
Hanatan - Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo

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fergas wrote:

Part m4m here

  • Генерал
  1. Clearly i hear -5 offset (cheked on 00:07:747 (1) - ) Askf or correct timing checkI noticed too that the offset is a little off in the beginning, but after that, it becomes perfect, idk what to do
  2. Preferred skin? Ask Frost to use his skin on the map and add it into folderI'll just switch to user's preference
  3. Atm u dont have sb. Remove "letterbox" and "*.osb" files from folder
  4. Just my personal view blue and red color are really off - too bright. Idk, your decidion 2 links are the same
  5. Looks really cool with hr

  • Hana Emi
  1. 00:06:834 (1,2,3,4,5) - also idk if u want ideal forms use polygon tool. If you think about flow more, ignore it. For all map: many polygons should be redrawed if you want perfect patterns. Wont point them. ok i'll consider it
  2. 00:27:344 (1,3) - blanket?fixed
  3. 00:31:477 - personal view after many own maps. Spinners which end on offbeat sounds strange. Just think about it. Try end on white tick, big white tick, or leave iti think it sounds fine the way it is, no change
  4. 00:39:589 (1) - dotn see any reason for drumset. Whatever in this calm part slidertick works against you. Maybe make custom set to mut them during this part? i didnt change the sampleset, so idk what your talking about
  5. 00:45:406 (3,4) - maybe huge problems till this strong beat at the end of slider. In such momnet next object is kind of luck. MAybe try to replace 00:44:793 (2,3) - with 4 circles? Your choice im ok with the way it is now
  6. 00:48:161 (4,1,2,3) - here is ok +- till pattern with three circle works better for such situationsi like it the way it is currently
  7. 00:50:916 (1,2,3) - again dont see reason for drumseti didnt change any of the sample sets for any of the timing points
  8. 00:56:120 (2,3) - blanket?fixed
  9. 00:57:651 (4,5) - and 00:03:467 (2,3) - i though about this pattern. Maybe remove it? It stand out of your style adn flow. Just random reverse dropp off which works strange in your map. ahh yes i see what you mean, fixed
  10. 01:08:365 (5,6,1) - strange ds. Suggest you to make equalfixed
  11. 01:11:120 (7,8,9) - idk
  12. 01:17:396 (4,5) - blankkket fixed
  13. 01:20:916 (3,1) - ^fixed
  14. 01:36:834 (5,1) - rerally strange transition which dont suits for your map. 01:37:293 (1,2) - try them ctrl+g separatly. Also flow 01:37:600 (2,3,4,5) - much better with swappped (2) i had them like that at first, but i was told it didn't flow smoothly
  15. 01:44:487 (4) - why not to make red dot on(closer to) tickrate to empihize misseed strong beat fixed
  16. 02:25:304 (2) - why i hear 1/12 back oO? same 02:25:763 (3,4) - 02:27:906 (2) - i dont know whatt you mean
  17. 02:29:105 (4) - u can add here note on bleu tick
  18. 02:29:181 (5) - arrow should be on 1/4 end of slider 1/3. Make slider-circlefixed
  19. 02:30:712 (4) - 1/6 snap shoudl be
  20. 02:34:487 (8) - end on white tick absolutely no reason to end on 1/6 where is no any kind of beatsit flows really well with song imo
  21. 02:36:324 (6) - for my ear starts on 1/6 same reason better end on white tick fixed
  22. 02:44:487 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ;> could be better blankets fro nazi but its abosuleely ok atm - you can leave it
  23. 02:53:212 (4) - maybe add red dot? red dot?
  24. 03:01:936 (2,4) - dotn remeber exactly but may overlap hp barfixed
  25. 03:03:161 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - OH GOD. Better use finish from drumset. About claps, imho this is really bad that clams is abosuletly random. They must support rhtytm and palceing them like finish or whichslt is strange variant. At least such bright claps break map's rhythm for a while fixed
  26. 03:26:222 (1) - red tick please. yellow breaks rhtythmfixed
  27. 03:30:253 (7,1) - stack pleasefixed
  28. 03:53:518 (2,3) - blnaket?fixed
  29. 04:02:549 (7,8,1) - this speed jump a bit strange adn dotn suits for tempo, imhofixed
  30. 04:26:732 (1,2,1) - same fixed
  31. 05:08:365 (5) - circle is off. Try to end slider here instedfixed
  32. 05:23:288 (6) - i hear 1/8 here oO
Please make feedback with your opinon. Really need for this map.
Good luck.
Really great mod, it helped out A LOT! thank you so much! <3
Topic Starter

Tsuchimikado wrote:

Yahello~! From my modding queue!
I really like this song! an excerpt of this song is in a really Long marathon compilation of Yuikonnu, Hanatan, and someone else. :)

[Hana Emi]
I'll sort my mod by the kind of issue. I see a lot of blanketing that could look a lot nicer if you neaten it up a bit :)
  1. 00:29:181 (1,2,3,4) - I think you should space these out more to make the slower rhythm more obvious.fixed
  2. 01:08:365 (5,6,1) - 6 and 1 aren't connected. to make it neater, you should move 6 to x=168.fixed
  3. 01:51:222 (3,4) - the spacing between these isn't enough to indicate the pause. i suggest spacing them more.fixed
  4. 04:07:293 (2,4) - I say, switch these two, it plays more naturally in my opinioni like it the way it is

    1. 00:14:640 (6) - blanket this better with 4. A wise person once told me to use to approach circles as a guideline. If you look at the picture, I just moved 4 close to 6 so that approach circle was visible.
    2. 00:18:161 (2) - blanket this betterfixed
    3. 00:41:426 (3) - i think it would look nicer if you blanket this with the sliderend of the 1 in the next combo, but it might change the flow. up to you.yeah i agree
    4. 00:44:793 (2) - blanket better with 3. 2 looks less curvy than 3, don't you think? fixed
    5. 00:56:732 (3) - blanket better with 2fixed
    6. 01:04:079 (1) - move to x=364 y=260 to blanket better with 2i re did this whole combo
    7. 01:19:538 (2,3) - blanket these two better with each otherfixed
    8. 01:20:610 (2) - blanket this with 1fixed
    9. 01:21:222 (1) - move the endpoint of the slider to y=120fixed, ty for the coordinate
    10. 01:22:753 (2,3) - blanket 3 with 2 use the slider ball circle as guidanceYOU ARE ACTUALLY A GENIUS
    11. 01:23:671 (1,2) blanket one with 2 betterfixed
    12. 01:44:487 (4,5) 4 looks kind of odd, but if you blanket it with 5 a little bit, it makes it look a whole lot better
      Also, for 4 and 2, since it would look very nice, maybe try something like this?
    13. 01:45:712 (1) - blanket this with 6 from the last combo i rearranged this whole combo
    14. 01:46:936 (4) - blanket this with 3. Use 01:46:477 approach circle of 3 as guidance
    15. 01:49:079 (4) - move to x=192 y=312 to make it look and play betterfixed
    16. 01:50:610 (1) - blanket better with 4 from the previous combofixed
    17. 01:58:569 (7) - rotate this by 21 degrees from 'selection centre' (ctrl+shift+r) so that it looks like a blanket with 8fixed
    18. 02:03:314 (2) - fix this blanketfixed
    19. 02:07:447 (4) - move to x=276. it's easier to be okay with how this doesn't neatly blanket with 3 because 3 is symetric to 8. if you were to fix the blanket of 3 and 4, copy 3, get rid of 8, paste, ctrl+h. fixed
    20. 02:08:059 (2) - blanket this with 4 from the last combofixed
    21. 02:08:671 (5,6) - blanket 5 with 6's sliderendfixed
    22. 02:10:202 (1) - blanket better with 8fixed
    23. 02:15:100 (1,2) - blanket betterfixed
    24. 02:29:105 (4,5,1) - rotate 4,5 24 degrees then move it a bit away from 1 so that it blankets around 1 nicely, instead of having 4,5 blanket INTO 1i changed this pattern up a bit
    25. 02:47:549 (7) - fix the blanket with 6's sliderend and this slider so it looks more perfectfixed
    26. 02:51:222 (5) - this just looks... not pretty in my opinion. I don't know how you would fix this to be honest... maybe rotate it clockwise a bit? up to youfixed
    27. 02:56:426 (7) - rotate from selection centre by -6 degreesfixed
    28. 03:39:589 (4,5) - blanket more nicely. make 4 more round to fit around 5fixed
    29. 03:48:773 (3,4) - blanket 3 with 4's sliderend WHILE STILL blanketing it with 4 the way you have it now.i did the best i could
    30. 03:52:600 (4,5) - make nicer blanketfixed
    31. 03:53:594 (2,3) - this blanket is off, fix 3 a littlefixed
    32. 04:08:365 (3,4) - fix this blanketfixed
    33. 04:32:242 (1,2,3) - you should blanket 1 with 2 while keeping distance spacing, and then blanket 2 and 3 the way you have it now.fixed
    34. 04:38:977 (5) - move to y=212 for neater blanket fixed
    35. 04:46:936 (1) - make it more round so it blankets perfectly with 4 from the previous combo fixed
    36. 04:55:202 (4) - move to x=292 for neater blanketfixed
    37. 04:57:957 (8,9) - make 8 more round to blanket with 9 better

