
Clans - A detailed suggestion.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +11,224
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Update: 28th March 2015

After 5 years sitting here, collecting more dust then stars, the most requested feature "Teams" and/or "Clans" is on it's way. For those that aren't aware, osu!next posts updates about the new client UI and website re-design that will be launched in the future. With that, two months ago, osu!teams was indeed previewed.

Please be aware, this means that Teams are now 100% confirmed to be on-track with the website re-design launch, and that may also include the osu! new-UI launch.

Yes, I am going to put in details of an idea for Clan's in osu!. This was after playing Tag Team mode with a friend, and then against two randoms, which gave me an idea. If this has been suggested, then ok. But I've got a few idea's that could make this work. And before you say that osu! doesn't need them... Well then look at it; If we had clans, how stronger would the community be, playing in groups. I guess if you don't understand that, read further into my idea.

Clans - Why?
This idea was thought up about one group of people, playing together and beating another group of people at a certain game, genre, and what ever else falls under this. osu! can also be the same, having a group of people, playing as a team, against another team at beatmaps suggested by both sides. This type of playing falls under the multiplayer mode "osu! Tag Team" mode. There can also be a possibility of another mode being added, but that will be discussed later.

How can this even work?
Read further in for some features it could possibly have, other than that, I stated how it can be done just before, with the "osu! Tag Team" mode in multiplayer.

*Couldn't think of anymore questions...*

Possible Features:

Creating a clan, monitoring, and member lists.
All these can fall under the same category, with the use of the osu! main website. Having an option to create a clan on the site, will mean less spamming of in-game clan making, forcing the unruly and unnecessary amount created.

When creating, a user could possibly require a certain amount of plays, ranked points, or time being apart of osu!. As I said, less clan spamming.
If the user passes these checks, then they must think of a Name for the clan. A maximum of let's say, 32 characters for the name. Word filtering is a must for this to work.

Once a name is chosen, they can create a clan Tag. Now, this is a tricky part on how to do it. You can do many different things for tags, but with the IRC chat based into the client, the best was to do it is like that. A maximum of 4 letters, numbers or symbols into the tag, placed into squared brackets. This tag can either be at the front, or behind the users IGN which appears in the chat. Examples:

[CLAN] Fatty
Fatty [CLAN]

For the sake of people wanting to easily check the clan, a possible chat feature can be used but clicking the users name, and having a "Check clan stats" button added to that menu which appears when clicking a user. It's better than having a separate link in the users username. If the users is not in a clan, no clan tag is displayed, and no button is displayed in the users menu.

Once those are chosen, the user is to enter a description of the clan into a designated area, which is limited to X amount of characters.

Once all fields have been completed, the clan then falls under review until a BAT or Peppy checks to see if the clan is not derogatory in no way, shape or form. This is the "Pending" status for the clan. Once it is complete, the clan is open for recruitment, and possible edition by the appointed leader, or other forms of ranks that is desired.

Clan Ranks
Clan ranks will only really need 3 forms: Administrator/Creator, Moderator/Recruiter, Member.

Admin/Creator: The ability to disband the clan at any given time, removal of users, promotion of users to clan Moderator, or Administrator. Add possible clan pictures (For their clan site). Ability to close or open recruitment, when they are happy with member count.
Appointed Administraitor: All abilities of a Creator, with a few restricted ones such as Disbanding, and other major ones.
Moderator: Ability to approve members awaiting approval to enter the clan (Read a little further down on how to do recruitment), and the denial of these members. Ability to create or participate as an admin for Clan Battles. Nothing else that's really needed.
Member: Just being apart of the clan.

How to recruit
A user wishing to join a clan can apply on their clan site. Simply all they need to do is be logged in, head to the page, and click a giant Join Clan button to be put into the approval Que, awaiting a Moderator, or Admin to approve them into the clan. There are no requirements to join a clan, unless set by a clan admin. (These are personal requirements that they want, so they'll do a trial on them, or something like that. This can not be set into the clan, it must be if the Admin/Mod wants them in or not, so it's superficial requirements.)

