
The user name origin thread

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Since there's already an avatar thread, and user names are far less subject to change than avatars, I thought I'd start this.

How did you choose your user name in osu!? Is it a new handle, or have you been using it for some time? Do you use it elsewhere on the Internet too, or are you a man (or woman) of many names?

My user name comes from Harry Potter. The teacher of Astronomy on Hogwarts is called Professor Sinistra. Ten years ago, when I read the name in Chamber of Secrets, I liked its sound (I didn't know it was actually a real word, Italian for "left"), and I was into Astronomy at the time, so I started going by "Sinistra" online.

Unfortunately, Sinistra was not given a first name, anything to say, or any description at all other than the non-gender-specific title of "Professor", and when Goblet of Fire came out I found out that Sinistra was a woman. That, or he danced the two-step with men. In order to make the name sound more masculine, I changed the last vowel. I have been using it (or the variation of "profsinistro" when Sinistro itself is taken) ever since as my only alias on the Internet.

Your turn.
Golden Sun.

Been using Saturos as my online handle since the game came out in November 2001. I'm also known to use Menardi, Agatio and Karst as my other names in games (alts mainly), though I have adopted some Gurren Lagann names occasionally.
Mine was generated randomly on some shopping site, maybe ebay, maybe j-list, maybe lego.
It just stuck.
My username took me alot of time to come up with. I wanted to have a name with "Guardian" in it, but since that's so unoriginal, I decided to try and come up with an abbreviation or something so that when people hear it, they know that it refers to me and not somebody else.

My full username would be, "Guardian Hellfire X" and the HX is always attached to my name without a space in between.

Hellfire stands forvarious things, such as the name of an army in a novel I read, and being able to jump into action on a moment's notice and facing hell itself.

X stands for the variable meaning, "limitless potential". Also referring to Megaman X, as X's name stands for the same thing.

Surprisingly, googling my username comes up with accounts and posts done by only me, except for two other accounts made by a couple idiots stealing my name to bug me.

Other usernames I've gone by:
noobhunter777 (GameFAQs only, and boy do I hate that account...)
GoddessHX (Don't ask. Don't freaking ask.)
Cecil is from FFIV, which is my favorite FF game (debatable now, I've played it too much I'm just kinda tired of it, but I still love the name)
Of course "Cecil" alone would be taken so I used a past username (Master of Sword) to make it original, and there it is.
I should change it to something like Cecil_MS soon, Cecilthemos is just too long for my tastes.
Nakao's from a drama, Hanazakari no Kimitachi.
This name came about when I was going to make an account on pogo. I was going for slayer, but that was taken, so I went for slain, but that was taken, so I just stuck a number on the end.

My alt is masterofjak (or some variation thereof), because at the time, I was pretty obsessed with the Jak and Daxter games.
I got my user name from Family Guy; I'm talking about the Kool Aid Man
1988 being the year I was born
awp has a bit of a story to it

I used to play this simplistic PlayerWorld mmo grindfest called SoM and, after a first trial character, I made a new character named after one of the weakest enemies I could think of, "a Wild Pigeon". That's a mouthful to type so everyone just called me AWP aWP or awp. Over time it kinda stuck. This would have been maybe five years ago. Perhaps six, or seven. I can't remember; I'm old now.

Also go by (Lord) Garvar, a mashup of my first and last name, something given to me inexplicably for no reason in highschool.

awp wrote:

awp has a bit of a story to it

I used to play this simplistic PlayerWorld mmo grindfest called SoM and, after a first trial character, I made a new character named after one of the weakest enemies I could think of, "a Wild Pigeon". That's a mouthful to type so everyone just called me AWP aWP or awp. Over time it kinda stuck. This would have been maybe five years ago. Perhaps six, or seven. I can't remember; I'm old now.

Also go by (Lord) Garvar, a mashup of my first and last name, something given to me inexplicably for no reason in highschool.
Why name yourself as the WEAKEST enemy?
Cause nobody expects the so-called "weakest enemy" to clobber you head over heels!

Anyway, MusicFan was something I came up with when I was out of ideas for a unique name.
And it has a sense of mystery to it.

Because absolutely ANYBODY can be a music fan. :P

oyeah1988 wrote:

I got my user name from Family Guy; I'm talking about the Kool Aid Man
1988 being the year I was born
LOL Kool Aid man rocks.

My MSN name is a hybrid of the letter 'e' and the Chinese character for 'person' which sounds like "yun". Together they sound like my real name 'Ian'. One day my friend saw the name, thought the character was Chinese for 'to enter' which is the mirror image and which sounds like 'yup' and called me eyup. It's stuck since then.

It's not the only mispronunciation of my MSN nick to have happened - I've also been called e-Lambda (for obvious reasons), e-ren (Mandarin way of saying "yun") and e-roo (Mandarin way of saying "yup"). In short, no one calls me by my real name anymore XD
I actually call myself shinn allover the world. Example:My TR name.