Overall, you have a good map that simply needs fine tuning! Good luck man!
TY so much for the mod, im absolutely terrible at blanketing (as you can see) so this was extremely helpful!
[*]00:50:916 (1,2,3) - again dont see reason for drumseti didnt change any of the sample sets for any of the timing points
I mean this one if you did it on purpose ok but suggest to remove or make using this drumset rhythmic.
no kds lol, just i fell should point it

[Hana Emi]


  • I personally find a lot of jumps in the second half of the map misfitting and simply a pain in the ass to
    play. I will point these out. Other than that, have you thought about custom hitsounding? The soft clap is
    irritating imo, I would rather take a normal-hitsound as clap and also I'd change the soft finish in softer
    parts of the song like from 00:34:691 - 01:13:875 and from 05:06:528 till end. Here are my hitsounds in a ZIP-Folder:

  1. 01:26:732 (1,2,3,4) - There is no reason to jump in such an extend. A simple slider from 01:26:732 - 01:27:038 will make
    it flow a lot better.
  2. 01:37:906 (3) - Not sure about this one. No jump should be here, but it's not a big deal in context of the next two circles.
    I would still reduce the distance. x:188 y:148
  3. I would watch your cpacing from 02:24:896 - 02:44:487.
    1. 02:25:967 (4) - Way too confusing to read + it flows awefully. I'd just move it a bit to the left to keep some flow. x:212 y:8
    2. 02:30:712 (4,5) - That one was weird to me as well. I placed 02:30:712 (4) on x:216 y:120 and curved it slightly to the right.
  4. 03:28:875 (2,3,4,5) - Okay, I decided that 03:27:957 (1,2,3,4) was acceptable to build tension but the next jump has no
    justification. You previously mapped this part with sliders which felt and looked really good. I wouldn't change something that worked.
  5. 03:31:324 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  6. 03:50:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  7. 03:36:834 (5,6) - Since you have been kind of mapping with lyrics a bit as well, I'd suggest you do this.
  8. 04:12:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Jumps. And I'd have a good suggestion as well for this

    +a finish on each sliders head.

I know I have a lot to say about jumps, in fact, everything I pointed out were jumps. Its a big deal to me to
have reasonable jumps and a good flow as it makes the map way more fun to have it placed properly.

My map:

I wish you good luck with this map~
m4m stuff

Hana Emi
00:07:447 (5,1) - increase spacing, its hard to read
00:16:018 (3) - you're missing so much spots for finish hitsounds @A@
00:17:089 (6) - also unneccesary finish hitsounds..
00:17:549 - finish
00:18:467 - ^
00:20:304 - no finish
00:20:763 (4,5) - prevent stacking please, you have such a jumpy map and its such a flow killer to just have a stack
00:22:447 - finish =3=
00:23:365 (3) - could look nicer, use one red point and 2 grey points to fix it 00:24:896 - finish,, just listen closely to the music,, ill stop mentioning it
00:34:691 (1) - this one is weird... it doesn't look very good.. try makingsomething else out of it?
00:37:140 (4) - could use improvement as well00:51:528 (3,1) - i dont really understand why you decided to put it closer suddenly @A@
00:53:059 (3) - this slider is really... make it like 00:23:365 (3) -
01:08:671 (5,6,1) - dat spacing.. put 1 closer or put the others closer
01:21:528 (1,2,3,4) - more unobvious spacing @A@ put 2 waaaaayy farther from each other its unreadable
01:27:804 (5,6,7,8) - ^ tho its easily fixable by putting 7 a bit away
01:42:804 (6) - ? just make it one curved
01:50:916 (2) I really dont understand the choice of sliders ;A;
01:52:447 (7,8) - ^ again not gonna continue repeating it
02:04:691 (4,5) - that stacking problem again,, (it was kinda fine at 01:58:875 i guess)
02:05:304 - nc here not 02:06:222 -
02:12:651 (7) - i know i should stop mentioning them but i cant =A=)/ finish
02:25:814 (3,4,5) - wha just put 4 between 3 and 5
02:28:263 - think it sounds better if you put a circle here
02:28:416 (4) - i dont ee anything that indicates that the slider should be wiggly as fuck
02:28:990 (5) - this slider starts on a 1/16? just put it on a 1/8 at least (and even then its hard to find)
02:30:712 (4) - the random 1/16's stuff is reallllyy confusing, really suggest on ending it on the red line even tho it doesnt follow the music that much anymore (besides its 1/16 too late anyways and its really hard to indicate that with spacing)
02:34:844 (8,1,2) - spacing pls
02:37:753 (5,6,1) - ^
02:54:283 (1) - some sliders before this were pretty cool i guess but this needs some fixing....
03:27:344 (1,2) - no stack pls
03:37:753 (6,7,8) - fix spacing aa
03:40:202 (4,5,6) - ^
03:41:885 (5) - dat slider =A=)/
03:58:569 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i still dont know how people are supposed to figure this out (spacing again)
04:02:242 (5,6,7,8) - ^
04:32:242 - nc
04:32:242 (1,2,3) - spacing once again..
04:38:977 (5,1) - ^
04:46:936 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
04:57:344 (5,6,7,8,8,10) - hmmm youre kinda excused here with the spacing since theyre waaay too close, still a flow killer tho so changing should be considered
05:04:079 (8) - NC, also a lot of sliders after this are reallllyy weird

ehhh this map needs some work, slider choices and spacing is realllyy weird, the jumps look really nice i guess

gl with it
Topic Starter

Snaggletooth wrote:


[Hana Emi]


  • I personally find a lot of jumps in the second half of the map misfitting and simply a pain in the ass to
    play. I will point these out. Other than that, have you thought about custom hitsounding? The soft clap is
    irritating imo, I would rather take a normal-hitsound as clap and also I'd change the soft finish in softer
    parts of the song like from 00:34:691 - 01:13:875 and from 05:06:528 till end. Here are my hitsounds in a ZIP-Folder:'ve never though about custom hitsounds. ty for this

  1. 01:26:732 (1,2,3,4) - There is no reason to jump in such an extend. A simple slider from 01:26:732 - 01:27:038 will make
    it flow a lot better.i think it plays fine the way it is
  2. 01:37:906 (3) - Not sure about this one. No jump should be here, but it's not a big deal in context of the next two circles.
    I would still reduce the distance. x:188 y:148I think it flows really nicely here
  3. I would watch your cpacing from 02:24:896 - 02:44:487.
    1. 02:25:967 (4) - Way too confusing to read + it flows awefully. I'd just move it a bit to the left to keep some flow. x:212 y:8 i agree this looks better, fixed
    2. 02:30:712 (4,5) - That one was weird to me as well. I placed 02:30:712 (4) on x:216 y:120 and curved it slightly to the right.
  4. 03:28:875 (2,3,4,5) - Okay, I decided that 03:27:957 (1,2,3,4) was acceptable to build tension but the next jump has no
    justification. You previously mapped this part with sliders which felt and looked really good. I wouldn't change something that worked.fixed
  5. 03:31:324 (2,3,4,5) - ^ i want some variety in my map, not just the same rhythm over and over again, but i changed this a little
  6. 03:50:610 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ no change
  7. 03:36:834 (5,6) - Since you have been kind of mapping with lyrics a bit as well, I'd suggest you do this.
  8. 04:12:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Jumps. And I'd have a good suggestion as well for this
    i want some variety in my map, also i want it to be a little difficult
    +a finish on each sliders head.

I know I have a lot to say about jumps, in fact, everything I pointed out were jumps. Its a big deal to me to
have reasonable jumps and a good flow as it makes the map way more fun to have it placed properly.