How Clan matches work
This is another hard part. The addition of clans, can help by creating a purposely made Clan mode, which only users in a clan can join. Once done, clans looking for a clan battle, can join this room, and see if they have the right amount on (Minimum of two to do a clan battle). There can be two clan modes, the second I will mention in a moment. The first mode, is Clan Tag Team. Simply on the osu! Tag Team mode, each side fights it out to see which group get's the most points. A clan ranking system can also be implemented, but I will also mention that after this. Simple for Tag Team to just follow the way it is now, for less confusion on modes.

For changing sides, as in, the next beat map group, it is quite simple:
Admin/Mod creates room, members join of their clan, and opposite clan. Opposite clan needs a Mod and/or and Admin on to play.
Clan that creates room selects song #1. Teams play through it, and then host is given to the highest ranking member on the opposing side. If users are all moderators, host be given to the oldest member of the opposing clan, then vice-versa. They choose their map, then swap. This continues till one clan admits defeat (Rage quit), or a member leaves, leaving one side a member down. Members from other clans can NOT play unless they are apart of the two clans in the room. Simply the room master must choose who they verse.

Second game mode
I'm not good at thinking of game modes, if there is another one you can think of, like Team Normal, where everyone plays the full map, then the team with the Highest Point average wins, then so be it... But I can't think of anything good, since it's pretty good now.

Ranking System
When playing in a clan battle, at the ending, there is a score. The best way to have a clan ladder, is to divide the final score by 100, and then adding it to the clans total score. This will ONLY apply to RANKED BeatMaps, not approved and none that aren't submitted. Also, the accuracy of the game can be added to the clans score, which can also be a 2nd form of possible ranking - By Accuracy, and not by Points.

You can also but W/L Ratio rankings, and stuff like that. Makes it more interesting for users to be apart of a clan.

This is about how detailed I've thought of this idea, I guess I feel it's not enough... I just feel like I'm missing stuff, but it's 1:16am, and I have school in 7 hours. So yeah, I hope I get some good replies, and if you are going to flame the idea, or just put it down, then please state why, in a more detailed way WHY you don't like it/think it won't work. That could open new doors, and close some of the others for this idea.

Thanks for your time,

What are Teams?
Teams, simply put, are a group of players that work as one towards a goal. Nothing special or complicated about it. You create a team, get your friends and other people together, to work towards a goal. At the moment it would only be to compete against other teams, but wouldn't it be awesome if there were achievements that were awarded for group play? Group total score? Group co-operation? Awesome, right!? Well that's what I'm going for.

Okay, Teams, but why?
osu! is strongly based around the community. We all know this. peppy, and his team of developers simply develop, fix and edit the client and contents. But the rest of it, is pushed out by the community. The content we see at the moment is strongly influenced by what we, as members, like, listen to, and feel enthusiastic about. But we act as a community to provide content for each other, yet we don't act like it in game? Multiplayer is a feature built in that gives the idea of "competition". There's no two ways about it. We only have Team, Tag Team, and co-op game modes that bring us together to work as a team to have fun. Even then, it's limited to osu! standard, and majority of the features built around it. Taiko and CtB only get Team modes

I sprung the idea of Clans (Now Teams) back in 2010, with the hope of getting groups of players together to enjoy the game as one, rather then just jumping in on your own, and trying to do things with others that just might not work out. It was an idea of getting friends together, more then just a few, and compete against other players and their friends. But over the years I've been thinking about it more, and well, it'd be nice to do something with friends and create an experience unique to group play.

What if others don't want to join a team?
It's their choice! Just like players who choose to play mouse over tablets, CtB/taiko over standard, mapping over playing, personal preference over personal preference. No one is forcing you to play in a team, or join it for that matter. It's entirely up to you! That's what osu! is all about! Playing the game the way you want! It's honestly up to you if you want to join a team or not!

