain in the group.

The odds of lynching the maf that cc's the tracker are one out of two, and we can check for ourselves which claim we think is the most believable.

In your situation that's 2/8 chance we lynch a maf today, and 100% for killing the next when we lose the tracker. so 2/8 for two mafs. That's 14 - KRZY, Watcher, Rolled, LS, Wojjan, Tracker


Let's say there's two mafia left. The first choice will be to lynch the mafia correctly. That's a fifty percent chance, but it's a chance that we can influence with scumtells and the like. I'm going to assume we do lynch the mafia correctly.

The next night, the mafia will probably kill the watcher, because he'll be on the tracker. That means there'll be two mafia among 16 living players. Let's exclude uncc'd, confirmed town players (KRZY, Rolled, LS, Wojjan, Tracker). That leaves 8. From those, we can either take two paths. The tracker has a result on a mafia, which is a 2/8 chance. If this doesn't happen, we're left with 7 townies (because a tracker result that's not on the dead guy will exclude them from being mafia) among which we have 2 mafs still hiding. If we lynch a maf correctly after that, it's a 1/5 chance for lynching the last maf, and we have at least three mislynches (IMCAC) to do so. So that's 1/5,1/4,1/3. Basically, the chance that we WON'T hit the last mafia is (2*3*4)/(3*4*5) which is 50% again. If we don't ever hit mafia, the odds will be 2/5, 2/4, 2/3 and that makes a 1/10 chance.

so that's a 1/4 chance that we lynch all mafias on a bad day, and 9/20 on a good day, and that's relying only on chance, assuming there are NO more power roles, no more investigation, and no more lucky breaks from any power roles to out maf.

As far as mafia games go those are pretty nice odds. At least, to my calculations, better than yours.
Ok, this was my original plan for determining which of the two tracker claims were mafia:

Tracker A, voyeur, and watcher all go to the same target.
Tracker B tracks the motivator, who doesn't reveal his target.

B is determined scum if he can't correctly identify the motivator's target.
A is determined scum if watcher/voyeur results don't add up.

I also had a separate plan for if the duplicate claim was motivator, but I preferred this plan over that one. This is why I was proposing a certain claim order, as I wanted the tracker to be the duplicate claim instead of motivator.
Now then, since Wojjan is probably actually just targeting LS now, that plan doesn't really work. So, we could instead have Tracker A track LadySuburu instead. LS picks a target at random (or not!) and doesn't reveal it. It's highly unlikely it result in a misfired kill since it's only a 9% chance.
Oh yeah, and if the mafia just decides to kill the real tracker, they just narrow it down for us and the fake tracker is left. This is also preferable to them killing the watcher, since the watcher is a more valuable role than the tracker.
you mean less valuable but I hear ya.

Also I'll gladly mix it up between some of the confirmed townies. We've got a pretty list of auxes already, so I can target a random if LS isn't cool with taking a shot in the dark.
oops I meant Tracker B but whatever, you know what I mean.

Watcher is more valuable than Tracker because it's easier to predict which person the mafia will target at night than it is to predict who is mafia AND which one is going to perform the kill that night. And even then it could just be some other aux that just happened to target the same person as the mafia that night.
fakedit: the one problem I see though is when they kill me. I won't be around to verify the results, and if I boost a mafia member by accident (which probably won't happen) or if my target dies before receiving the boost we don't know for sure.
if they waste the kill on you, the voyeur and watcher survive to confirm the other tracker as either a real tracker or "isn't actually a tracker"

Lybydose wrote:

Watcher is more valuable than Tracker because it's easier to predict which person the mafia will target at night than it is to predict who is mafia AND which one is going to perform the kill that night. And even then it could just be some other aux that just happened to target the same person as the mafia that night.
Actually disagree. Watcher is good for a semiprotection role where the mafia have to sacrifice a member to kill someone, but tracker can definitely confirm a lot of people for "not mafia" most of the time.
Been reading the thread, and it's all pretty self-explanatory EXCEPT...

Wojjan wrote:

Oh and I guess I'll boost you tonight giving you probably a 99% chance of killing? HAve fun as a vig I guess
Okay, so how does this work? Afaik a motivator grants his/her target with an extra action, and the probability of killing a target in two attempts, when your kill percentage is 9%, is not 99%, but rather 17%.
Also this is all moot if the watcher doesn't claim, so hurry up and claim already.

We still don't have a lynch target for today.
If I had to make a guess, the watcher is DxS. He's still "reading the thread"
@KRZY: what the motivator actually does it up to the host. The default case is to give another action, but it's not uncommon for the motivator to "enhance" the role in some way. For example, it might "upgrade" a role, say by making a tracker into an actual cop. Or give masons daychat. Or turn a normal kill into a strongman kill.

