
Whats your Favorite Game of All Time?

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That is way too hard of a question for me to answer D=

Especially because I'm bad at weighting different genres, and different aspects of games, and all that.

Oh wait, I know:


(seriously the gravity of that question fucking crushes me)
Half-Life 2.

I'm ashamed to say, that I played this first time last year. I can't believe, that I missed release of such a great game. Portal is also nice, but Half-Life 2 was first and it rocked. Truly.

Other that that, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, because of the epicness.
Fun Fact: I've never completed LoZ:OoT.
I haven't beaten OoT either. CAn't get passed the last boss ;_;

Favorite game... I dunno. I can't make a list. I think it's a tie between Portal and Super mario galaxy. My opinion's probably gonna change as soon as I get into another game, probably...
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Ya'll found OoT hard? It was too easy to me. The dungeons were sometimes a bit tricky to figure out (I'm looking at you, Water Temple), but they were easy for the most part. As for battles, if you ever had trouble, you could just fill up your bottles with fairies. OoT is a good game though. I played it alot as a kid. Not my favorite though.
Kirby air ride. The one game with which I can be eating something and still play decently simultaneously.
That and it's just plain fun.

awp wrote:

That is way too hard of a question for me to answer D=

Especially because I'm bad at weighting different genres, and different aspects of games, and all that.

Oh wait, I know:


(seriously the gravity of that question fucking crushes me)
This. I've played waaay too many good games to pick a favourite. :/
I find it hard enough just to narrow it down to one favourite game per console, let alone of all time :\ Zelda's pretty cool, but they've never made a difficult game, even moreso for the 3D ones.
These are my fav three games in the order of most played:

1) Quake III Arena (7+ years played)
2) StepMania (Almost 3 years played)
3) Osu! (Played since Apr 19, 2008)
A Link To the Past was the definitive Zelda game, gameplay wise, and it's definitely one of my favorite games.
OoT was too easy, but it had a really nice atmosphere that was worked into the level design. I'm not sure which Zelda I like more.

Most non-action RPG's bore me, but I really loved Earthbound. At its core it's a very archaic system, but the mixture of the whole environment, story presentation, and rolling odometers kept me hooked.

Starcraft is my favorite RTS and I'm still playing it (mostly due to the online community) after 3 or so years.
LttP is my favorite Zelda game. Second? Twilight Princess... if anything, because I loved being able to run around as a wolf. Plus, most awesome 'sidekick' in a Zelda game so far.

I think that if I have to pick a single game as my nr. 1 top favorite though... it'd be Uniracers / Unirally (depending on location the name is different). Racing with unicycles. Performing tricks for speed boosts. MOST AWESOME MUSIC EVER IN ANY VIDEOGAME. All some of the sweetest 2D ever to come out of the SNES, and one of the fastest games (and one of the last) on the SNES. I am still planning on making a pc version of it with a track editor included...
This question is impossible to answer to hardcore gamers, but you can say what is one of your Favorite Games.

One of them is Final Fantasy VI for the SNES, one of the Best Games I've EVER played.

ROMaster2 wrote:

This question is impossible to answer to hardcore gamers, but you can say what is one of your Favorite Games.

One of them is Final Fantasy VI for the SNES, one of the Best Games I've EVER played.
Thank you. Surprised it took that long for it to appear~

You are correct for hardcore gamers... there's too many memories over the years for the single favorite.

Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross / FF6 / FF7 / OoT / Beyond Good and Evil

Most are still on my game rotation. Others on that rotation also include Ico/Shadow of the Colossus and Kingdom Hearts.
Final Fantasy Tactics/Advance are two of my all-time favourites. Others include Earthbound, Persona 3, Pop'n Music, The World Ends With You, Phoenix Wright, and Osu!.

Sorry for bumping an (semi-)old thread, it was relevant to my interests. x3
Dark Deception_old
I know I brought it up once and I'm bringing it up again. My favorite games are Codename: Kids Next Door operation: V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E and Hamtaro (I'm looking at you Hamham heartbreak and Hamham games). Also, I love Jet set radio future LOTR: the 3rd age (A LOTR RPG), Tron 2.0 killer app and Earthbound (since there are two people here who are hooked by that game.)

I have Earthbound on my ZSENS emulator on my dad's laptop and only play it Monday thru Friday, as well as a few Super Mario World romhacks that are by name: Brutal Mario, The Ninji Saga and the New Super Mario Bros. SMW romhack. You could download it on http://www.isuckballs.lulz, but only if you got the ZSNES emulator.