Well that sounds awesome! How can we benefit from teams?
It's always nice to play with other people. It's even better when you play with your friends. Combining the competitive play of Multiplayer, and the idea of grouping up for this, is essentially what it's all about. Mappers do collaborations with each other because they like mapping with other people. It's essentially the same idea for play, just this time around, it'll be visual!

Teams are something I feel would be a great addition to the game. Even if it's not visibly shown in chat, or even on the online list. Knowing that I'm in a team lets me know that I'm apart of something bigger then just "Hey, just me here, nobody else". It's the same on any other online game. Wearing the colours, the tag, the name of your clan, makes you feel that you're apart of something other then solo gameplay.

So, a few things I'm going to point out. One being quotes from peppy;

peppy wrote:

I started work on a system that will address the "clans" request, but called it teams. I haven't yet completed or worked on it in over half a year, but it does exist :P.

peppy wrote:

I hope to make it similar to niconico communities, which encourage communities to grow in order to unlock cool stuff. Also it will be used for potential multiplayer matching/tourneys, and who knows what else :P.
As we can see, peppy has got his version in the works, but it's unbeknownst to us whether it's a full time or casual development of it since he has a lot to do at the moment. So, for now, we can only help with posting our ideas.

Secondly, images suggested by the enthusiastic user SuzumiyaBR;

SuzumiyaBR wrote:

My sugestion

Ingame Today

Future with Clan

Clan Pro ( Name of Clan ) + logo + Clan Pro --- 19/100 ( 100 online each clan or 1000 )
+++++ Competitive game

SuzumiyaBR wrote:

Example of osu with Clan ^

Scroll bar on the right side to see all clan members
This is a nice idea, all of them. We'd have to see what peppy says, but honestly I don't see any harm in these ideas other then implementation.

I'm going to leave out a detailed suggestion for ranking since I feel that after recent happenings (Not publically saying why), I had my stats reset. With that happening, I'm not bothered by my stats anymore so I'm quite biased on everything in regards to it. I feel that the decision, regardless of suggestion, falls on peppy's head since, well... No matter what we say he's doing it anyways... (The controversy over PP when it was first announced is a prime example). I'll also add that there's no real way to guarentee display the team names, accronyms, and stats in-game unless a new select tab for "Who's Online" is input such as "Teams", which would show the top team with members online at the time, and their ranked score for that team. I do feel that it should be ranked by score obtained as a team in multiplayer matches, using a different ranking method like "Total score / X * players online", and as with normal ranked score, only your highest obtained for that map is ranked, all players must pass, and so forth. Average accuracy also logged :P No rating system though, that'll provoke people spamming the better players to join their team so they can get a better rating, or Team PP, or what ever else.

This is pretty much it for now.

Feature idea:

Re-doing the multiplayer screen to have two sides, or four, depending. Each side has X slots, and the appointed captains/highest ranking members of the team, are placed at the top of the list for that side. With that, their team name and logo is above the group. Teams would be colour coded of course. This would probably cause for a different room setting to be turned on when creating a room though. I thought I'd suggest it since it is promoting Team vs. Team gameplay.

I'll add more when I get time and when I read through the entire thread more thoroughly, but in hindsight, this is the idea itself without any further look into the actual system as a whole, and creating a method, or content in regards to JUST an idea for now.

I bid you good day.
I feel moderators should add members, instead of members joining clans. This seems like less mess in the workflow and prevent spamming. Public clans, which are open to all members, are silly. If someone wants to join a clan, they can ask a clan moderator.

I disagree with BAT approval for clan creation.

Would there be any restriction on the number of clans a player can be in? I think one should be the maximum, for simplicity. However, there may be one player who wants to join an osu! clan and a different taiko clan, for example.

I wouldn't want my clan name appearing in chat. Maybe in multiplayer, though.

