
Accuracy v1.2 skin

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Total votes: 1138
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SO hai guys. The following skin may be completely terrible, as i haven't had much experience, and you may as a result not enjoy playing with it. However, i do hope you try it and give me some feedback. =D

To install, simply double click the .osk file.

Skin name: Accuracy
Latest version: 1.2
Creator: tyrael6192
Size: 1.29mb
Idea:The basic point of the skin was to to attempt to fix some of the things which have been clawing at my back for the past few months that i've been playing osu!. It's not intended as eye-candy or themed around a character, it just aims to focus your attention on the actual gameplay. Sounds aren't altered.



- a more readily visible cursor, so you don't lose your position on the screen. This rarely happened to me anyway, but i imagine it could potentially be of angst to people who aren't used to the game.

- a slightly more accurate 'health' bar , with the ki pointers replaced by lines to better define the amount of 'health' you have.

- a purely stylistic touch. The font for the score and the hitcircle numbers has been replaced with a slightly less curvy one. Doesn't really improve gameplay, but i quite like it. xD

- new sliders and hitcircles

- new slider circle, so your focus doesn't start to lapse on the pretty spinning beach ball. Also new slider follow.

- reverse arrow =D

- new spinner...

- hitbursts have been made somewhat more subtle and offset upwards slightly, so that they don't appear right in the middle and block out streams.

- sleek blue menu... xD

- buttons...

- mods...

- Skip button... oh yeah XD

- results screen...

- moar buttons...

All of this combines to give the following play experience:

If you have any comments or criticisms, please don't hesitate to post them: your input will be extremely valuable. =]

Future changes will go here:
- Lift off.
- Fixed oblong-looking hitcircle overlay
- Introduced experimental spinner
- Temporarily removed over9k because of no spinner variation
- Menu elements skinned in the same style as the spinner, attempting to retain consistency. This includes:
+ Menu buttons
+ In-game buttons (Pause buttons & skip)
+ Ranking panel
+ Mod icons
+ Stars
- Slider border made blue (lol) to keep the blue menu theme.
- hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay changed - texture added
- followpoints, slider points and slider follow points all changed to fit the theme.
- finally figured out how to change the slider style in the skin.ini xD
- made an awesome reverse arrow (lol)
- slightly changed the hue of the slider border
- sectionpass and sectionfail changed also
- lack of transparency in mod icons fixed
- 'spun out' and 'no video' icons changed to be more suitable
Topic Starter
Update: working .osk file uploaded... I'm such a fucking tard
Nicely done, and the tag for youtube works like this

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Thank you... i spent like half an hour looking for a solution to the mysterious youtube tags. xD
A lot of good ideas. I like your skin, particularly the scorebar and the font.

A little comment: your hitcircleoverlay seems a bit polygonal, not totally round :?
This looks great for tablet accuracy improvement. I like the style too. I'll be using this for a while.
Functional skin. I like.
Topic Starter

XPJ38 wrote:

A lot of good ideas. I like your skin, particularly the scorebar and the font.

A little comment: your hitcircleoverlay seems a bit polygonal, not totally round :?
That was an elliptical marquee selected holding shift (perfect circle)... I dunno, it seems pretty circular. It could be the hitcircle itself... I'll go check it out.

nintendoto wrote:

This looks great for tablet accuracy improvement. I like the style too. I'll be using this for a while.
Thank you, enjoy it. =]

Xiaounlimited wrote:

Functional skin. I like.
Thank you... before this, i used your Xi Style skin for ages. I can only have a glimmer of hope that some of its awesomeness rubbed off. =D

tyrael6192 wrote:

That was an elliptical marquee selected holding shift (perfect circle)... I dunno, it seems pretty circular. It could be the hitcircle itself... I'll go check it out.
I figured you have used this tool. But I still see some imperfections in the inside of the hitcircleoverlay, that I pointed here (sorry for the ugly arrows :? ):

I think this is because of some grey pixels creating an optical illusion.
Or maybe this is just my screen rendering poorly that circle :?

EDIT: I think this is more visible here:
Topic Starter
I see what you mean... lemme go see if i can't fix it.