My map:

I wish you good luck with this map~
thank you for the mod! it was really helpful' ill mod your map asap
Topic Starter

SkyDevil wrote:

m4m stuff

Hana Emi
00:07:447 (5,1) - increase spacing, its hard to read fixed
00:16:018 (3) - you're missing so much spots for finish hitsounds @A@when i keep updating the map i delete notes and make new ones, and i forget to add hitsounds lol
00:17:089 (6) - also unneccesary finish hitsounds..fixed
00:17:549 - finishfixed
00:18:467 - fixed
00:20:304 - no finishfixed
00:20:763 (4,5) - prevent stacking please, you have such a jumpy map and its such a flow killer to just have a stack i agree, fixed
00:22:447 - finish =3= fixed
00:23:365 (3) - could look nicer, use one red point and 2 grey points to fix it im really bad at shaping sliders, fixed
00:24:896 - finish,, just listen closely to the music,, ill stop mentioning it fixed
00:34:691 (1) - this one is weird... it doesn't look very good.. try makingsomething else out of it?fixed
00:37:140 (4) - could use improvement as wellty for this
00:51:528 (3,1) - i dont really understand why you decided to put it closer suddenly @A@fixed
00:53:059 (3) - this slider is really... make it like 00:23:365 (3) - fixed
01:08:671 (5,6,1) - dat spacing.. put 1 closer or put the others closer[/color]
01:21:528 (1,2,3,4) - more unobvious spacing @A@ put 2 waaaaayy farther from each other its unreadable fixed
01:27:804 (5,6,7,8) - ^ tho its easily fixable by putting 7 a bit awayfixed
01:42:804 (6) - ? just make it one curvedfixed
01:50:916 (2) I really dont understand the choice of sliders ;A;[/color]
01:52:447 (7,8) - ^ again not gonna continue repeating it
02:04:691 (4,5) - that stacking problem again,, (it was kinda fine at 01:58:875 i guess)i think the stack is fine here
02:05:304 - nc here not 02:06:222 -fixed
02:12:651 (7) - i know i should stop mentioning them but i cant =A=)/ finishfixed
02:25:814 (3,4,5) - wha just put 4 between 3 and 5fixed
02:28:263 - think it sounds better if you put a circle herefixed
02:28:416 (4) - i dont ee anything that indicates that the slider should be wiggly as fuckfixed
02:28:990 (5) - this slider starts on a 1/16? just put it on a 1/8 at least (and even then its hard to find)
02:30:712 (4) - the random 1/16's stuff is reallllyy confusing, really suggest on ending it on the red line even tho it doesnt follow the music that much anymore (besides its 1/16 too late anyways and its really hard to indicate that with spacing)i agree, fixed
02:34:844 (8,1,2) - spacing plsi think this is fine
02:37:753 (5,6,1) - ^fixed
02:54:283 (1) - some sliders before this were pretty cool i guess but this needs some fixing.... fixed
03:27:344 (1,2) - no stack plsfixed
03:37:753 (6,7,8) - fix spacing aafixed
03:40:202 (4,5,6) - ^fixed
03:41:885 (5) - dat slider =A=)/i think it looks pretty cool
03:58:569 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i still dont know how people are supposed to figure this out (spacing again)fixed
04:02:242 (5,6,7,8) - ^fixed
04:32:242 - ncfixed
04:32:242 (1,2,3) - spacing once again..fixed
04:38:977 (5,1) - ^fixed
04:46:936 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^fixed
04:57:344 (5,6,7,8,8,10) - hmmm youre kinda excused here with the spacing since theyre waaay too close, still a flow killer tho so changing should be consideredfixed
05:04:079 (8) - NC, also a lot of sliders after this are reallllyy weirdfixed

ehhh this map needs some work, slider choices and spacing is realllyy weird, the jumps look really nice i guess

gl with it
Thanks for the mod, this is the first map ive actually tried to seriously get ranked, so i still have a lot of stuff to work on, like spacing and hitsounds.

this was very helpful <3

how come no one has saw this yet 00:06:834 (1,2,3,4,5) - , I believe this is too fast
00:17:089 (6) - end clap remove
00:23:365 (3) - can have better symmetry
00:24:896 (1) - ctrl g for sharper movement
00:43:263 (2) - this is clearly worth long slider or spinner
01:25:814 (6,7) - ctrl g separately
01:41:885 (2,3) - ^
02:07:753 (1,2) - ^
01:27:957 (6,7,8) - this is actually slightly confusing
03:01:630 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all these notes are like the same distance apart. you shouldnt do this since the second part is 1/4

I'm not even gonna continue on commenting on the 1/4 notes, do whatever you like
Topic Starter

Faan wrote:


how come no one has saw this yet 00:06:834 (1,2,3,4,5) - , I believe this is too fastpeople have mentioned this, but it plays completely fine
00:17:089 (6) - end clap removefixed
00:23:365 (3) - can have better symmetryfixed
00:24:896 (1) - ctrl g for sharper movementfixed
00:43:263 (2) - this is clearly worth long slider or spinneri think its fine the way it is
01:25:814 (6,7) - ctrl g separatelythis flows really wierd, no change
01:41:885 (2,3) - ^yes i think this is a little bit better
02:07:753 (1,2) - ^fixed
01:27:957 (6,7,8) - this is actually slightly confusingi dont see how this is confusing at all
03:01:630 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all these notes are like the same distance apart. you shouldnt do this since the second part is 1/4 fixed

I'm not even gonna continue on commenting on the 1/4 notes, do whatever you like
Thanks for the mod, try to lay off the salt though :D

Hi there, coming from your request in our Modding Queue my Stream!
Please take note that I mod your map for mostly unrankable or "stupid" stuff. I try to avoid style related issues, as I cant really judge these.


Other than that, colours yellow to red indicate how important changes would be in my opinion

■ I think some soft custom hitsounds would fit to the song really well. The standard clapping is kinda meh to it. Looking through some folders might find some
■ Imo, most of the blankets could need some more improvement as theyre all kinda off or just a halfblanket. Short explanation below

00:02:778 (4) - This is a hard one. I think this one should be snapped onto 00:02:740 (4) - (1/16th) and the second tick (which would be at 00:02:804 (5) - (1/12th) can be added, but that would result in a weirdly timed triple, so I wouldnt actually mind if this one was left open)
■ 00:14:181 (4) - This one is spaced a little bit to much if you ask me, a spacing like 00:13:263 (2) - would add some more consistency (since 00:16:630 (4) - is ~2 DS as well)
00:24:589 (6) - replace with 2 circles? This would give more support to the 2 beats happening at head and tail
■ 01:24:589 (2) - Overlap this one properly. Copy pasta below
■ 01:26:885 (3) - Is that clap supposed to be here? The clap should be on 01:26:732 (2) - imo. (The finish sounds off as well)
■ 01:28:263 (8) - I'd either NC this or move this one further away. Right now it could be confusing to play/read because (7) and (8) have the same distance as (8) and (9), yet (7 8) has a longer timing gap between them.
■ 01:53:977 (4) - If you want to fill the (rather awkward) pause, you could do something like this

■ 01:53:518 (3) - (repeat) and 01:54:896 (3) - missing clap?
02:14:487 (5) - Optional, but I tend to NC rhythm changes (1/4 to 1/3 for example) to show the player exactly that and that the SV after it slows down as well. It'd fit here.
■ 02:25:355 (2) - Move this one closer to (1)'s tail. It looks like this one would be a 1/2 beat apart, while it's a 1/4th. To add to that, all the following 1/4 and 1/3 beats are closer to the previous object as well.
■ 02:35:304 (2) - Overlap this with 02:34:283 (7) -
■ 02:34:487 (8) - Let this one end on the big white tick (1/6). There's no sound to be heard where it ends right now
■ Is the "broccoly" part after that missing some claps or isit supposed to be silent?
02:57:957 (4) - If you NC'd the rhythm change from above then NC this too
03:01:630 (1) - I'd move the combo further away. The break feels more awkward than it's useful for.
■ 03:16:018 (4) - Move these one further away (preferably with the same or similar spacing as 03:16:324 (1,2,3) - ) from 03:15:099 (3) -. The way it is right now only works if the music would slow down drastically, which it doesnt (especially since 03:14:793 (1,2) - has a very high spacing). Anti-Jumps arent really liked nowadays.
You should either respace 03:18:773 (1,2) - or 03:19:385 (2,3) - . (2 3) has more spacing than (1 2) even though it has less of a timing gap inbetween. This is very confusing and difficult to read, as you have to focus on the approach circle when playing for the first time (what people dont do) and forces an unpleasant increased cursormovement, which slows down immediately again on 03:20:610 (4,5) -

Perfect example comes directly after. 03:22:447 (3) - . According to the spacing before that, this one should be 1/4 later, which it isnt
03:23:671 (5) - NC thing if you did aboves
■ 03:29:181 (3) - missing clap?
■ 03:55:508 (1) - How about this? Adds more to the rhythm imo

■ 04:02:396 (7) - add a circle? There's no need for that gap imo.
■ 04:19:385 (4) - missing clap?
04:26:732 (1) - you did the NC's here, so I'd say that you the NC's mentioned above
■ 04:38:365 (4) - add circle?
■ 04:56:732 (5) - NC

■ For overlaps, you should make sure that pretty much every overlapping circle/slider head/tail or whatever overlaps correct. When it comes to slidertails, you can check its coordinate by ctrl+g'ing twice and then hovering over the endtick. As you know the coordinates now, you can set the overlapping object to the exact coord for a pretty overlap.