A clan ladder seems like a good idea, but your implementation seems silly. Clans who play more get a higher rank, instead of things being more skill-based. I haven't thought up completely a system myself, though I have thought about a ladder from time to time. Looking into existing ladder systems in popular games (SC2?, HoN) may be benefitial.
Maybe this can be mixed with osu! challenges which were previewed a few months ago?
Shohei Ohtani
I'm imagining that there will be about 4-5 giant clans, and then a bunch of mini-clans.

I guess this can work, but having [COOL]CDFA, [OSU]CDFA [LARTOISEX]CDFA wouldbe kind of annoying, imo.
This is an idea that I wanted to expose a long time, I never could because little English.

It's something to consider... if you look at what mostly causes the movement of the games are tournaments or leagues that are managed by the clan system and clanwars, really is something to consider.
I had actually considered something like this, but never bothered to elaborate on thinking~
But I think it would be a damn good idea,

As CDFA said, there would be the 'giant' clans and a lot of small ones, but there is nothing bad with that at all is there?
Introduction of clan-based games would be a great idea too

As Strager said, clan tags would be fine in multiplayer but not in chat, and limiting it to 4 characters is good too~

This would definitely increase the joining of the community, give people something to work towards collectively rather than just separately
Topic Starter

strager wrote:

I feel moderators should add members, instead of members joining clans. This seems like less mess in the workflow and prevent spamming. Public clans, which are open to all members, are silly. If someone wants to join a clan, they can ask a clan moderator.
That could work.
I disagree with BAT approval for clan creation.
Then how can we stop stupid clans with names that are derogatory to other members, insult peoples choice of habbits/religion/hobbies, or things that are plain right stupid? There are enough BAT's to decide if a clan is alright to be made, that's why I suggested it.
Would there be any restriction on the number of clans a player can be in? I think one should be the maximum, for simplicity. However, there may be one player who wants to join an osu! clan and a different taiko clan, for example.
I think that it would be more difficult to implement multiple clans, and surely annoying to have a possible 3 tags. If they want to be in an osu!, taiko and CtB clan respectively at the same time, their best bet is to create their own and describe that it's for that reason. One clan is enough.
I wouldn't want my clan name appearing in chat. Maybe in multiplayer, though.
True, maybe an option of hiding it or not? Or just remove it from the #osu channel all together to make it easier.
A clan ladder seems like a good idea, but your implementation seems silly. Clans who play more get a higher rank, instead of things being more skill-based. I haven't thought up completely a system myself, though I have thought about a ladder from time to time. Looking into existing ladder systems in popular games (SC2?, HoN) may be benefitial.
Possibly, this is something I also thought of. Review of other popular ladders would need to be done in that case to make one that fits into it all with no conflict.

strager wrote:

Maybe this can be mixed with osu! challenges which were previewed a few months ago?
That is certainly an idea. Any main thought on how though?

CDFA wrote:

I'm imagining that there will be about 4-5 giant clans, and then a bunch of mini-clans.
True, maybe limiting a clan to a max of X users would need to be made in that case. Possibly 50?
I guess this can work, but having [COOL]CDFA, [OSU]CDFA [LARTOISEX]CDFA <<(4 CHARACTERS NOT 9!) wouldbe kind of annoying, imo.
This is where BAT Approval will be needed.

MashaBISEX- wrote:

This is an idea that I wanted to expose a long time, I never could because little English.

It's something to consider... if you look at what mostly causes the movement of the games are tournaments or leagues that are managed by the clan system and clanwars, really is something to consider.
This was my main idea to begin with.