We all learn from our mistakes, eh... i saved the stuff straight to png and had no psds, so had to do it pixel by pixel with the pencil tool. I think it's fixed... can anyone please confirm? =D

EDIT2: white pencil pixels cutting into darker part of the rim... fixed in the file.

tyrael6192 wrote:

EDIT2: white pencil pixels cutting into darker part of the rim... fixed in the file.
Where is this new file?
Topic Starter
1 sec... I'll update the d/l link and give a temporary separate link with just the overlay for those who don't want to re-download.


Save as .png and copy/paste into the Accuracy folder, over-writing the previous.

Also, d/l link updated. That is, if you d/l it now, you won't need to apply this fix.
That hitcircleoverlay better now *.*

So good i like this
i vote aswome uggguuuuuuu I hope next update lol
Indeed this is better now :)

I just noticed your playfield.png, lol
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:

That hitcircleoverlay better now *.*

So good i like this
i vote aswome uggguuuuuuu I hope next update lol
Thanks... now i've got to steal some ideas from somewhere xP

XPJ38 wrote:

Indeed this is better now :)
Good. If you see anything else out of place, please point it out =D

XPJ38 wrote:

Just wanted to mention, another good gameplay-focused skin that made playing easy for me is CheZDa's Minimal Skin. It's old, but it's awesome~ Although, your skin elements look pretty final, so I'm not sure if it'll contribute any ideas or anything.

Really nice skin you got going here though~
Topic Starter
This is by no means final. Well, by some means, but not all means. Something to do with means.

I haven't played with the Minimal skin yet, so i'll have to give it a go tomorrow. Certainly, if i come across some awesomesauce ('cause i'm a poet and i don't know it) i'll make sure to incorporate some aspect of that. =D

No wait, sauce and across don't rhyme. WTF.
This is leaps and bounds better than Xi-Style. Any plans to reskin results screen etc?
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I would like to, but first i need to brood over an idea which pseudo-matches the gameplay theme itself - and the problem is there isn't much of a gameplay theme. xD That being said, i either have a lot of liberty over the menu aesthetics, or i have to be extremely careful. But yes, once i've successfully courted an idea, i plan to implement it.

I also plan to change the spinner, because it's revolting.
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Update Bump


Updated main post with screenshot and new v1.0b download link.

- New spinner introduced to replace the original eye-sore.
- 'over9000' addition removed temporarily until i can get a spinner design set in stone.

Please guys, feedback on the spinner. The video is outdated, so you'll have to go by screenshot or play with it. Sorry :(

Also thought i'd add, the poll percentages are 63%, 27% and 9%. That adds up to 99%. FISHY ROUNDING, POLL.
Topic Starter
This morning, i thought, "Hey, I should bump this carcass so more people look at it."

And then i thought, "But i can't do that without a reason - that would mean a triple post. Tsk tsk tsk."

So then i thought, "Oh yeah, why don't i finally skin the menu?"

Update Bump


Updated main post with new v1.1 download link. Screenshots and video to come soon.

- Menu elements skinned in the same style as the spinner, attempting to retain consistency. This includes:
+ Menu buttons
+ In-game buttons (Pause buttons & skip)
+ Ranking panel
+ Mod icons
+ Stars

Things still missing which i expect to add/change in the next patch: rank letters, performance graph, big 'perfect' splodge on performance graph, fitting reverse arrow.

*rage at stupid fixed song list colours that mess everything up and make it green*

EDIT: Menu screenshots added.
Looks really nice still, it's alot better to use now that all of the buttons are finally done. Spinner is an improvement but I didn't have any problem with it before anyway. Still my favourite skin so far.

This would be a totally useless post if it wasn't just stopping you from quad-posting.

tyrael6192 wrote:

Also thought i'd add, the poll percentages are 63%, 27% and 9%. That adds up to 99%. FISHY ROUNDING, POLL.