■ For the blankets, you can use the approach circle of an object to see how good the blanket is and how it can be improved. Here are some examples on blanketing

Good luck~
Sorry for the doublepost, but I've noticed that the puushs were expired. So here are the ones for the blanket (Bad) (Good)
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Hi there, coming from your request in our Modding Queue my Stream!
Please take note that I mod your map for mostly unrankable or "stupid" stuff. I try to avoid style related issues, as I cant really judge these.


Other than that, colours yellow to red indicate how important changes would be in my opinion

■ I think some soft custom hitsounds would fit to the song really well. The standard clapping is kinda meh to it. Looking through some folders might find someok i"ll do that
■ Imo, most of the blankets could need some more improvement as theyre all kinda off or just a halfblanket. Short explanation below

00:02:778 (4) - This is a hard one. I think this one should be snapped onto 00:02:740 (4) - (1/16th) and the second tick (which would be at 00:02:804 (5) - (1/12th) can be added, but that would result in a weirdly timed triple, so I wouldnt actually mind if this one was left open)yeah i think this is fine the way is, it plays really nicely
■ 00:14:181 (4) - This one is spaced a little bit to much if you ask me, a spacing like 00:13:263 (2) - would add some more consistency (since 00:16:630 (4) - is ~2 DS as well)ahh i see what you mean, fixed
00:24:589 (6) - replace with 2 circles? This would give more support to the 2 beats happening at head and tailfixed
■ 01:24:589 (2) - Overlap this one properly. Copy pasta belowfixed
■ 01:26:885 (3) - Is that clap supposed to be here? The clap should be on 01:26:732 (2) - imo. (The finish sounds off as well)fixed
■ 01:28:263 (8) - I'd either NC this or move this one further away. Right now it could be confusing to play/read because (7) and (8) have the same distance as (8) and (9), yet (7 8) has a longer timing gap between them.i see what you mean, fixed
■ 01:53:977 (4) - If you want to fill the (rather awkward) pause, you could do something like thisfixed, it was pretty awkward

■ 01:53:518 (3) - (repeat) and 01:54:896 (3) - missing clap?fixed
02:14:487 (5) - Optional, but I tend to NC rhythm changes (1/4 to 1/3 for example) to show the player exactly that and that the SV after it slows down as well. It'd fit here.i agree on this, i will start doing this for futute maps too
■ 02:25:355 (2) - Move this one closer to (1)'s tail. It looks like this one would be a 1/2 beat apart, while it's a 1/4th. To add to that, all the following 1/4 and 1/3 beats are closer to the previous object as well. fixed
■ 02:35:304 (2) - Overlap this with 02:34:283 (7) - fixed
■ 02:34:487 (8) - Let this one end on the big white tick (1/6). There's no sound to be heard where it ends right nowfixed
■ Is the "broccoly" part after that missing some claps or isit supposed to be silent?yeah i forgot to add some claps, fixed
02:57:957 (4) - If you NC'd the rhythm change from above then NC this toofixed
03:01:630 (1) - I'd move the combo further away. The break feels more awkward than it's useful for.fixed
■ 03:16:018 (4) - Move these one further away (preferably with the same or similar spacing as 03:16:324 (1,2,3) - ) from 03:15:099 (3) -. The way it is right now only works if the music would slow down drastically, which it doesnt (especially since 03:14:793 (1,2) - has a very high spacing). Anti-Jumps arent really liked nowadays.fixed
You should either respace 03:18:773 (1,2) - or 03:19:385 (2,3) - . (2 3) has more spacing than (1 2) even though it has less of a timing gap inbetween. This is very confusing and difficult to read, as you have to focus on the approach circle when playing for the first time (what people dont do) and forces an unpleasant increased cursormovement, which slows down immediately again on 03:20:610 (4,5) - fixed

Perfect example comes directly after. 03:22:447 (3) - . According to the spacing before that, this one should be 1/4 later, which it isnt
03:23:671 (5) - NC thing if you did abovesfixed
■ 03:29:181 (3) - missing clap?fixed
■ 03:55:508 (1) - How about this? Adds more to the rhythm imo[/color]

■ 04:02:396 (7) - add a circle? There's no need for that gap imo.fixed
■ 04:19:385 (4) - missing clap?fixed
04:26:732 (1) - you did the NC's here, so I'd say that you the NC's mentioned abovefixed
■ 04:38:365 (4) - add circle?fixed
■ 04:56:732 (5) - NC

■ For overlaps, you should make sure that pretty much every overlapping circle/slider head/tail or whatever overlaps correct. When it comes to slidertails, you can check its coordinate by ctrl+g'ing twice and then hovering over the endtick. As you know the coordinates now, you can set the overlapping object to the exact coord for a pretty overlap.

■ For the blankets, you can use the approach circle of an object to see how good the blanket is and how it can be improved. Here are some examples on blanketing

Good luck~
Thank you for the mod! it was very helpful, since this is my first map ive tried to seriously get ranked, there is a ton of errors. but thanks for pointing them out
modded on my stream

talked about a bunch of backwards sliders and stuff like that

no mod post cause it was in voice, but you're already well aware of what it was :P good luck my dude, you got one hell of a map here, looking forward to seeing this ranked
Topic Starter

Maeglwn wrote:

modded on my stream

talked about a bunch of backwards sliders and stuff like that

no mod post cause it was in voice, but you're already well aware of what it was :P good luck my dude, you got one hell of a map here, looking forward to seeing this ranked
Thanks for the mods, i fixed some of the scorpion sliders, and fixed some blankets as well, i left the piano part at the very beginning as it is because i think its just to cool. <3
from my queue:

It's good thing I'm slow, since otherwise I would have modded the wrong bg :P

your current bg (and thus all your sb images) are currently some weird aspect ratio (something a little wider than 4:3, but not even close to 16:10). Ideally, since image resolutions in osu are limited by height alone (768 pixels max height) you should try to make your image as wide as the widest common resolution standard, which is typically 16:9. With 16:9 bgs, people playing at aspect ratio's thinner than 16:9 (common examples being 16:10 or 4:3) will have the same bg resolution they would have had anyway if the bg was originally their aspect ratio.

So, using this image (brace yourself, 3200x2300) I made two new bgs that are 16:9, 1366x768. one has no color alterations, and one has been altered slightly to more closely resemble your current bg. Here are those:
Regarding your sb, if you can guarantee that you won't change the bg again I'd be happy to go through and recreate each image at the new aspect ratio.

no kudosu

Hit sound modding

[Hana Emi]
00:02:242 (2) - add whistle
00:05:304 (1) - start notes add whistle
00:09:283 (1,3) - add whistle
00:10:202 (1) - start notes Sampleset Drum + clap
00:10:814 (4) - start notes Sampleset Drum
00:26:885 (6) - start notes change clap
00:29:793 (2) - add finish
00:34:691 (1) - start notes add whistle
00:37:140 (1) - ^
00:44:487 (1) - add whistle
00:46:936 (2) - start notes add whistle
00:54:283 (2) - start notes Sampleset Drum
00:56:732 (1) - ^
00:59:181 (2) - ^
01:01:630 (1) - ^
01:02:855 (3) - ^
01:03:467 (4,5) - Samplest Drum + clap
01:06:528 (1) - start notes Sampleset Drum
01:11:732 (2) - end notes Sampleset Drum
01:12:344 (4) - Sampleset Drum
01:34:998 (6) - end notes add clap
01:49:691 (1) - add clap
01:53:059 (1) - start notes add clap
01:53:977 (4) - ^ + end notes add finish
01:57:957 (1) - start notes Sampleset Drum
01:59:334 (2) - end notes add clap
01:59:947 (4) - ^
02:01:783 (4) - ^
02:02:549 (7) - start notes add clap
02:17:242 (5) - add finish
02:18:773 (4) - end notes add finish
02:33:161 (4) - add finish
02:34:487 (8) - end notes add finish
02:43:263 (1) - add finish
03:04:079 (4) - ^
03:13:875 (3) - 3st notes add whistle
03:15:100 (3) - ^
03:16:324 (1) - Samplest Drum
03:26:120 (7) - add finish
03:27:957 (1,2,3,4) - change clap
03:34:844 (4) - end notes add clap
03:46:630 (5) - start,end notes add clap
04:21:528 (6) - add clap
04:31:018 (5) - 2st notes add finish
04:32:242 (1) - start notes add finish
04:38:977 (6) - end notes add finish
04:49:079 (5) - add finish
04:50:610 (5) - 2st notes add finish
04:53:977 (5) - add finish
04:55:202 (4) - start notes add finish
04:58:875 (5) - add finish
05:00:100 (4) - start notes add finish
05:07:140 (3) - add whistle
05:09:589 (2) - ^
05:12:038 (2) - ^
05:16:936 (2) - ^
05:19:385 (2) - ^
05:21:834 (2) - ^

good luck
Topic Starter

Ringating wrote:

from my queue:

It's good thing I'm slow, since otherwise I would have modded the wrong bg :P

your current bg (and thus all your sb images) are currently some weird aspect ratio (something a little wider than 4:3, but not even close to 16:10). Ideally, since image resolutions in osu are limited by height alone (768 pixels max height) you should try to make your image as wide as the widest common resolution standard, which is typically 16:9. With 16:9 bgs, people playing at aspect ratio's thinner than 16:9 (common examples being 16:10 or 4:3) will have the same bg resolution they would have had anyway if the bg was originally their aspect ratio.

So, using this image (brace yourself, 3200x2300) I made two new bgs that are 16:9, 1366x768. one has no color alterations, and one has been altered slightly to more closely resemble your current bg. Here are those:
Regarding your sb, if you can guarantee that you won't change the bg again I'd be happy to go through and recreate each image at the new aspect ratio.

no kudosu
TY so much for the background!

And sorry I didn't see the no kudosu :(
Topic Starter

Joon wrote:


Hit sound modding

[Hana Emi]
00:02:242 (2) - add whistle
00:05:304 (1) - start notes add whistle
00:09:283 (1,3) - add whistle
00:10:202 (1) - start notes Sampleset Drum + clap
00:10:814 (4) - start notes Sampleset Drum
00:26:885 (6) - start notes change clap
00:29:793 (2) - add finish
00:34:691 (1) - start notes add whistle
00:37:140 (1) - ^
00:44:487 (1) - add whistle
00:46:936 (2) - start notes add whistle
00:54:283 (2) - start notes Sampleset Drum
00:56:732 (1) - ^
00:59:181 (2) - ^
01:01:630 (1) - ^
01:02:855 (3) - ^
01:03:467 (4,5) - Samplest Drum + clap
01:06:528 (1) - start notes Sampleset Drum
01:11:732 (2) - end notes Sampleset Drum
01:12:344 (4) - Sampleset Drum
01:34:998 (6) - end notes add clap
01:49:691 (1) - add clap
01:53:059 (1) - start notes add clap
01:53:977 (4) - ^ + end notes add finish
01:57:957 (1) - start notes Sampleset Drum
01:59:334 (2) - end notes add clap
01:59:947 (4) - ^
02:01:783 (4) - ^
02:02:549 (7) - start notes add clap
02:17:242 (5) - add finish
02:18:773 (4) - end notes add finish
02:33:161 (4) - add finish
02:34:487 (8) - end notes add finish
02:43:263 (1) - add finish
03:04:079 (4) - ^
03:13:875 (3) - 3st notes add whistle
03:15:100 (3) - ^
03:16:324 (1) - Samplest Drum
03:26:120 (7) - add finish
03:27:957 (1,2,3,4) - change clap
03:34:844 (4) - end notes add clap
03:46:630 (5) - start,end notes add clap
04:21:528 (6) - add clap
04:31:018 (5) - 2st notes add finish
04:32:242 (1) - start notes add finish
04:38:977 (6) - end notes add finish
04:49:079 (5) - add finish
04:50:610 (5) - 2st notes add finish
04:53:977 (5) - add finish
04:55:202 (4) - start notes add finish
04:58:875 (5) - add finish
05:00:100 (4) - start notes add finish
05:07:140 (3) - add whistle
05:09:589 (2) - ^
05:12:038 (2) - ^
05:16:936 (2) - ^
05:19:385 (2) - ^
05:21:834 (2) - ^

good luck
THANK YOU for this mod! This really helped me out a lot, the map sounds a lot better with these. TY <3
M4M Request

  1. 57 kudosu stars on your own map? Isn't it too much?
  2. Include the following to tags:

  3. doriko Kiritan-P きりたんP Hatsune Miku Even Though Songs Have No Forms unformed

(Tags include the original artist's names, the Vocaloid who sang it, the English translated title, and the album.)
  • While I don't know how to make a storyboard, I can comment how I felt about it during my modding. This is completely subjective but I do take it seriously.
  1. This song is generally slow, so the SB should reflect that. Some parts felt too distracting, showy, or unnecessary that detracts the overall experience of the map. Consider it while going over the song.
  2. I question the color choices in the BGs. There are BROWN, GREEN, GREY, RED, and "reddish brown". The main BG is blue, as it seems to be the primary color of the map. All the other colors (except grey) felt completely random and removes the overall experience, as if it's edgy because the map is hard. I recommend going over color theory. I personally recommend redoing all the edited BGs and go for the colors closest to the BG's blue.

    1. 00:02:855 - I recommend not showing "SNOW2" at this time. They should only appear during special events of the song, like at 02:41:630 . At 00:30:100 there's little sense having them when there's a shooting star(?) effect going on. It's strange to have more distraction at the beginning of the map.
    2. 00:12:651 - Is the "STROBE THING" effect necessary? The white strobe alone does the job, though a bit harsh on the eyes. Remove this effect from the entire map.
    3. 00:13:569 - Then there's this reverse strobe effect. Is this necessary as well? Either remove it from the entire map, or create a slightly brighter BG that reduces the white strobe's harshness.
    4. 00:29:793 - This fade effect should happen more slowly. Move it back to 00:28:875 .
    5. 00:29:181 - You could barely see the shooting stars(?) effect with the spinner in the way.
    6. 00:34:691 - Suddenly a backdrop! It's way too harsh seeing the BG instantly appear. Completely removes the experience. Add a slow fade or something like it.
    7. 00:54:360 - ^ Same as above
    8. 01:13:875 - Like I said about the "STROBE THING", is it necessary? Remove it.
    9. 01:35:916 - Again, instant BG backdrop, which made it worse because of the BG's color and strobe. Add the white strobe effect as the transition like at 00:12:651 before and remove the "RED HAND PULSE" strobe.
    10. 01:36:834 - Again, like I said about the reverse strobe effect. Remove it or add a brighter BG.
    11. 01:55:584 - Again, instant BG backdrop.
    12. 01:56:426 - Reverse strobe effect
    13. 02:15:100 - Another harsh transition. Red(?) and blue colors don't mix well together. Please add a smooth transition.
    14. 02:24:896 - Remove this strobe. Add the white strobe effect instead.
    15. 02:39:589 - This slow strobe is random. I don't see any value in it. This fits more in places like 02:15:100 .
    16. 02:44:487 - Harsh transition
    17. 02:41:630 - The "SNOW2" objects are spinning too fast. It's very distracting. Slow them down.
    18. 03:04:309 - Harsh transition
    19. 03:04:079 - Now the "SNOW2" objects are slowly moving in random directions. They should all move downward... like snow should.
    20. 03:26:120 - A slow fade-to-black instead?
    21. 03:28:569 - Harsh transition
    22. 03:48:161 - Unnecessary strobe
    23. 04:02:855 - A quick fade-to-black would be better.
    24. 04:04:079 - Unnecessary strobe. Would rather let this part stay dark.
    25. 04:07:753 - Unnecessary strobe
    26. 04:26:120 - A fade-to-white would be better.
    27. 04:27:344 - Unnecessary strobe
    28. 04:27:651 - "SNOW2" objects spinning too fast. Slow them down.
    29. 05:27:115 - Instead of fading back to the BG, it should stay dark till the end of the song.

[Hana Emi]
  1. Is there a reason why the diff is named that?
  2. The biggest problem I have with this diff is pacing. At the beginning of the diff, it goes starts slow, then suddenly it goes very fast. You do this throughout the song. I mentioned it in the mod, but I don't think it's fun playing a map that fluctuates in pacing so wildly for its own good.
  3. Because of that, I question whether this is overmapped. I don't know if the difficulty is appropriate for this song. I like to see other modder's responses about it.