Guy-kun wrote:

I had actually considered something like this, but never bothered to elaborate on thinking~
But I think it would be a damn good idea,

As CDFA said, there would be the 'giant' clans and a lot of small ones, but there is nothing bad with that at all is there?
Introduction of clan-based games would be a great idea too
I would love to see a boat load of clan-based games too!
As Strager said, clan tags would be fine in multiplayer but not in chat, and limiting it to 4 characters is good too~
Possibly remove tags from all #osu.
This would definitely increase the joining of the community, give people something to work towards collectively rather than just separately
And this is how the community can strengthen, and we can see more of the less known players come out in full colour.
I said what I needed to in Bold text.
I think the core community of osu! is a little to small for clans.

qlum wrote:

I think the core community of osu! is a little to small for clans.
Tried and tested?
On BAT approval:

I think a better option is to restrict who can create a clan, and ban anyone who abuses this power.

My first thought was to allow those with a supporter tag to create a clan, but this somewhat goes against the philosophy of being a supporter.

My second thought was to allow BAT's to create clans, and have them pass the clan to the person who wanted the clan. This puts more unnecessary load on BAT's, though, but would ideally work better than the first option and maybe even the post-filter process you/Fatty suggested.

Any other ideas on how to weed out shit clans?
A possible idea would be that to create one, you need a maximum of X members (5/10?) with a cumulative Ranked Score of X (5'000'000'000 ish maybe?)
That way its not just restricted to one player needing the prerequisitories to create a clan, but a group of people, some more and some less experienced
This would get rid of most 'for the hell of it' clans with newbs in

Guy-kun wrote:

A possible idea would be that to create one, you need a maximum of X members (5/10?) with a cumulative Ranked Score of X (5'000'000'000 ish maybe?)
That way its not just restricted to one player needing the prerequisitories to create a clan, but a group of people, some more and some less experienced
This would get rid of most 'for the hell of it' clans with newbs in
This is definitely a good idea.
So you have some good players in a clan who can then help newbies or less experienced players that join the clan.
In general i would support clans but i think you should just leave the clan tags out in chat/irc.
I overall strongly support this, and I remember peppy saying some time ago he wants to move osu off from merely being ranked score whoring (not exact words) and clans would be a great feature for osu
if you pay attention, many OSU players, as several of the tops global players, let them play because they do not have many goals to accomplish, the clans are constant and objectives do not end.

I definitely believe that several would like this.
This seems like a very good idea to me, the implementation I'm not sure about but the core idea I very much approve of. One thing though; call them "squads", not clans.

nardi11011 wrote:

call them "squads", not clans.
or "Team".
Or "Clan".
Ehh where to start, ppl usually go multiplayer with friends (at least for me) which feels less stressful and more fun, competitivity against random ppl "PvP" is one of the most stressful things for me and having clans just promotes this except in groups, im ok just playing multi against my friends and stuff. I dont like this idea at all
+1 for Squads
When competing, I thought of two possible dynamics:

The first system is the one used in the Proleague of Starcraft, the record five players from each team. First play A vs B. The winner will play the second player of team B, and will continue playing until being defeated. And then the winning player will continue playing, and the loser will have to put another player.

The first team to lose five players is the loser. The system would be like "winner still in play"

The second system is used in several league games. It consists of four "1 vs 1" and one "2 vs 2"

The "one vs. one" earns 2 point
The "2 vs 2" earns 3 points

If playing 1v1, the correct way would be Head to head.
If playing 2v2, would tag team or team tag coop.
Topic Starter
Squads is a much better idea, it's more of a friendlier term than clans.

As for the implementations, I'm so confused by how many ideas that have appeared that I'm actually getting a headache...
Taiko squad gogo
+squads or something like that.
Also, me likes this :)

MashaBISEX- wrote:

or "Team".
I like team! [: It's simple-r.

+ support on this idea~

Sakura301 wrote:

Ehh where to start, ppl usually go multiplayer with friends (at least for me) which feels less stressful and more fun, competitivity against random ppl "PvP" is one of the most stressful things for me and having clans just promotes this except in groups, im ok just playing multi against my friends and stuff. I dont like this idea at all
The best clans I've been in are mainly just a big group of friends. They're so fun and relaxed.

This is why I support this idea and why I also believe there is no point on having a hard regulation on clans. Maybe like a 2-week requirement, but nothing too difficult to meet for casual players, which, believe it or not, is a pretty big population of osu!.

