
Filter on Osu!Direct

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +980
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Hee :D

This is an idea for Osu!Direct

You can open the filter and lock a music genre, the month, oldest etc..
I'd at least like to be able to see Genre and Language.
I think there's been a few similar threads around, not sure if its a general 'ignore or denial'
Would be a great feature though~
I would like this as well. I find my self not really using osu! Direct for this reason, I like searching for my kind of music on the site. This would be nice.
Topic Starter
I think it must be the same as in Multiplayer but then Language and Genre etc

But I never used osu!direct ;_;
+1000x this.

I've also noticed that Osu Directs search engine is no where near that of the one on osu's main website.
Support +100
I always wanted to seach for genre in osu!direct
osu!direct is outdated, an update would be more than welcome.
WHERE Genre = @genre AND Language = @lang AND DATEDIFF(month, DateRanked, @date) = 0 ORDER BY DateRanked


I have been using osu!direct for a while, and an update would be appreciated
Support +1~

Remco32 wrote:

osu!direct is outdated, an update would be more than welcome.
It's still outdated. Downloading via the site offers much more filtering.
Support, osu!direct is ridiculously outdated
I support everything in this thread.

A "random maps" filter would be a nice addition as well.
Seeing what's been said so far, I'd say that if we want to keep things neat and streamlined with as little clutter as possible, we need one new dropdown if we're to keep one field to type things into.

The first dropdown, the one we already have, would be [Search...], and tells it what map statuses you want in your results:
* All Maps
* Ranked Maps Only (Only stuff with a scoreboard whose scores add to your rank.)
* Ranked/Approved Only (Everything that has a competitive scoreboard.)
* Approved Maps Only (For crazy people.)
* Pending Maps Only (So you can look at new stuff and give input.)
* Graveyard Maps Only (Just for the sake of having it as selectable.)

The second dropdown, the new one, would be [For...], would tell it what category you want to search:
* Everything
* Title
* Artist
* Genre
* Language
* Mapper Name (Useful for mappers whose names are also words common in song titles or are also artist names.)

This way you could, for instance: [Search] -> Ranked Maps Only [For] -> Genre and type in "J-Pop," and that is exactly what will display: only Ranked maps that are of the J-Pop genre.

Or you could [Search] -> Unranked Maps Only [For] -> Mapper Name and type in "DJPop," and you'd see all his unranked stuff.

Alternately, for a more traditional example, if all you remember is that the word "rain" is in the file somewhere, you could [Search] -> All Maps [For] -> Everything and type in "rain."

If we want a [Random Maps] button which displays a bunch of random maps, I figure it would probably be best over with the [Recent Maps] button.

If we want Direct's filtering to match up fully to website filtering, then we also need 2 additional checkboxes for [Has Video] and [Has Storyboard].

Edit-In: I am a dumbass. Out of all the times I've used Direct, I just today noticed that we do have a result filter for which map statuses you want to display. Now I feel stupid.
I would also want it to be able to display all undownloaded ranked mapsets in case I missed some.
Can it also show more info such as OD, AR, BPM, etc?
Nope, those are diff specific.

qlum wrote:

I would also want it to be able to display all undownloaded ranked mapsets in case I missed some.

And support.
Needless to say

+1 Support.

FireballFlame wrote:

Nope, those are diff specific.
Nothing stops it to be more complete than the webbrowser. Make it have a diff browsers preview as well, will help a lot. I rarely use the osu!direct as it is now (read never)
I'd love to see some updates for osu!direct.

Remco32 wrote:

osu!direct is outdated, an update would be more than welcome.
1. Newest Maps doesn't seem to list songs in reverse chronological order.
2. An option to view a list of the most played beatmaps like the one on the site frontpage would be awesome. (What I do now is to load the site, copy-and-paste the song name and download the song on Osu!Direct.)
3. It seems that now there's some form of notification when the user has exceeded the download quota and fail to download the song (I was complaining about selected songs disappearing from the download queue on IRC back then), which is great. In such cases, would it be possible to keep the song in the download queue instead of removing it so that we can resume downloading at a later time without having to search for the songs again?
4. Split Ranked/Approved into 2 separate options in the dropdown menu.

qlum wrote:

I would also want it to be able to display all undownloaded ranked mapsets in case I missed some.
That's the point that bothers me the most as well (more specifically the fact that search results are limited to 100). A "next" button at the end of the search results would be great!

Screenshot here is also outdated.
Yeah, this really IS a necessity for those who tend to rise through ranks at an alarming rate (100m+ per day). If the filters on the website are much more convenient, this makes osu!Direct virtually useless.

Searching by AR/OD would be awesome.
I'd want to bump this, for the sake of people want to sort maps by Genre
It's been over a year since this thread been started, and it's even been longer since osu!direct has been introduced.
Really, what's the point of this subforum? peppy clearly has decided that osu! is a finished project.
It's saddening, really.
He's probably putting all his time on osu!stream now.

Just because there hasn't been a public build in a while doesn't mean work has stopped.
I'm quite certain that there aren't any worthwhile/big features added in the years I didn't play.
It would be nice to know for certain if peppy is planning on updating osu!direct at all. A simple "No, this will not change", or "Yes, I am working on some changes" would suffice for me.
really need
This is really needed!

Would love to see this, mostly in being able to make me want to use osu!direct more
I hope that other things get added to osu direct as well. Is just not that nice tbh. But no matter, not priority :)
+1 and add this feature to the browser search
Would love to see this added.
Would be cool if OP got edited with the additional "Genre" and "Language"
Try out my bot maybe: t/406332
i like it
i give you 1+
Tanomoshii Nekojou
A BIG BUUUUUUUUUUUMMMP!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I've just became an osu!supporter 2/3 days ago and osu!direct is a very helpful tool... Please add MORE filter for the beatmap search!!! :D
Please add most/all of this functions... :3

EDIT: Also, add the search tags ar=X, cs<=X, bpm>X, etc... on the search box... :3
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