    1. 00:02:753 (4) - This circle is technically not on anything. Either remove it, or adjust the beat snap divisor to 1/16 and move it exactly at 00:02:740 . Adjust spacing if needed.
    2. 00:05:304 - This combo color looks too similar. Make it more darker or have a different color altogether.
    3. 00:23:977 (4) - This slider is too close to (3). Extend it out a bit.
    4. 00:26:885 (6) - Is there a reason why the slider is shaped like that? It looks out of place. A simple curve works fine.
    5. 00:33:390 - Remove the break. It's so short, it doesn't matter.
    6. 00:46:018 (4) - I recommend not following the vocals.
    7. 00:51:834 (1) - This slider looks out of place too. Consider making it curved.
    8. 00:53:059 (3) - ^
    9. 00:54:207 (1) - Remove this circle. Looks like a cheap move.
    10. 00:59:105 (1) - ^ This is overmapping. No notes around here.
    11. 01:05:610 (4) - I recommend not following the vocals.
    12. 01:11:120 (7,1,2,3) - This part doesn't follow anything. Remap it.
    13. 01:24:742 (3) - Out-of-placed slider. Consider making it curved.
    14. 01:38:671 (2) - This slider should be curved.
    15. 01:50:457 (5,1) - Having to move back to hit the (1) slider is uncomfortable. It kills flow. Move it so the front of the (1) slider is below the fading (2) circle.
    16. 01:52:447 (4,5,1) - Out of placed sliders. Make them curved.
    17. 01:56:426 (5) - ^
    18. 01:56:885 - A circle here?
    19. 01:58:875 (4,1) - This pause is not long enough to make it's full effect. Remove the (1) circle and move the (5) slider where (1) originally is.
    20. 02:06:222 (2,3,4) - Even out the spacing
    21. 02:07:447 (5,1) - (5) should curve more. (1) needs to be curved.
    22. 02:15:100 - After a fast-paced chorus, the map decided to take it slow for no reason. This is unacceptable. Increase the SV to x1.50.
    23. 02:32:166 (1) - Remove this circle. It is unnecessary.
    24. 02:33:314 (5) - What's the purpose of this slider? I recommend removing it to add a pause for effect.
    25. 02:42:038 (4,5) - Out-of-placed sliders. Consider making them curved.
    26. 02:57:344 (2,3) - Spacing. Should be spread out slightly.
    27. 02:57:957 (1) - You could barely hear the drums until later. Make it a circle or slider.
    28. 03:23:671 (1,2,3) - I recommend this part should be one long stream. It fits well to the song.
    29. 03:40:814 (1,2,3) - Spacing
    30. 03:41:885 (5) - Out-of-placed slider. Consider making it curved.
    31. 03:44:487 (3,4,5,6) - Why is this part jump-less? Please make it consistent.
    32. 03:59:028 (3,4) - Spacing
    33. 04:27:344 - Once again it's suddenly slow. Increase the SV to x1.50.
    34. 05:07:447 (4) - Out-of-placed slider. Consider making it curved.
    35. 05:25:814 (1) - Make this slider into circles.
    36. 05:26:885 (2) - Remove this circle. It is unnecessary.

Overall lots of the SB and the diff have unnecessary parts to them. The pacing made it difficult to enjoy the map.

Good luck
Topic Starter

Darcsol wrote:

M4M Request

  1. 57 kudosu stars on your own map? Isn't it too much?probably is to much xD
  2. Include the following to tags:

  3. doriko Kiritan-P きりたんP Hatsune Miku Even Though Songs Have No Forms unformed

(Tags include the original artist's names, the Vocaloid who sang it, the English translated title, and the album.)
  • While I don't know how to make a storyboard, I can comment how I felt about it during my modding. This is completely subjective but I do take it seriously.i agree the storyboard is kind of bad, its only 2nd attempt at trying to make one, but ill try to fix it up
  1. This song is generally slow, so the SB should reflect that. Some parts felt too distracting, showy, or unnecessary that detracts the overall experience of the map. Consider it while going over the song.
  2. I question the color choices in the BGs. There are BROWN, GREEN, GREY, RED, and "reddish brown". The main BG is blue, as it seems to be the primary color of the map. All the other colors (except grey) felt completely random and removes the overall experience, as if it's edgy because the map is hard. I recommend going over color theory. I personally recommend redoing all the edited BGs and go for the colors closest to the BG's blue.

    1. 00:02:855 - I recommend not showing "SNOW2" at this time. They should only appear during special events of the song, like at 02:41:630 . At 00:30:100 there's little sense having them when there's a shooting star(?) effect going on. It's strange to have more distraction at the beginning of the map.
    2. 00:12:651 - Is the "STROBE THING" effect necessary? The white strobe alone does the job, though a bit harsh on the eyes. Remove this effect from the entire map.
    3. 00:13:569 - Then there's this reverse strobe effect. Is this necessary as well? Either remove it from the entire map, or create a slightly brighter BG that reduces the white strobe's harshness.
    4. 00:29:793 - This fade effect should happen more slowly. Move it back to 00:28:875 .
    5. 00:29:181 - You could barely see the shooting stars(?) effect with the spinner in the way.
    6. 00:34:691 - Suddenly a backdrop! It's way too harsh seeing the BG instantly appear. Completely removes the experience. Add a slow fade or something like it.
    7. 00:54:360 - ^ Same as above
    8. 01:13:875 - Like I said about the "STROBE THING", is it necessary? Remove it.
    9. 01:35:916 - Again, instant BG backdrop, which made it worse because of the BG's color and strobe. Add the white strobe effect as the transition like at 00:12:651 before and remove the "RED HAND PULSE" strobe.
    10. 01:36:834 - Again, like I said about the reverse strobe effect. Remove it or add a brighter BG.
    11. 01:55:584 - Again, instant BG backdrop.
    12. 01:56:426 - Reverse strobe effect
    13. 02:15:100 - Another harsh transition. Red(?) and blue colors don't mix well together. Please add a smooth transition.
    14. 02:24:896 - Remove this strobe. Add the white strobe effect instead.
    15. 02:39:589 - This slow strobe is random. I don't see any value in it. This fits more in places like 02:15:100 .
    16. 02:44:487 - Harsh transition
    17. 02:41:630 - The "SNOW2" objects are spinning too fast. It's very distracting. Slow them down.
    18. 03:04:309 - Harsh transition
    19. 03:04:079 - Now the "SNOW2" objects are slowly moving in random directions. They should all move downward... like snow should.
    20. 03:26:120 - A slow fade-to-black instead?
    21. 03:28:569 - Harsh transition
    22. 03:48:161 - Unnecessary strobe
    23. 04:02:855 - A quick fade-to-black would be better.
    24. 04:04:079 - Unnecessary strobe. Would rather let this part stay dark.
    25. 04:07:753 - Unnecessary strobe
    26. 04:26:120 - A fade-to-white would be better.
    27. 04:27:344 - Unnecessary strobe
    28. 04:27:651 - "SNOW2" objects spinning too fast. Slow them down.
    29. 05:27:115 - Instead of fading back to the BG, it should stay dark till the end of the song.

[Hana Emi]
  1. Is there a reason why the diff is named that? Hana emi means beautiful flower in Japanese, so i thought it would be nice for this song
  2. The biggest problem I have with this diff is pacing. At the beginning of the diff, it goes starts slow, then suddenly it goes very fast. You do this throughout the song. I mentioned it in the mod, but I don't think it's fun playing a map that fluctuates in pacing so wildly for its own good.
  3. Because of that, I question whether this is overmapped. I don't know if the difficulty is appropriate for this song. I like to see other modder's responses about can't expect a mapper to follow distance snap for the entire map, i didnt toggle the distance snap when i was mapping this, you have to let me breath a little and let me map in my own style, especially in an insane difficulty song

