Seeing what's been said so far, I'd say that if we want to keep things neat and streamlined with as little clutter as possible, we need one new dropdown if we're to keep one field to type things into.
The first dropdown, the one we already have, would be [Search...], and tells it what map statuses you want in your results:
* All Maps
* Ranked Maps Only (Only stuff with a scoreboard whose scores add to your rank.)
* Ranked/Approved Only (Everything that has a competitive scoreboard.)
* Approved Maps Only (For crazy people.)
* Pending Maps Only (So you can look at new stuff and give input.)
* Graveyard Maps Only (Just for the sake of having it as selectable.)
The second dropdown, the new one, would be [For...], would tell it what category you want to search:
* Everything
* Title
* Artist
* Genre
* Language
* Mapper Name (Useful for mappers whose names are also words common in song titles or are also artist names.)
This way you could, for instance: [Search] -> Ranked Maps Only [For] -> Genre and type in "J-Pop," and that is exactly what will display: only Ranked maps that are of the J-Pop genre.
Or you could [Search] -> Unranked Maps Only [For] -> Mapper Name and type in "DJPop," and you'd see all his unranked stuff.
Alternately, for a more traditional example, if all you remember is that the word "rain" is in the file somewhere, you could [Search] -> All Maps [For] -> Everything and type in "rain."
If we want a [Random Maps] button which displays a bunch of random maps, I figure it would probably be best over with the [Recent Maps] button.
If we want Direct's filtering to match up fully to website filtering, then we also need 2 additional checkboxes for [Has Video] and [Has Storyboard].
Edit-In: I am a dumbass. Out of all the times I've used Direct, I just today noticed that we do have a result filter for which map statuses you want to display. Now I feel stupid.