... = 98% O______O

Also it might be interesting, I will have a look later (since it's 4am here and I'm the only one still awake here.)
Topic Starter

SupernovaGA wrote:

Looks really nice still, it's alot better to use now that all of the buttons are finally done. Spinner is an improvement but I didn't have any problem with it before anyway. Still my favourite skin so far.

This would be a totally useless post if it wasn't just stopping you from quad-posting.
Thank you... I can retain at least some dignity XD
Cool spinner? Nice HP bar and highscores list? Amazing, I'll go with that. Big thanks.

By the way, do something with countdown. This hexagonal pattern looks well.
This skin is incredibly sexy. I think that I'll use it as my skin of choice for a while.

Some suggestions:

  • Make the song selection menu a bit brighter. Slightly subjective on my part, but I think that it looks a bit scarily dark.
    Make the hitbursts stand out a little bit more? It's great that they don't get in the way at all, but it'd be nice to have slightly more of an indication of how accurately I'm playing.
Thumbs up.
Nice improvements :)

Just a little thing: shouldn't it be NO video? Also, the corners of the image are also not fully transparent.
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

Cool spinner? Nice HP bar and highscores list? Amazing, I'll go with that. Big thanks.

By the way, do something with countdown. This hexagonal pattern looks well.
*facepalm* Completely forgot about the countdown. I'll have to do that for the next update.

D33d wrote:

This skin is incredibly sexy. I think that I'll use it as my skin of choice for a while.

Some suggestions:

  • Make the song selection menu a bit brighter. Slightly subjective on my part, but I think that it looks a bit scarily dark.
    Make the hitbursts stand out a little bit more? It's great that they don't get in the way at all, but it'd be nice to have slightly more of an indication of how accurately I'm playing.
Thumbs up.
Due to the way osu! colours the song selection menu, if i make the texture lighter there'll be more orange/red/etc. showing through, and i'll start to lose the pseudo-blue theme. Certainly, i can try, but if it doesn't work then i can't do anything without peppy changing stuff. It would be so much easier if the game didn't colour the list, and instead you had separate textures for played maps, unplayed maps, selected maps, etc. but life is like that at times. xD

As for the hitbursts, i'll give it a go. I've been wanting to make them a little more flashy for a while, but i haven't quite composed an idea for how i'm going to do it yet. Give me some time to play around, and i'm sure i'll have something down. :3

XPJ38 wrote:

Nice improvements :)

Just a little thing: shouldn't it be NO video? Also, the corners of the image are also not fully transparent.
It should be 'No video', but in order to fit that in while keeping the same font size/width i'd have had to remove the space, and i thought might as well just have 'Video', because people would know what the mod did anyway. But i guess it does make more sense that the button mentions what it does, rather than the exact opposite, so i might change it, or try to minutely squeeze the font, so that it still looks the same as the other font sizes but isn't. *ninja*

As for the corners, i noticed that while stress-testing the skin, and it was really weird because in Photoshop it was showing me complete transparency. I guess that's the downside of using Selection -> Smooth - it still fills in non-selected areas, or doesn't show all of the selected pixels. I'll have to manually erase. =D
Here are six more files you need to make (taken from other skin as example).
tyrael6192, i can't find over9000 folder. Where is it? :D
Topic Starter
It's been temporarily removed because i changed some elements of the skin. Never fear, it will be reintroduced in time. =D

Thanks, I'll get those done too. For some reason, given that default-percent/x/comma were no longer used, i thought that score-percent/x/comma were also unused. Silly me.

tyrael6192 wrote:

It should be 'No video', but in order to fit that in while keeping the same font size/width i'd have had to remove the space, and i thought might as well just have 'Video', because people would know what the mod did anyway. But i guess it does make more sense that the button mentions what it does, rather than the exact opposite, so i might change it, or try to minutely squeeze the font, so that it still looks the same as the other font sizes but isn't. *ninja*
What about putting the "NO" inside the square? :P

tyrael6192 wrote:

As for the corners, i noticed that while stress-testing the skin, and it was really weird because in Photoshop it was showing me complete transparency. I guess that's the downside of using Selection -> Smooth - it still fills in non-selected areas, or doesn't show all of the selected pixels. I'll have to manually erase. =D
You didn't use the magic wand in the corners then the background eraser tool? It should be fine with that.
Topic Starter

XPJ38 wrote:

What about putting the "NO" inside the square? :P
... oh my god.
You're a genius.