    1. 00:02:753 (4) - This circle is technically not on anything. Either remove it, or adjust the beat snap divisor to 1/16 and move it exactly at 00:02:740 . Adjust spacing if needed.I realize that this is not on anything, but no one tell the difference if it is on the 1/16 or the 1/8 while there playing it, moving it to 1/16 with just cause a bunch of 100's
    2. 00:05:304 - This combo color looks too similar. Make it more darker or have a different color altogether.made it a darker gray
    3. 00:23:977 (4) - This slider is too close to (3). Extend it out a bit.fixed
    4. 00:26:885 (6) - Is there a reason why the slider is shaped like that? It looks out of place. A simple curve works fine.fixed
    5. 00:33:390 - Remove the break. It's so short, it doesn't matter.fixed
    6. 00:46:018 (4) - I recommend not following the vocals.I think this part is fine
    7. 00:51:834 (1) - This slider looks out of place too. Consider making it curved.fixed
    8. 00:53:059 (3) - ^fixed
    9. 00:54:207 (1) - Remove this circle. Looks like a cheap following the piano here, this plays really well, i think its nice
    10. 00:59:105 (1) - ^ This is overmapping. No notes around here.^
    11. 01:05:610 (4) - I recommend not following the vocals.i like this part a lot
    12. 01:11:120 (7,1,2,3) - This part doesn't follow anything. Remap it.i think this is completely fine
    13. 01:24:742 (3) - Out-of-placed slider. Consider making it curved.fixed
    14. 01:38:671 (2) - This slider should be curved.fixed
    15. 01:50:457 (5,1) - Having to move back to hit the (1) slider is uncomfortable. It kills flow. Move it so the front of the (1) slider is below the fading (2) circle.fixed
    16. 01:52:447 (4,5,1) - Out of placed sliders. Make them curved.fixed
    17. 01:56:426 (5) - ^fixed
    18. 01:56:885 - A circle here?fixed
    19. 01:58:875 (4,1) - This pause is not long enough to make it's full effect. Remove the (1) circle and move the (5) slider where (1) originally is.fixed
    20. 02:06:222 (2,3,4) - Even out the spacingfixed
    21. 02:07:447 (5,1) - (5) should curve more. (1) needs to be curved.fixed
    22. 02:15:100 - After a fast-paced chorus, the map decided to take it slow for no reason. This is unacceptable. Increase the SV to x1.50.transitioning to a slow part here seems right to me
    23. 02:32:166 (1) - Remove this circle. It is unnecessary.following the piano
    24. 02:33:314 (5) - What's the purpose of this slider? I recommend removing it to add a pause for effect.there is just a werid emptiness if this slider is removed, sure the slider is not following anything in the song, but to just not have one there is really odd
    25. 02:42:038 (4,5) - Out-of-placed sliders. Consider making them curved.fixed
    26. 02:57:344 (2,3) - Spacing. Should be spread out slightly.fixed
    27. 02:57:957 (1) - You could barely hear the drums until later. Make it a circle or slider.fixed
    28. 03:23:671 (1,2,3) - I recommend this part should be one long stream. It fits well to the song.I had it as a long stream before, but other players complained that it confused them, they thought it was 1/8 streams and not 1/6
    29. 03:40:814 (1,2,3) - Spacingfixed
    30. 03:41:885 (5) - Out-of-placed slider. Consider making it curved.fixed
    31. 03:44:487 (3,4,5,6) - Why is this part jump-less? Please make it i not allowed to have any variety in my map?
    32. 03:59:028 (3,4) - Spacingthis looks fine to me
    33. 04:27:344 - Once again it's suddenly slow. Increase the SV to x1.50.having a slow part after this intense chorus is good I think, there is a lot of clicking involved in the last chorus
    34. 05:07:447 (4) - Out-of-placed slider. Consider making it curved.fixed
    35. 05:25:814 (1) - Make this slider into circles.fixed
    36. 05:26:885 (2) - Remove this circle. It is unnecessary.
you can hear 3 piano keys being played

Overall lots of the SB and the diff have unnecessary parts to them. The pacing made it difficult to enjoy the map.

Good luck
TY for the mod! i should stop putting retarded looking sliders in my maps
From my queue~
thanks for M4M!

  1. tags suggetion:
    hatsune miku
  2. Hanatan - Flower (skinnyjimmy).osb: this file is unnecessary. delete it
  3. combocolor 3 and 4 is too similar to distinguish them
[Hana Emi]
  1. 00:02:778 (4) - delete
  2. 00:11:885 (3,4) - exchange their positions
  3. 01:26:732 (2,3,4) - I prefer slider like 01:26:120 (1) -
  4. 01:51:222 (3,1) - change combocolor. combocolor 5 and 8 are too similar
  5. 01:52:140 (3) - how about curved slider like 01:51:834 (2) -
  6. 03:58:875 (2,3) - exchange their positions
I can see you put a lot of effort into SB. but a little bad for eyes :o
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
thanks for M4M!

  1. tags suggetion:
    hatsune miku
  2. Hanatan - Flower (skinnyjimmy).osb: this file is unnecessary. delete it
  3. combocolor 3 and 4 is too similar to distinguish them

[Hana Emi]
  1. 00:02:778 (4) - deletei really like this note here
  2. 00:11:885 (3,4) - exchange their positionsi dont really like the flow of this
  3. 01:26:732 (2,3,4) - I prefer slider like 01:26:120 (1) - not really sure what your trying to say here
  4. 01:51:222 (3,1) - change combocolor. combocolor 5 and 8 are too similari just deleted most of the colors
  5. 01:52:140 (3) - how about curved slider like 01:51:834 (2) - fixed
  6. 03:58:875 (2,3) - exchange their positions
yeah i think that flows a little better

I can see you put a lot of effort into SB. but a little bad for eyes :o i just redid the entire SB
~Good Luck~
TY for the mod! <3
Since you requested me to recheck your storyboard, here it is.


  1. Duplicate Hatsune Miku in tags
  2. You spelled my name wrong in the map description. :(

  1. The storyboard is a huge improvement, but there are elements that still felt unnecessary. Some elements felt very backwards from what I said in my previous mod. Ultimately it's your map, but I can still voice my concerns about it.
  2. You should be aware that any SBing can potentially slow down someone's computer. Generally you should use the least elements as possible to avoid any framerate dips. While I personally don't have this problem, someone else might have and can't experience your SB has to offer. But that doesn't mean you can't do this or that anymore; there are ways to hide it.
  3. Honestly the epilepsy warning should not be displayed. The SB should avoid having this warning.
  4. All effects should be slow as possible to reflect the song. Any sudden or flashy cuts the experience. Less is more.

    1. 00:02:855 - I don't know if this is a limitation of the SB, but you can see the BG at the far edges of the screen. Players who play on a 4:3 resolution should not see it, but those playing on any widescreen resolutions should. It's distracting. Is it possible to cover the entire screen black?
    2. 00:03:467 - "Light (4)" should zoom and spin slower
    3. 00:11:426 - Instead of "Light (4)" zooming back then rapidly spin to create the "Light", it should immediately shrink while the "w" screen appears earlier at 00:11:426 .
    4. 00:12:651 - Pulse still necessary?
    5. 00:13:875 - At this part, the SB is over-produced. You have the "Ring" and "Light" effects popping up everywhere. This is all unnecessary. Remove them.
    6. 00:22:447 - Harsh transition. A simple white fade to this point is perfect. Pulse still necessary?
    7. 00:23:365 - This part is over-produced. This time it's more distracting because of the "SNOW" scrolling down. Remove the "Ring" and "Light" effects.
    8. 00:28:569 - Personally, do not show another "SNOW" effect during the spinner. It leaves "LIGHT" effect more satisfying because there is nothing going on. It's the first thing a player sees when the spinner ends.
    9. 00:54:283 - Strobe still necessary?
    10. 01:13:875 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    11. 01:33:582 - I think it's best for the "Blue dot" to follow the circle and sliders. It's a nice effect to interact with players.
    12. 01:35:916 - Harsh transition. A full white fade should do it. Pulse still necessary?
    13. 01:53:059 - The "SNOW2" objects should not fade. They should stay until they're swallowed up by the "black" background.
    14. 01:55:508 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    15. 02:13:875 - Again, "SNOW2" objects should stay till they're swallowed up by the "black" background.
    16. 02:15:100 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    17. 02:24:896 - ^
    18. 02:44:487 - These are the type of transitions I want to see. They are smooth and not so jarring like the others. Pulse still necessary?
    19. 03:04:079 - The "blue dot" objects should slowly fade away until this point. Seeing them suddenly disappear is not appealing. Pulse still necessary?
    20. 03:23:671 - The "blue dot" objects almost resembles a grid-like pattern. Spread them more randomly?
    21. 03:28:569 - Harsh transition made worse by different-colored BG. Pulse still necessary?
    22. 03:46:936 - Why are the "SNOW 2" objects still there when the screen is fading black? They should fade with the black.
    23. 03:48:161 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    24. 03:49:385 - Since the "SNOW 2" objects are at the same place, they should not fade back. They should immediately appear in 03:48:161 .
    25. 04:02:855 - Pulse still necessary? A simple "Ring" object does the trick.
    26. 04:04:079 - Pulse still necessary?
    27. 04:07:753 - Harsh transition made worse by different-colored BG. Pulse still necessary?
    28. 04:08:671 - I noticed there's a light effect edited in the "pink lemonade hand" BG. It's completely unnecessary. There's no value having it.
    29. 04:08:671 - This part is over-produced. Too many distracting "Ring" effects popping everywhere. Tone it down.
    30. 04:27:344 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    31. 04:46:936 - ^
    32. 05:05:916 - This is an awkward pulse. A fade to grey works.
    33. 05:06:528 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    34. 05:23:671 - At this point, the BG should slowly fade to black and stay that way till the end of the song.