MittenMasterzz wrote:

Taiko squad gogo
Joining asap
Bump for great clans.
and Support~!
+0.5. I don't think it's terribly necessary because osu! doesn't strike me as being competitive enough, but I have nothing against the idea. I like BAT involvement in clan creation to prevent stupidity. "Squads" is the best name because "clan" sounds too competitive and we have enough things called "team" already.

Actually, it would be cool if "squads" could be expanded into things other than multiplayer scores... But one idea at a time.
I guess clans could work pretty well in osu! now, since the player base is pretty large.
I was always for fun, but you have to understand that competition is the dynamic that likes most people. If you pay attention, the main global Osu tops and do not find interest in the game, because the ranking system and they tired a bit.

I'm not a global top, but with six billion points I'm a bit disinterested in the game, and that does not happen to me, if not to many people.

Osu can be fun viewed from a competitive standpoint, and at the same time, maintain the interest of the old players for a long time.

The clans, teams or squads, or whatever you call them, are something that would achieve a dynamic much more fun than the current one in Osu, is something to consider.

"I guess clans could work pretty well in osu! now", The perfect phrase to sum up everything I said.
I like this idea a lot!
Then we can play clan wars :3

Sakura301 wrote:

Ehh where to start, ppl usually go multiplayer with friends (at least for me) which feels less stressful and more fun, competitivity against random ppl "PvP" is one of the most stressful things for me and having clans just promotes this except in groups, im ok just playing multi against my friends and stuff. I dont like this idea at all
The Clan/Team/Squad would be optional though,if you find it stressful then stay far away from clans xD An alternative is join but you don't need to take part in the competitive side of it. Kinda like if you're in an MMORPG and you hate fighting people,you can just stick to the PvE part and do instances or whatever but can still join a guild and have fun with guild members,that's what I do :D

I personally like the idea,it's definitly interesting to imagine how it'd turn out ^^
Just realized Roko could bring back T@ikoM@ster with this. 0w0
Sir Minelli
I have yet to see what peppy thinks about this.

I don't see why not.
Somebody should make a poll, clans, squads, teams. Which name do you prefer?
Do it.
Bump for justice.
Nakata Yuji
The only problem I can see with this is that the top players are going to form their own niche, and all the other clans aren't really going to have much of a chance in these clan battles. But on the other hand, I see tournaments working well, maybe some tournaments having a limit to the total total score of the participating clan members. This could be really fun, and it would move osu! away from rank whoring, which is something I'm done with. Trophies for winning some tournaments could be shown in the profile, which truly will accentuate the player's ability.

Also, I think it would be better called a circle. The clans here aren't so much to wreck ass, but more to form friendships.
I preffer Guild :3 but Clan or Squad is good too.

Lemon Water_old
I support this idea.
Do it
Hell's no, I do not want make MMORPG out of this game :roll:
We don't need this.

Galkan92 wrote:

Hell's no, I do not want make MMORPG out of this game :roll:
No one is asking you to do anything with osu, noob

Natteke wrote:

Galkan92 wrote:

Hell's no, I do not want make MMORPG out of this game :roll:
No one is asking you to do anything with osu, noob
Okay, special version for you, in other words:

I don't support this. It's as same useless as suggestion about implementing voice chat >.>
I think clan's in osu! (Taiko, CtB) are good coz------------------>more help for newcomer&beginners; more activity; straight matches are funny!

so...why not?

rockit wrote:

I think clan's in osu! (Taiko, CtB) are good coz------------------>more help for newcomer&beginners; more activity; straight matches are funny!

so...why not?
I never heard any clan helping the newbies in any game, they mostly lough at them.
Shohei Ohtani
In every game, there's a kinda newbie clan (ie. Taiko Beginner Team) that doesn't actually do anything, but just makes it so newer people can go "Make me a sandwhich, I'm in a cool clan."
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