XPJ38 wrote:

You didn't use the magic wand in the corners then the background eraser tool? It should be fine with that.
I mean as in when i originally filled in the box, to get the round edges I selected a square and then did Selection -> Smooth. It showed me that the corners weren't selected, so i thought they wouldn't be filled at all, but they were. Simply erasing them should do the trick.

I'll get on with these changes tonight, then skin some of the missing stuff and post an update tomorrow morning, if i don't oversleep again. xD
Hm, I took a look at circles and here's the last thing I want to ask for
Your skin | Standard | What I would want to see

Of course, that pattern should be the same size as spinner's pattern and (as it seems for me) it should fade away from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

(added later) How about that?

And red cross for NoVideo
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Uhhhhhh yeah.....


I sorta overslept......


@Tic you mean you want the hitcircle to resemble the spinner completely, including the texture inside the hitcircle? Or just the grey hitcircle overlay?

tyrael6192 wrote:

@Tic you mean you want the hitcircle to resemble the spinner completely, including the texture inside the hitcircle? Or just the grey hitcircle overlay?
Don't know. I think first idea would look nice.
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Update Bump


Updated main post with new v1.2 download link and video. You'll have to wait a bit for screenshots =P

- hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay changed - texture added
- followpoints, slider points and slider follow points all changed to fit the theme.
- finally figured out how to change the slider style in the skin.ini xD
- made an awesome reverse arrow (lol)
- slightly changed the hue of the slider border
- sectionpass and sectionfail changed also
- lack of transparency in mod icons fixed
- 'spun out' and 'no video' icons changed to be more suitable

Things still missing:
- countdown
- performance gauge/'perfect' stamp
- rank letters
Also more flashy hit-bursts and spinner text.

Enjoy =D As always, feedback is very welcome.
As a heads-up, i've only just remembered that tomorrow i'm going on holiday for a week, so i can't be here to update stuff, unfortunately. :'(
Coming together nicely. Would like to see the letter grades skinned, as well as the spinner text.
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Sure, I'll get those done when i come back from holiday. =D

Updated in-game screenshots now up on the first page.
This is sexy. Really, really sexy. I was a little bit scared at the business of the skin, given the purpose of it, but it all feels really nice. Plus, the wonkiness of the borders appears to be gone.

One question: will you be adding more combo colours? I only see blue and purple. I could change them myself, but it'd be nice so see everything there!
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Sure, i guess. I was somewhat skeptical of which colours would work with the blue-ish overlay, so I stayed on the safe side xD
I'd suggest making the overlay transparent. The skin would look fantastic with default colours that pop.
Awesome skin which isn't full of anime stuff like most others~

D33d wrote:

I'd suggest making the overlay transparent. The skin would look fantastic with default colours that pop.
Am I doin' it rite? :3
looks good :D i like the sliders and hp bar, but the cursor trail can be a bit distracting on spinners, and personally i prefer star2 to be a blank image, no star fountains and such during kiai
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To be totally honest, I had no idea what star2 even was, so I made it the same as the map difficulty star sprite xD I'll check it out. I might just change it though - I quite like the kiai fountains xP
One other thing: could you pretty up the health bar a bit? Its gradient looks overly fuzzy and rough. It's a bit picky of me, but this skin's looking sweet enough that you might as well make every element look shiny and such.

tyrael6192 wrote:

To be totally honest, I had no idea what star2 even was, so I made it the same as the map difficulty star sprite xD I'll check it out. I might just change it though - I quite like the kiai fountains xP
Star2 is the particle that appears behind the cursor during breaks, behind the currently selected map on the song select, the kiai fountains, and the combo burst.

It's best to make it less obnoxious for this particular skin. I would suggest leaving it blank, as Zhanger suggested. It's quite annoying during kiai time.
Alternatively, you could make the star an extremely subtle circular motif or something.
Magical Pokie
Very good
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