
Practice Mode? [Denied]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I think Osu needs a practice mode.

Kinda sounds weird, yeah, but some people here worry about accuracy drops when trying to practice something.
Spun Out mode would work, but what if you still want to spin the spinners? Don't kill the spinners!

Just a mod that's like Spun Out mode, without the Spun Out part, which renders the playthrough unranked.

What do you guy think about it?
Why not just use No Fail?
Topic Starter

nardi11011 wrote:

Why not just use No Fail?
Because that still adds on to your stats.
Oh sorry, I misread the question. Though you could practice using the editor's test function.

CaptainFlameGuy wrote:

nardi11011 wrote:

Why not just use No Fail?
Because that still adds on to your stats.
NoFail and offline?

Still, a practice mod could be alright. Easier than to go offline. :p
SpunOut + NoFail

or use the Editor's test mode
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CaptainFlameGuy wrote:

mattyu007 wrote:

SpunOut + NoFail

or use the Editor's test mode
That'd still kill the spinners.

Also it's not like I cannot easily disconnect myself from the internet (WLAN switch on my laptop), but I was just thinking about the people who can't easily do that.
Easier to just log off inside osu. :o Click your panel and log off. :P
Your options:
No Fail works with all of these.

Go offline.
Spun Out and fake spinning.
Quit the song at the last minute.
Use the Test mode in the Editor.
I personally want a proper practice mode...

I mean, a mode that lets you add and take away mods, and replay certain sections in an a-b repeat fashion.
Also, allowing you to scroll through the replay with your mouse wheel, instead of a set speed, as well as other analytical or helpful functions would be nice. Perhaps something like a metronome, or custom rate modifiers.

Not just playing though in Edit, which is more of a workaround than anything.

Daru wrote:

I personally want a proper practice mode...

I mean, a mode that lets you add and take away mods, and replay certain sections in an a-b repeat fashion.
Also, allowing you to scroll through the replay with your mouse wheel, instead of a set speed, as well as other analytical or helpful functions would be nice. Perhaps something like a metronome, or custom rate modifiers.

Not just playing though in Edit, which is more of a workaround than anything.
Reminds me of the Practice mode in Guitar Freaks. Anyone? No? K.
Yes, basically the same you explained, Daru.

Though this Feature has been rejected multiple times already. :|
Play offline.
I'm against this, mostly because having to play through the whole song over and over again to master it was a big part of what made EBA and Ouendan so frustrating/challenging/satisfying, and I think that feeling has been diluted enough in osu as it is.
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qlum wrote:

I would prefer A fail ignore mod where if you fail you continue unranked but if you make it through the map you will still get a normal ranked score
Like in Multi? (link)

strager wrote:

Like in Multi? (link)
yes exactly that
I'm in for this.
A proper practice mode would be nice.
Accuracy becomes pointless................
instead of adding a whole mode for practice,
how about simply adding a mod called "unranked mode"?
play it over and over if you want to practice... thats your practice mode and if you dont want to finish the beatmap why try practicing?

Ryuukun wrote:

instead of adding a whole mode for practice,
how about simply adding a mod called "unranked mode"?
Because then it'd be NoFail + SpunOut or NoFail + quit at end.
I want a Practice mod/mode, but here's what it would basically be:

-You can only play through the whole song, starting from the beginning - no skipping, to keep it like EBA and such.
-unranked, of course.

Now, here's the tricky stuff:

-a small light for each hit circle you hit. This would tell you if you hit it early, late, or right on. The earlier the greener, the later the redder, and blue for being right on.
-After you stop spinning in a spinner, I mean right when you stop, a timer starts, and lasts til the spinner itself ends (assuming you stopped spinning before the spinner ended). This would tell you how much time you left.
-At the end, it would compare your current score to your highest score on that map, and tell you the difference.

*waits for the "No."*

strager wrote:

Ryuukun wrote:

instead of adding a whole mode for practice,
how about simply adding a mod called "unranked mode"?
Because then it'd be NoFail + SpunOut or NoFail + quit at end.
i mean just a mod which won't subbmit your score after you're done playing.

Ryuukun wrote:

i mean just a mod which won't subbmit your score after you're done playing.


Daru wrote:

Ryuukun wrote:

i mean just a mod which won't subbmit your score after you're done playing.
I hate this "find a way" logic.
it doesn't solve anything.
I don't want to log out since i have many contacts in osu D:
Someone said use editor test mode...
whats that?

+ you don't have to fail in online mode just to keep your % (makes the matched more interessting).
Open the map in edit, click "Test"
People have suggested a mod like you wanted before. It got declined.

Just log off, then log back on when you're ready to attempt to finish it. Better yet, just finish it and accept the - accuracy! Wow, what a genius idea!

