
Taiko World Cup - Last Man Standing [Searching For Team]

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Hello everyone! This is the thread where you will be able to post if you are looking for teammates.

We're seeking to make the registration period for players a lot easier in this tournament in this way. The difference which we are enforcing is that you can use this thread exclusively to seek a team. If you don't know if your country has a team yet or wish to create a new one with left-over members, you are allowed to do so with this!

For example, say Person 1 is from China and is looking to join a China team, he or she can use this thread to advertise themselves so the other Chinese players may discuss and add you to their team. Like so :

"Hello, I am *insert name* from China and looking for team members to participate with. It would please me greatly to be part of a team and I hope I can participate."

You don't have to make it that blunt, of course, but bragging or boasting about skills is not encouraged, as we at the LMS team believe all players have an equal chance to play and participate. On the other hand, if you do not get picked for some reason, which we hope does not happen, do not let it discourage you because there will always be other opportunities. We hope everyone is happy, though :)

I will create lists for each country as they appear and a list of the players underneath, so that people looking for someone from their country can find it very easily.

I hope this creates a lot more teams for the tournament and maybe even organize some of the winners!





  • XK2238
    Niko-nyan (I assume both of these guys want to be on a team together with some others, so consider that)







United States

Hey I'm from USA and i'm looking to join a team.

edit: I don't care if it is national or not
but are bi-national teams allowed? :/

XK2238 wrote:

but are bi-national teams allowed? :/
Yep, they're. Also, regional teams are allowed, but for these you need to contact us. (Tournament Management)

Acrith wrote:

XK2238 wrote:

but are bi-national teams allowed? :/
Yep, they're. Also, regional teams are allowed, but for these you need to contact us. (Tournament Management)
got it, thanks /o/
Hello, I am Noobita from Israel and looking for team members to participate with. It would please me greatly to be part of a team and I hope I can participate.
Hiya, kjw from Korea looking for teammates. I'd be down to play in a Korea team or a bi-national team; either works fine for me :D
Hopefully I'll be able to join in, since this does seem like a lot of fun! ><

Noobita wrote:

Hello, I am Noobita from Israel and looking for team members to participate with. It would please me greatly to be part of a team and I hope I can participate.
Oh my god, the time has finally come. Let's use plan B from the year 2011! lol
I don't have any friends can play with me………

OnosakiHito wrote:

Noobita wrote:

Hello, I am Noobita from Israel and looking for team members to participate with. It would please me greatly to be part of a team and I hope I can participate.
Oh my god, the time has finally come. Let's use plan B from the year 2011! lol
ono pls
Topic Starter

stanleyku364 wrote:

I don't have any friends can play with me………
This happens to be the thread for that sweetheart. I put you in the list as a precaution, if that's not what you wanted i'll take you out. Hopefully someone would like to play with you :)
I'm from Poland and probably I can't find people who play with me in one team ;w;
Asagi Mutsuki

Backfire wrote:


  • Noobita (Might be trolling)
"Might be"

oh, count me in, btw o/

XK2238 wrote:

oh, count me in, btw o/
well i asked the malaysia and they want to join our team but idk so count me in too btw
Hi, Tanaka from Sweden here.
Looking for a team, probs not national since everybody decided to retire in Sweden.
i want to meet people and then we can have fun times and maybe sometimes we'll play taiko in a multi match and maybe there will be other people too idk someone be my friend
Asagi Mutsuki

Niko-nyan wrote:

XK2238 wrote:

oh, count me in, btw o/
well i asked the malaysia and they want to join our team but idk so count me in too btw
Together we will be unstoppableeee *me hides*

Backfire wrote:


now that's just mean
Sup guys, i'm Matsushita from Belarussia. Want to play with the guys from Russia or Korea :D
I can't find people who play with me in one team ;)
forever noobita ; -;

Good luck to everyone with everything about this cup~
Danish player TraxieChan looking for a team or members! >.<

TraxieChan wrote:

Danish player TraxieChan looking for a team or members! >.<
Hey guys I'm Makou from Bulgaria and i would like to join a team and participate thx ^^
Hi guys! senkai here, filipino player :D looking for party
i mean looking for a team :D thanks :D

open for binational team :D
Hallo, I am LZD. I am looking for a team, non-spanish team, since none in Spain wants to join.
Hello, I am Flaus from Canada and looking for team members to participate with. It would please me greatly to be part of a team and I hope I can participate. hue
I've told several active players in France about this - only Shina seems interested at the moment. I'll continue my research.

senkai wrote:

Hi guys! senkai here, filipino player :D looking for party
i mean looking for a team :D thanks :D
count me in
I'll participate, I just hope it won't conflict with my schedule :o
BTW, I'm a beginner looking for a team so don't always count on me for skills. (Ima work on my skills now :3)
Anyway, any teams needing a player?
If Ii could join one it would be much appreciated. ^^
since there's no french players and I have no team, I'd like to join one, thank you o/

[KEMU] wrote:

senkai wrote:

Hi guys! senkai here, filipino player :D looking for party
i mean looking for a team :D thanks :D
count me in
Me too please :D
I also want to participate in this tournament and I would like a matchmaking team from Malaysia... Well... I dun have any friends playing taiko mode
( If you did check... I can't ask them coz they refused to join. ) I just hope that I can appear live at least won for the first round ^^
It's not about winning... It's the experince that I would like to feel... :?
Oh wait, nevermind
Songs are probably too tough for me to pass lol, but Coro is looking for people nearby sg I think.
Umm, seeing that there's already a complete Philippine team I guess I'd be ok going with any (just for fun I guess idk haha) :D
8-) This could be great,Saitolai
Registration is due 19 hours from the time this is posted.
Excuse my double post. 30 minutes left until registration due.
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