I know! I'm suck a nerd! :D
I have trouble deciding between Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht, Shadow of the Colossus, and Final Fantasy IV. But if I have to choose one of the three, I'd have to say Shadow of the Colossus. It's epic, but without the thirty-minute cutscenes of Xenosaga, and battles which make the struggle against Zeromus seem small.

Dark Deception wrote:

You could download it on...
It's a trap. And of course, my mom HAD to be in the same room. Die in a fire.
Dark Deception_old

Loginer wrote:

Dark Deception wrote:

You could download it on...
It's a trap. And of course, my mom HAD to be in the same room. Die in a fire.
*scoffs* Your a jerk!
Sorry but I have to choose 2.
Timesplitters 2. (Can you say rebounding lasers 7 times fast?)
I'm always juggling a Top 3 in no particular order: Donkey Kong Country 2 (It's beyond me why this trilogy is so often dumped on, DKC2 is one of the best platformers I've ever played), Grim Fandango, and Ocarina of Time. Others in no particular include Elite Beat Agents and Amplitude for music, Super Mario Galaxy for the current generation of consoles, Final Fantasy 6, Ratchet and Clank, and Conker's Bad Fur Day (The N64 original, not the glitchy and censored Xbox remake).

Behonkiss wrote:

Grim Fandango

I really need to get me some Grim Fandango.
I will always love Chrono Cross, It's filled with great People, with a great story line, and its a good sequel to chrono trigger, I could never find it to buy untel I beat it, and as such it took me 7 years to beat it
0-0. But when I finnaly won It was such a feeling of loss but I got stronger from it, it will always be my favorite.
My favorite game of all time is.....METAL GEAR SOLID!!!!!!!
no doubt!
Osu! Besides that? Pong: The next level.
My top 3:

1) Metal Gear 2
2) Sonic Adventure 2
3) Beyond Good and Evil

Metal Gear 2, I was just completely blown away by. Of course, being the not-living-in-Japan kinda guy I am, I first played it back when MGS3: Subsistence was released. I played through MGS3 again, new camera was fun. Then I went through the original Metal Gear. It kinda sucked. Then Metal Gear 2. It was just AWESOME. The puzzles are awesome and clever. Especially the final boss. You've been stripped of all your weapons and you have to fight the most legendary soldier in all of ever. So what do you do? You run away like the scaredy cat you are, grab some hair spray and make a FLAMETHROWER. It's epic. And you can walk on acid as long as you're holding some chocolate. It makes so much sense that I love it. And you know those lame moral decision choices that are forced on you in so many other games? Well, Metal Gear 2 executes the system perfectly: if you punch a little kid, you lose HP! This game surely saved thousands of lives from child abuse.

Sonic Adventure 2. This is the best game ever made. No, really, the best. Except Metal Gear 2. But Metal Gear 2 cheated with the chocolate. Sonic Adventure 2 hbas something that I can't quite grasp, but it's just plain awesome. The story was amazing, something you'd never have expected from a Sonic game. It looks beautiful. I'd love it even if put to today's standards. And then it's just plain fun and awesome. And then the chao. I LOVE THE CHAO. I spent days and days of nonstop playing, trying to get those chao strong enough to win the karate tournament and save the orphanage! Oh, and did I mention Karate entirely consists of standing in place for a few seconds and slowly crawling over to your opponent and just blindly bopping them on the head? It's awesome like that and SA2 captured it beautifully.

Beyond Good and Evil was awesome. Seriously. Seriously, a combination of Metal Gear and Pokemon Snap? THAT'S THE BEST GAME EVER. Seriously. Pokemon Snap was the best game ever, and making a game combining it with Metal Gear is the best game ever, because Metal Gear 2 was the best game ever. Not to mention everybody is like an animal for some reason. That's like Sonic kinda. Sonic Adventure 2 was the best game ever. This is the best game ever. Except for Metal Gear 2. It cheated with fighting child abuse. Oh, and the story in Beyond Good and Evil pwned. CLIFFHANGER ENDING WHAT WHERE'S THAT DARNED SEQUEL oh wait there it is.
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OSU!! :)

Also favorites are Cave Story, TWEWY, Sonic Heroes, Sonic & Knuckles, Phoenix Wright series (man! I haven't played those in ages!), Professor Layton and the Curious Village, and all Rockman games from the Classic series. :D

Most of them, unfortunately, I haven't played in a great while. Well... I that's most of them at least, I think...
I can't really pick a favorite... if i had to choose maybe LoZ: Windwaker. Just due to the amount of time I've played it. A while ago my little brothers wiped my memory card three times over so i had to rebeat the game and second quest a total of 6 times, im on my 7th runthrough right now.