Accuracy doesn't matter at all. So, just finish it while logged on and take the hit. After all, you deserve what you get. That, is my suggestion. Works well, huh? You don't even have to activate a mod! And man, it's like you're actually play- oh right, you are!
nah actually i don't give a crap about this mod. (would be usefull though)
what i dislike is this "you can do it already just make this and this and this, then thin and this and tadaaaa it works"

its like

why would you need a fire ladder?
you're living on the second floor...
at worst you'll break yourself a leg or two.
But you won't die.
No fireladder for you!

i saw this now some times here and its the most annoying answer to me.

its Pragmatism if i'm correct and i don't like Pragmatism D:
(sorry if Pragmatism is something different :P)
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Ryuukun wrote:

nah actually i don't give a crap about this mod. (would be usefull though)
what i dislike is this "you can do it already just make this and this and this, then thin and this and tadaaaa it works"

its like

why would you need a fire ladder?
you're living on the second floor...
at worst you'll break yourself a leg or two.
But you won't die.
No fireladder for you!

i saw this now some times here and its the most annoying answer to me.

its Pragmatism if i'm correct and i don't like Pragmatism D:
(sorry if Pragmatism is something different :P)
Yes, but this has been declined so you need to work around it.

(peppy: Deny/lock?)

Ryuukun wrote:

nah actually i don't give a crap about this mod. (would be usefull though)
what i dislike is this "you can do it already just make this and this and this, then thin and this and tadaaaa it works"

its like

why would you need a fire ladder?
you're living on the second floor...
at worst you'll break yourself a leg or two.
But you won't die.
No fireladder for you!

i saw this now some times here and its the most annoying answer to me.
Well, look at what you asked for: You asked for a way to play without submitting a score.
We don't need an entire mode, which will require coding, testing, debugging, etc., as well as add potential clutter to the UI, when a viable workaround exists.

If these don't fit your needs, then be more specific in your original post. If you find fault in workarounds, then explain where these faults exist, and why they make the workaround unusable. If you don't do so, people will assume that you're aren't knowledgeable of these workarounds, and inform you of them.

"Why build a bridge across a brook?"
"Simplify, simplify, simplify!"

Oh, I'm off-topic. ._.
don't forget that this is not really my thread^^
If you want to practice, use no-fail or the like.

There is no reason why practising shouldn't count towards your online rank. If you don't want it to count, log out. There will be no such mod. Test mode will be unavailable pending release of osz2 for maps you did not create.

In short, this has been denied before, and will never be approved.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
13:46 < strager|irc> <Echo> Test mode will be unavailable pending release of osz2 for maps you did not create. // wtf??
13:46 < strager|irc> Won't that impede modding?
13:47 < peppy> strager|irc: only after ranked status
13:47 < peppy> before ranking editor will be available
sorry for off-topicness, but when are we expecting osz2 to be implemented?

0_o wrote:

sorry for off-topicness, but when are we expecting osz2 to be implemented?
When it's done.
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This shit is so fucking retarded.

Fuck me. I have had a lot of disagreements with the design of this game. Atleast 20 feature request made that have been [invalidated] and other shit like that. But honestly this fucking travesty is worse than literally every other flaw in this game combined, be it a glitch or just bad design.

Bloody hell. How can anyone even call this a competitive game? Its a joke! Its like as there were a rule in boxing that you were not allowed to have sparring matches... ever. Especially in rhythm games. One would expect that a practice mode be the first thing that gets implemented. THE FIRST THING! Like really, a pp system? Why have such a indepth ranking system for a game that is clearly designed just to be "fun" with absolutely no competitive aspect. It just makes no sense.

But sea_food! just use the NF mode to practice
What if I dont want to play the whole song, when only a small part of the song is hard?
But sea_food! you can just go to editor and start playing from what point you want
Test play does not allow Background dim. Test play does not allow disable storyboard. Test play does not allow to play with HT or with DT. Now that I mention it, a practice mode should definetly allow more speed options than that. What if you are trying to pass a song on HT, and want to practice it even slower?
But sea_food! You can just delete the visual effects. You can just delete the start of the beatmap so you can skip to the part you want to practice, then you can use the mods, and filters you want on standard play. You can just create multiple difficulties of the song if you want to practice different specific parts. You can just watch a quick 30minute map editing video so you can create even more difficulties with different speeds, allowing you to play at what ever speeds you want. You can jus...
Shut the fuck up! Good luck doing half of that shit in osu!2 or what ever its called. Also why should I go trough all of those walk arounds just becausa a rythm game, that is turning 10years old this year, does not have a god damn practice mode. Even suggesting any of this just confirms that this feature is necessary. You should not be telling me that bluename denied the feature 7years ago, back when the game did no have even pp1, background dim or any of the other features that even attempted to give osu! some competitive aspect. You should be telling Peppy that its a feature that is absolutely needed.

Not going to apologize for ranting. I was supposed to just Come bump some ancient thread to the front, because I figured it had been suggested before but bluename just beeing too lazy to program it, with there being all the crappy workarounds. But just realized that it was actually [denied]. Compleatly deserved.
Why on earth are you bumping this? It's already denied multiple times

Baraatje123 wrote:

Why on earth are you bumping this? It's already denied multiple times
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