NoHItter did something like this in his TF2 mafia game.

Lybydose wrote:

@KRZY: what the motivator actually does it up to the host. The default case is to give another action, but it's not uncommon for the motivator to "enhance" the role in some way. For example, it might "upgrade" a role, say by making a tracker into an actual cop. Or give masons daychat. Or turn a normal kill into a strongman kill.

NoHItter did something like this in his TF2 mafia game.
Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification.
So, no thoughts about Watcher targetting a tracker and role claiming on D2? We would get the same result + Watcher and Tracker may have a chance of surviving the night.
hmm that's also a possiblity. The watcher doesn't claim at all and watches the tracker, who tracks himself? The tracker probably doesn't even need to claim either, as the watcher could probably figure it out (or if he can't, 50% chance anyway).
The problem though is that the mafia might just kill the watcher anyway and we're screwed. We currently have 14 players.

4 town have claimed already
3 (probably) mafia remaining
1 potential mislynch today

That leaves 6 possible watchers.

That gives mafia a 1/6 chance of randomly hitting the watcher. Then there are several people who are obviously not the watcher, so they could narrow it down even more. Probably risky at this point now that several people have claimed.
1/6 doesn't seem to bad to me. Ofcourse, mafia may able to narrow it down...
I don't like gambles like Wojjan or Bmin's plans, but it's also not solely my choice what we do.

At least now I know where wojjan's coming from.

Also, yeah. One of the flaws with wojjan's plan is that they just kill the watcher tonight. In that case, we're basically left with a weaker cop to perform one investigation.

Also Wojjan, we've still got a few days to discuss a lynch.. Day ends on tuesday if I remember reading right.

I'm fine with shooting in the dark, though I'd rather shoot someone I know is mafia.
If i have to choose i prefeer LS's plan , i don't see how letting the watcher die it's a good idea at all .. but the other plans aren't thaaat bad anyways.

I just can't provide ideas cause i suck at making plans , sorry guys :( .. doing my best to analyze the ones already proposed tho ^_^.
The watcher is likely to die if we go with LS's plan as well
You're right , sorry .. just got it all wrong , any ideas on how to make it work without letting the watcher die so easily?.
Raging Bull
Actually I kinda like LS's plan since it gives us a sure chance to get a mafia. I don't usually like risks orz
Raging Bull
Maybe there's a doctor around that hasn't said a thing yet? :s
Not having the Watcher to role claim and execute LS's plan (Trackers track themselve while Watcher watchs one of them. Voyeur, do whatever you want). The downside of this is if the mafia gets a lucky shot and kills the watcher by 1/6 chance, we end up not knowing who were the Trackers.

Raging Bull wrote:

Maybe there's a doctor around that hasn't said a thing yet? :s
I really doubt there is. I don't think the doctor would have let Two get NK'd while clearly Two didn't guaranteed any kind of protection for himself.

bmin11 wrote:

Not having the Watcher to role claim and execute LS's plan (Trackers track themselve while Watcher watchs one of them. Voyeur, do whatever you want). The downside of this is if the mafia gets a lucky shot and kills the watcher by 1/6 chance, we end up not knowing who were the Trackers.

Yes but that's just by chance , the other one involves the watcher dying 100% , ofc the results are more likely to happen but just letting our most informative aux role to die this early it's an option i'd rather not take.
bmin11 you agree on Watcher not role claming?
i prefeer it , yep.
Sorry I was reading your post wrong orz
Anyway, it leaves to Watcher's decision now.
Having a doctor isn't necessarily ruled out- Two did specifically say for protection roles not to target him IIRC. That said if you're the doctor please don't do something stupid like claiming.

I think that the watcher has already decided not to claim, given the time that has elapsed. How about we set a deadline, like if s/he haven't claimed by the end of Sunday then we will proceed under the assumption that s/he won't be doing so for the day, and move on from there?
how about DxS post like he said he was going to

vote: DxS

akrolsmir wrote:

I think that the watcher has already decided not to claim, given the time that has elapsed. How about we set a deadline, like if s/he haven't claimed by the end of Sunday then we will proceed under the assumption that s/he won't be doing so for the day, and move on from there?
This seems the most practical way to go about this. Though if they die tonight without a claim I'm going to rage hard be sad.
Whew, that was a lot of words to digest.

bmin's plan sounds like it should work the best if the watcher decides not to claim. The tracker tracks himself and the watcher watches one of them, then reveals D3.