The origin... *thinks*

Ah! I really enjoyed Gundam Seed Destiny when I was young, and called that's why I called myself shinn. BTW, for anyone that doesn't watch any anime, Shinn is one of the Main Characters in Gundam.
*Insert Final Fantasy victory music*
...Really, I just like RPGs.

I also go by Seshoho Cian, but the story behind that is quite long and I doubt anyone here would like to hear it.
My name isn't James, duh?!
Surname => username. Of course, there are like 1 billion chans out there, but meh, grants me a bit anononimimity

awp wrote:

Also go by (Lord) Garvar, a mashup of my first and last name, something given to me inexplicably for no reason in highschool.
Garvar = Lauging in Swedish. :3

So I was going to make an account on RaymanZone sometime last Thursday. When suddenly, ninjas! THOUSANDS OF THEM!! But that was in another universe. Anyway, I saw a login-button. Made Loginer, and then made myself a kinda awesome avatar in Paint. Lulz ensued. Then I discovered the name was actually kinda unusual, so I claimed it as my own. :3
Also, I couldn't use my real name, Adam, because it was taken, and almost always by a spammer. >_>

Loginer wrote:

Garvar = Lauging in Swedish. :3
Fucking awesome.
Mr. Am/Pm
Mr. - from Mr. Game and Watch (while playing SSBM :3)
Am - first two letters form my old nickname
Pm - from 12 hour system

i'm lul
like a billion years ago when I was just learning what sprites are I placed Megaman's helmet onto some sprite of a Tails Chao I found. A couple months after I played my first MMO, and needed a name, and this is the first thing that came to me.

And from that day forward, I've been too lazy to change it to something that doesn't suck.

chan wrote:

Surname => username. Of course, there are like 1 billion chans out there, but meh, grants me a bit anononimimity
I'm a Chan ...
my nick is like that because my name is Raymond or Raymundo (in spanish) and Sasuke from 2X2=Shinobuden is another char i like so... thats why i am Raysuke

before i enter to the forum i was planning to called me "Teh Rei" for great justice.
My nickname come from Charles, my first name. I created the nickname Archels because I wanted a medieval name for MMORPGs.
I used to do sprite edits a while back, mainly of Mega Man stuff. I named my personal edit Nocturne, due to the fact that it sounds cool and it's musically related. Well, anyways, I decided to write a bit of a story, and it ended up having his name shortened to Nocky by a character in there who's a friend of the main.

Well, it stuck, and now I use Nocky almost everywhere I go.
Kingdom Hearts 2 reference.

Ansem the Wise.
Alias: DiZ
Means: Darkness in Zero
So: Twilight in Zero
Shortens to: TiZ

There you go. :P
Agent BA8 Rookbie
I had always wanted my own EBA character.
I thought of my character as the "New Guy On The Block" so I mashed the words "Rookie" and "Newbie" together to get Rookbie.
That was back in the time I thought Chieftain was mash together of "Chief" and "Captain".
So I was having troubles with Osu, and I needed a name quick.
So I thought...
"Agent BA-8 Rookbie"
and then after some restrictions, it became:
"Agent BA8 Rookbie"
Fascinating isn't it?
Although I think it bring newbiness with it.
My nick isnt even a nickname ;_; To tell you the truth, I dont remember whats the origin of it. It just WAS there.
I just used my real name, Alex, mashed some random letters together with it,
And got....Alieax! :D

Quite simply because I procrastinate too much.
I added the _x because it seemed to plain on it's own, and partly because I'm a sheep. ;) I'd noticed that everyone else around the time that I made it (only a year or so ago) was putting x's and o's in their name and I felt like I was out of the loop. :P So I slung one on the end. :]

MaybeLater_x wrote:

I'd noticed that everyone else around the time that I made it (only a year or so ago) was putting x's and o's in their name and I felt like I was out of the loop. :P So I slung one on the end. :]
bad sheep


awp wrote:

MaybeLater_x wrote:

I'd noticed that everyone else around the time that I made it (only a year or so ago) was putting x's and o's in their name and I felt like I was out of the loop. :P So I slung one on the end. :]
bad sheep

Random name generator many years ago. Dunno which one. It's been my username ever since.
Potestas is the Nickname I use for everything. MSN, games and Forums. I used it for like two years now, so you might have seen me before.
Potestas is the Latin word for: Power or responsibility. I thought it would be a cool nickname, so I started to use it.
My pseudonym comes from a character I created many years ago. The Saru part is 'monkey' and the Maru part means 'round' in Japanese, I dunno, doesn't make much sense (And I wasn't very creative in those days) but I liked it. So anyways, he's the little guy in my avatar and sig~


Potestas wrote:

