
[Archived] In-game bug

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After 2-5 minutes of playing osu!mania my laptop reloads without any bug reports. I already tried to reinstall Windows (currently I have version 1703) and osu! (Stable(latest) version). It isn’t happening in any other game or programs. Also my hardware set is pretty good and also I’m sure that notebook is not overheating while I’m playing osu!. Here is my osu! settings :
BeatmapDirectory = Songs
VolumeUniversal = 30
VolumeEffect = 20
VolumeMusic = 40
AllowPublicInvites = 1
AutoChatHide = 1
AutomaticDownload = 1
AutomaticDownloadNoVideo = 0
BlockNonFriendPM = 0
Shaders = 0
BloomSoftening = 0
BossKeyFirstActivation = 1
ChatAudibleHighlight = 1
ChatChannels = #osu #announce
ChatFilter = 0
ChatHighlightName = 1
ChatMessageNotification = 1
ChatLastChannel = #osu
ChatRemoveForeign = 0
ChatSortMode = 1
ComboBurst = 1
ComboFire = 0
ComboFireHeight = 3
ConfirmExit = 0
AutoSendNowPlaying = 1
CursorSize = 0.5
AutomaticCursorSizing = 0
DimLevel = 30
Display = 1
DisplayCityLocation = 0
DistanceSpacingEnabled = 1
EditorTip = 0
VideoEditor = 0
EditorDefaultSkin = 0
EditorSnakingSliders = 1
EditorHitAnimations = 0
EditorFollowPoints = 1
EditorStacking = 1
ForceSliderRendering = 0
FpsCounter = 1
FrameTimeDisplay = 0
GuideTips = 1
CursorRipple = 0
HighlightWords =
HighResolution = 0
HitLighting = 1
IgnoreBarline = 0
IgnoreBeatmapSamples = 0
IgnoreBeatmapSkins = 0
IgnoreList =
KeyOverlay = 0
Language = en
LastPlayMode = OsuMania
AllowNowPlayingHighlights = 0
LastVersion = b20171106.5
LastVersionPermissionsFailed = b20171106.5
LoadSubmittedThread = 1
LobbyPlayMode = -1
ShowInterface = 1
ShowInterfaceDuringRelax = 0
LobbyShowExistingOnly = 0
LobbyShowFriendsOnly = 0
LobbyShowFull = 0
LobbyShowInProgress = 1
LobbyShowPassworded = 1
LogPrivateMessages = 0
LowResolution = 0
ManiaSpeed = 30
UsePerBeatmapManiaSpeed = 0
ManiaSpeedBPMScale = 0
MenuTip = 16
MouseDisableButtons = 1
MouseDisableWheel = 0
MouseSpeed = 1.11
Offset = 3
ScoreMeterScale = 1
DistanceSpacing = 0.8
EditorBeatDivisor = 1
EditorGridSize = 32
EditorGridSizeDesign = 32
Height = 9999
Width = 9999
HeightFullscreen = 1080
CustomFrameLimit = 240
WidthFullscreen = 1920
MsnIntegration = 0
MyPcSucks = 0
NotifyFriends = 1
NotifySubmittedThread = 1
PopupDuringGameplay = 1
ProgressBarType = Pie
RankType = Local
RefreshRate = 60
OverrideRefreshRate = 0
ScaleMode = 1
ScoreboardVisible = 1
ScoreMeter = Error
ScreenshotId = 0
MenuSnow = 0
MenuTriangles = 1
SongSelectThumbnails = 1
ScreenshotFormat = Jpg
ShowReplayComments = 1
ShowSpectators = 1
ShowStoryboard = 1
Skin = NeonFX
SkinSamples = 1
SkipTablet = 0
SnakingSliders = 1
Tablet = 0
UpdatePending = 0
UserFilter = All
UseSkinCursor = 0
SeasonalBackgrounds = Sometimes
UseTaikoSkin = 0
Video = 1
Wiimote = 0
YahooIntegration = 0
ForceFrameFlush = 0
DetectPerformanceIssues = 1
Fullscreen = 1
MenuMusic = 1
MenuVoice = 1
MenuParallax = 1
RawInput = 1
AbsoluteToOsuWindow = 0
ConfineMouse = Fullscreen
ShowMenuTips = 1
HiddenShowFirstApproach = 1
ComboColourSliderBall = 1
AlternativeChatFont = 0
Username = Haguromo
DisplayStarsMaximum = 10
DisplayStarsMinimum = 0
AudioDevice =
SavePassword = 1
SaveUsername = 1
Password =
TreeSortMode = Mania_Keys
TreeSortMode2 = Difficulty
Letterboxing = 1
LetterboxPositionX = 0
LetterboxPositionY = 0
FrameSync = Limit120
ShowUnicode = 0
PermanentSongInfo = 0
Ticker = 0
CompatibilityContext = 0
CanForceOptimusCompatibility = 1
keyOsuLeft = Z
keyOsuRight = X
keyOsuSmoke = C
keyFruitsDash = LeftShift
keyFruitsLeft = Left
keyFruitsRight = Right
keyTaikoInnerLeft = X
keyTaikoInnerRight = C
keyTaikoOuterLeft = Z
keyTaikoOuterRight = V
keyPause = Escape
keySkip = Space
keyToggleScoreboard = Tab
keyToggleChat = F8
keyToggleExtendedChat = F9
keyScreenshot = F12
keyIncreaseAudioOffset = OemPlus
keyDecreaseAudioOffset = OemMinus
keyQuickRetry = OemTilde
keyIncreaseSpeed = F4
keyDecreaseSpeed = F3
keyToggleFrameLimiter = F7
keyVolumeIncrease = Up
keyVolumeDecrease = Down
keyDisableMouseButtons = F10
keyBossKey = Insert
keySelectTool = D1
keyNormalTool = D2
keySliderTool = D3
keySpinnerTool = D4
keyNewComboToggle = Q
keyWhistleToggle = W
keyFinishToggle = E
keyClapToggle = R
keyGridSnapToggle = T
keyDistSnapToggle = Y
keyNoteLockToggle = L
keyNudgeLeft = J
keyNudgeRight = K
keyHelpToggle = H
keyJumpToBegin = Z
keyPlayFromBegin = X
keyAudioPause = C
keyJumpToEnd = V
keyGridChange = G
keyTimingSection = None
keyInheritingSection = None
keyRemoveSection = None
keyEasy = Q
keyNoFail = W
keyHalfTime = E
keyHardRock = A
keySuddenDeath = S
keyDoubleTime = D
keyHidden = F
keyFlashlight = G
keyRelax = Z
keyAutopilot = X
keySpunOut = C
keyAuto = V
ManiaLayouts6K = A S D K L OemSemicolon
ManiaLayoutSelected6K = 0
ManiaLayouts7K = A S D Space K L OemSemicolon
ManiaLayoutSelected7K = 0

My hardware :
Intel Core i7 4700HQ
Nvidia GeForce GTX 860M 4GB
Osu! installed on SSD
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