Also, FoS: DxS and Backfire
DxS prodded Backfire and then stopped talking, and Backfire responded to that prod and then stopped talking. Reading the thread shouldn't take so long, and if they were, then they wouldn't have time to prod/respond to prods.
I can give DxS another day since he just finished reading I assume. However, Backfire should be capable of posting :<
I find Raging bull way more suspicious on the way he posts ..i think you're mafia bull .. what do you have to say about that
You know, in this game, people have this magical tendency to appear out of nowhere when they are voted on.

Vote: Backfire

It's been 12hrs since you've been prodded. Surely that is ample time to read the thread, re-read, and come up with a preference for one of the plans suggested.

It looks like we're heading in a direction where the Watcher has the final say on which plan we proceed with. I'm content with that, but Watcher, if you're gonna claim, I'd do it sooner rather than later because that obviously gives us more time to think about the now-petty things that might add up to a considerable change of results after D2 and N2.
Oh uhh, Plan A. I wasnt even aware you wanted eveeyones opinion (plus I dont know what yourr talking about).

Role claiming reisen. I get 2 night kills and 1 protect. Perhaps that clears things up. Im not mafia ^_^;

By the way, I have strep throat and diarreah. I sincerely apologize for being absent.
Raging Bull

Salvage wrote:

I find Raging bull way more suspicious on the way he posts ..i think you're mafia bull .. what do you have to say about that

And why is that? Because I don't scum hunt? I gave my reason.

Backfire wrote:

Role claiming reisen. I get 2 night kills and 1 protect. Perhaps that clears things up. Im not mafia ^_^;
Did you use an action last night?
Nope. I did not.
Oh god am I doing this wrong </3

Backfire wrote:

Nope. I did not.
How many of your actions can you use per night?
Iirc just one per night.
Raging Bull
Oh so he was sort of the equivalent to doctor >_> I think it would have been nice to been quiet about that so you can protect tracker :v
I realized that about ten seconds after I said it. However, I just want to be safe T-T
I'm now more in favor of Wojjan's plan, since we have an extra backup. (Or lying scum, but that won't be too hard to discover.)

I'm not sure on the ideal setup for this, so this is just brainstorming. Feel free to post alternatives.

Scenario A: We lynch the tracker when we scumhunt the two names.

Actions: Backfire kills the mafia. Watcher watches backfire. KRZY voyeur's backfire. Wojjan motivates me.

Reasons: This should roughly confirm Backfire entirely, since none of the rest of us should be targeting Backfire. This also basically guarentees Backfire lives through the night or we get other vital information (Mafia names or Mafia roles, or both).

Downfalls: This leaves our 4 other power roles vulnerable. (Watcher, Voyeur, Motivator, and me (Which in all honesty I'm not that important until the night after tonight. Though, I get my kill if not killed tonight.)

Alternatives: Different targeting order, but I couldn't think of a better setup. However, if you think of a better alternative please say so.

Scenario B: We lynch the mafia tonight.

Actions: Backfire protects tracker. Watcher watches Backfire. KRZY voyeur's backfire. Tracker tracks someone.

Reasons This basically ensures tracker lives through the night, or we'll get vital information (Mafia names and potentially roles.) In this situation if backfire was lying we're guarenteed to catch him.

Problems: Still leaves Watcher, Voyeur, Motivator, and me vulnerable.

Alternatives: A ton. If you can think of a better one say it.

Again, this is all brainstorming. However with backfire's claim either he's mafia or we have a powerful power role ready. As stated above, I believe Wojjan's plan might be better now.
Uh. Might I ask how does Reisen fit in with 2 kills and 1 protect?

It doesn't seem to fit with the character as far as I know. Though I admit I only know as far as whatever the game provides.

Rantai wrote:

Uh. Might I ask how does Reisen fit in with 2 kills and 1 protect?

It doesn't seem to fit with the character as far as I know. Though I admit I only know as far as whatever the game provides.
Not quite sure honestly. I'm going to guess she can induce madness to do them but *shrug*

However the claim is an easy one to test regardless of flavor.
Raging Bull
Well if we go with Wojjan's plan with backfire as the killer/protector. We can tell if backfire is lying or not :v
I like my plan too :)
Also the grandest thing about me motivating you and having backfire still around means that when we do get to the point of a mafia hidden in a bunch of unconfirmed your killing shot plus his killing shot means that we can just weed them all out at once when we get there.

I'm totes fine with LS' rendition of my plan but have the voyeur on the tracker as well in case we lynch the mafia. If the voyeur is also on the tracker we can confirm Backfire did indeed protect the tracker, thus clearing him.
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