Potestas is the Nickname I use for everything. MSN, games and Forums. I used it for like two years now, so you might have seen me before.
Potestas is the Latin word for: Power or responsibility. I thought it would be a cool nickname, so I started to use it.
So you wouldn't mind if I called you "Round Monkey" from now on, would you?
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MegaTailzChao wrote:

Potestas wrote:

Potestas is the Nickname I use for everything. MSN, games and Forums. I used it for like two years now, so you might have seen me before.
Potestas is the Latin word for: Power or responsibility. I thought it would be a cool nickname, so I started to use it.
So you wouldn't mind if I called you "Round Monkey" from now on, would you?
Potestas might, since it's Sarumaru that stands for "Round Monkey". :P
Actually, I thought "Round monkey" was very clever/appropriate. I have a friend who would be well-described as "Round monkey" lol.
back when i was 5 my friends were giving each other nicknames and i was given Neo.

then one insisted we all come up with surnames for eachother.
getz came from what neo wants neo gets, the z added later as with most words where the s is mangled.

hence Neogetz was born.

i may also be seen around the internet as Kamidari, this formed by randomly hitting the keyboard and accepting what i ended up with. (it also sounds really cool)
Well, it has a lot to do with fantasy games. My favorite "element" is water, and water is blue, so that's the first part.

I like characters who use both magic and swords, and "Paladin" just sounds cooler than "Mageknight", so that's the second part.

And 25 is just my favorite number for no real reason.

I go by BluePaladin25 or just BluePaladin, since there are a couple of people out there who have also picked one or the other.
Mine comes from pokemon ruby's random fad generator at dewford town. That was one of my biggest wtf moments ever. Walking around a town where everyone is talking about LUKEWARM HOLIDAY. The memory was in the back of my head for a few years untill about 2-3 years ago i started using it for all my new screen names.

So take a dictionary meaning of my user name it would be something along the lines of A holiday lacking conviction or enthusiasm. sounds fun.
I created mine because I wanted to get an account on I didn't realize I was going to be a frequent poster there, so I really didn't want to waste time thinking of a good screenname. It stuck ever since.

Wiicade's boring cuz just about everyone left, so I moved to Osu, kinda.
Mine goes back really far, it's when I first started getting into Emulation.

Long story short I just thought of the name and stuck with it.
I created my user name specifically for playing Osu!. Adam is my first name in real life, and the 'skii' part just came into my head. Most people should have no problems pronouncing my name due to the wii console being popular. The last part in my user name is pronounced as 'skee', rather than 'sky', but I'm sure most people on here realised this though. ;)
8-bit AI
this is a new name that i made for here, 8-bit would come from my liking to chip tune(8-bit music)
and AI was used by my friend since she says that i act like an AI in some ways.
I can't remember if I had this name before I decided to use it as a joke in middle school or not, but the name basically means "The Anonymous One" and c4 as in the explosive. So it comes out as "Anonymous1c4". I remember using "Anonymous" in middle school when my teacher asked our class to write our names on a piece of paper and fold it. My friends told me to just write "Anonymous" instead. Kind of lame, but whatever. Some people just call me "Anony".

I was thinking about changing my name to ShamblingSam (Shambler being one of the enemies from Quake and Sam as in Serious Sam) because I didn't want people to assume it was some 4chan reference, but I stuck with Anonymous1c4 anyways. I guess I just don't want to be bother changing it and I've been using the name for quite a long time (about 4 or 5 years).
lol, raise your hand if you CAN'T guess the origin of my username?

Aanyways, in case you haven't heard the story, I basically fell in love with Saturos-sama by watching his replay of DejaVu Ultimate repeatedly for two weeks, then realized I could get a forum account. The name kinda flows from that >>

I go by SFG mostly now cus ppl find it less obnoxious...but it still stands for Saturos-FanGirl

I could list alternate usernames all day o0 I mean, I respond to ~...*counts*

ima abbreviate....mostly
Ts, Tsts, Dtsts, Suburu, Km, Sth, Six, Mrna, Mch, Sage, An, Sr, Bry, Pny, Lth, Lrk, Pomo...

...yeahhhh XD i have too many names i respond to. and i could be any of them, perhaps with my serial number or parts of it tacked on to the end (#: 371121)

my serial number is just my lucky numbers in numerical order: 3, 7, 11, and 21
I have different nicks =D

Snipe: Been my nickname on xbox live from the start! I thought I would be a baddass sniper but no I was wrong >>

Master: My nickname from PSO and PSU. I couldnt think of anything so I went this unoriginal name. However it sucks because now people will add baiter at the end of my name when they say it :o :?

Linkovitch: A halo nickname my bro enterened oO It stuck and is now also one of my nicknames in PSU
name plus nickname
Real name.
It's form a flash artist i really liked a few years back , he was called Digedydemon but that's to long so now it's digedy :3
But maybe i should change it to Kikkoman as seen in my picture :)
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