I wouldn't be able to do that with any other game
People tend to say Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best game... though having not played it, I can't contribute further.
The only games I've heard crowned as "Best game ever" are Final Fantasy VII (This is very niche and generally a statement of huge RPG/PSX/Squenix fans) and Super Metroid (a much more valid claim - go back in time and play it; it was amazing for its time and has aged just as well as Chrono Trigger).

Off topic speculation based on above paragraph sentence: Best aged game ever? Super Metroid and Chrono Trigger have both aged magnificently. If those games were ever remade (lol CT) I don't think they'd actually get changed because they were pretty much perfect the first time around. Super Metroid could use sharper weapon-selection icons and a nicer-looking pause menu, but that's basically it.
TWEWY, Cave Story, Osu, Boktai (dunno which one D=)... Megaman Zero 3. And maybe FFTA. Oh, I forgot, Nekketsu Basketball for the NES xD
My number one goes to... Osu!
(of course, if anybody else would be punching me up.)
Second is Second Life (Ha-ha!)
Here's my favorite top 3 games:

1) Guilty Gear Accent Core (Wants Accent Core + to be released...)
2) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
3) Megami Persona Be Your True Mind

I do have many other favorites, and they're hard to choose from. In terms of gameplay, I would choose Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. I loved that game since I was 6 yrs old. In terms of style, I would pick Persona 3 FES, because who knew a RPG/Life Simulator can be filled with cool lookin' menus with a great soundtrack? Well, that's my choices, heh. :P
1) Phantasy Star Universe

2) Half-Life Series


I love all of those games right now 8-)
Well, I'm not sure... but i can narrow it down to about 5...

Trauma Center, Osu, Taiko, Phoenix Wright, Mario 64/Galaxy...
It looks like an inocent question, but waoh, thats hard to answer. Well my favourites are:

Zone Of the Enders: The Second Runner (Hideo Kojima, left alone that soldiers story called mgs, and come back!), The legend of Zelda: A link to the past (3D Zeldas are great but this one... 100% awesome), Super Mario Bros 3: the best mario game, and I don't understand why people keep saying Super Mario Land is better), Lufia: The rise of the sinistrals (Lufia II in the States and in Japan... I supouse), awesome game, with most challengin puzzles in a game (Y want a NDS remakeeee!) and Perfect Dark N64, (the first perfect multiplayer)

For the actual generation, and quite soon to know if they are going to be my favourites: Mario Galaxy, Brawl and Lost Odyssey
Card N'FoRcE
Final Fantasy IX
It has the best Italian translation ever, has really good graphics and musics, has a good story and lots of other things
I don't know a game I liked more than that one.
tetris, pacman, galaga, punch out, forgot the other one
Agent BA8 Rookbie
Hm, well... I hardly ever have one favourite, but I have a few favourite games.
In no particular order...
1) Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (I don't care if it's basically an expansion pack. It owns.)
2) Medievil 2 (Skeleton + Guns + Old Victorian Setting = Pwnage)
3) Dark Cloud (Hard as hell, that last boss.)
4) osu! of course.
5) EBA/Ouendan. Understandable though.
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oh yeah, first rpg-ish game i played was willow. loved it.
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castlevania:aria of sorrow!!!
I really want to say TWEWY is my favourite game, but I know SF64 just would not agree with that at all. Nor would Kingdom Hearts. And I really don't want to get on the God of War's bad side picking favourites. Hmm.
just pick osu
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Half-Life 1 :D (With 2 running close second)
My first RPG was Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Yeah, I joined the RPG train late...
[deleted user]
Soul Blazer for the SNES. It's just so darn good. I mean, you play... Jesus/Son of God. And you kill stuff. With a sword that shoots flaming birds out of it. Oh, and you can sneak yourself into the dreams of dolphins. And stuff. And you can talk with racoons and steal human-sized armor from birds.

And the name of the last boss? DeathToll. He's got Death in his name. That's why this game rocks my socks.
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