Again, the storyboard is a big improvement, but some parts make me scratch my head wondering why. There's still a problem with the transitions. It's better, but still a long way to go.

Good luck
Topic Starter

Darcsol wrote:

Since you requested me to recheck your storyboard, here it is.


  1. Duplicate Hatsune Miku in tags
  2. You spelled my name wrong in the map description. :(

  1. The storyboard is a huge improvement, but there are elements that still felt unnecessary. Some elements felt very backwards from what I said in my previous mod. Ultimately it's your map, but I can still voice my concerns about it.
  2. You should be aware that any SBing can potentially slow down someone's computer. Generally you should use the least elements as possible to avoid any framerate dips. While I personally don't have this problem, someone else might have and can't experience your SB has to offer. But that doesn't mean you can't do this or that anymore; there are ways to hide it.
  3. Honestly the epilepsy warning should not be displayed. The SB should avoid having this warning.
  4. All effects should be slow as possible to reflect the song. Any sudden or flashy cuts the experience. Less is more.

    1. 00:02:855 - I don't know if this is a limitation of the SB, but you can see the BG at the far edges of the screen. Players who play on a 4:3 resolution should not see it, but those playing on any widescreen resolutions should. It's distracting. Is it possible to cover the entire screen black?
    2. 00:03:467 - "Light (4)" should zoom and spin slower
    3. 00:11:426 - Instead of "Light (4)" zooming back then rapidly spin to create the "Light", it should immediately shrink while the "w" screen appears earlier at 00:11:426 .
    4. 00:12:651 - Pulse still necessary?
    5. 00:13:875 - At this part, the SB is over-produced. You have the "Ring" and "Light" effects popping up everywhere. This is all unnecessary. Remove them.
    6. 00:22:447 - Harsh transition. A simple white fade to this point is perfect. Pulse still necessary?
    7. 00:23:365 - This part is over-produced. This time it's more distracting because of the "SNOW" scrolling down. Remove the "Ring" and "Light" effects.
    8. 00:28:569 - Personally, do not show another "SNOW" effect during the spinner. It leaves "LIGHT" effect more satisfying because there is nothing going on. It's the first thing a player sees when the spinner ends.
    9. 00:54:283 - Strobe still necessary?
    10. 01:13:875 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    11. 01:33:582 - I think it's best for the "Blue dot" to follow the circle and sliders. It's a nice effect to interact with players.
    12. 01:35:916 - Harsh transition. A full white fade should do it. Pulse still necessary?
    13. 01:53:059 - The "SNOW2" objects should not fade. They should stay until they're swallowed up by the "black" background.
    14. 01:55:508 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    15. 02:13:875 - Again, "SNOW2" objects should stay till they're swallowed up by the "black" background.
    16. 02:15:100 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    17. 02:24:896 - ^
    18. 02:44:487 - These are the type of transitions I want to see. They are smooth and not so jarring like the others. Pulse still necessary?
    19. 03:04:079 - The "blue dot" objects should slowly fade away until this point. Seeing them suddenly disappear is not appealing. Pulse still necessary?
    20. 03:23:671 - The "blue dot" objects almost resembles a grid-like pattern. Spread them more randomly?
    21. 03:28:569 - Harsh transition made worse by different-colored BG. Pulse still necessary?
    22. 03:46:936 - Why are the "SNOW 2" objects still there when the screen is fading black? They should fade with the black.
    23. 03:48:161 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    24. 03:49:385 - Since the "SNOW 2" objects are at the same place, they should not fade back. They should immediately appear in 03:48:161 .
    25. 04:02:855 - Pulse still necessary? A simple "Ring" object does the trick.
    26. 04:04:079 - Pulse still necessary?
    27. 04:07:753 - Harsh transition made worse by different-colored BG. Pulse still necessary?
    28. 04:08:671 - I noticed there's a light effect edited in the "pink lemonade hand" BG. It's completely unnecessary. There's no value having it.
    29. 04:08:671 - This part is over-produced. Too many distracting "Ring" effects popping everywhere. Tone it down.
    30. 04:27:344 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    31. 04:46:936 - ^
    32. 05:05:916 - This is an awkward pulse. A fade to grey works.
    33. 05:06:528 - Harsh transition. Pulse still necessary?
    34. 05:23:671 - At this point, the BG should slowly fade to black and stay that way till the end of the song.

Again, the storyboard is a big improvement, but some parts make me scratch my head wondering why. There's still a problem with the transitions. It's better, but still a long way to go.

Good luck
Regarding all of the pulse effects, it's just my style i guess, there are a ton of maps with this effect, so i dont see a problem with it, and i really like it

thanks for the recheck :D
Nice map ! Good luck on ranking :D
I modded your pencil!
Topic Starter

waxman wrote:

I modded your pencil!
lol thanks waxman, awesome stream!
Came from mod queue...
Since it's only a 5 min. diff, I did some exception here... and I liked the song a lot.

  1. 00:05:227 (5) - This note doesn't fit here.
  2. 00:14:181 (4,6) - Stack the sliders heads?
  3. 01:25:508 (5) - Make it like this?
  4. 01:55:814 (2) - Stack the tail with 01:55:355 (6)
That's all... Such few changes, but I liked the map. A bit too fast for a calm song, but I think it's good.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

LixRei wrote:

Came from mod queue...
Since it's only a 5 min. diff, I did some exception here... and I liked the song a lot.

  1. 00:05:227 (5) - This note doesn't fit can hear the piano being played here
  2. 00:14:181 (4,6) - Stack the sliders heads?i like it the way it is, i tried to make it feel like your moving downward on the map
  3. 01:25:508 (5) - Make it like this? i like it the way it is
  4. 01:55:814 (2) - Stack the tail with 01:55:355 (6)
hmm yeah i agree, fixed

That's all... Such few changes, but I liked the map. A bit too fast for a calm song, but I think it's good.
Good luck!
TY for the mod! :D
Hey! NM from queue. You know the drill.

Storyboard doesn't seem to fit the notes hit. I'm not sure if that's intended. It also gives me motion sickness lol

00:54:207 (1,2) - Not really a fan of this stack. Consider manual stacking it or giving it a 45-degree angle, like this it doesn't look satisfying
01:06:528 (1) - Control G this slider to make it more interesting and add a little bit of difficulty
01:22:753 (2) - This one could also be control G'd
01:47:855 (5) - NC this instead of the next note
01:56:426 (5) - The pulling down here feels a little bit too harsh. You might want to move the slider up a bit while rotating it counterclockwise to retain spacing
02:10:202 - Spacing from here on feels a little low.
02:36:834 (7) - Control G? This would make the jump make more sense.
03:30:253 (5,6) - The angle of this seems a little harsh. I have no idea how to improve, but I feel like it can be improved.

Actually, that's it. Great map, keep it up!
Topic Starter

Don wrote:

Hey! NM from queue. You know the drill.

Storyboard doesn't seem to fit the notes hit. I'm not sure if that's intended. It also gives me motion sickness lol i didnt want to put the effects directly on the notes

00:54:207 (1,2) - Not really a fan of this stack. Consider manual stacking it or giving it a 45-degree angle, like this it doesn't look satisfyingfixed
01:06:528 (1) - Control G this slider to make it more interesting and add a little bit of difficultyfixed
01:22:753 (2) - This one could also be control G'dfixed
01:47:855 (5) - NC this instead of the next notefixed
01:56:426 (5) - The pulling down here feels a little bit too harsh. You might want to move the slider up a bit while rotating it counterclockwise to retain spacingfixed
02:10:202 - Spacing from here on feels a little low.intended
02:36:834 (7) - Control G? This would make the jump make more sense.fixed
03:30:253 (5,6) - The angle of this seems a little harsh. I have no idea how to improve, but I feel like it can be improved.fixed

Actually, that's it. Great map, keep it up!
TY for the mod <3
[Hana Emi]

00:01:936 (1,2) - Because this song is slow and there is no introduction beat to get a sense of rhythm going I would recommend starting the map with a slider, hidden players would prefer that otherwise it'll be a pain in the ass.
00:02:778 (4,1) - This note into slider doesn't translate well in my opinion, I would recommend using a 2nd slider made out of 00:02:549 (3,4) . This wouldn't be a problem towards the middle of the map because players would have a great sense of what is happening and a slider allows them to develop that understanding without difficulty (hence why I recommend their use at the start of the map).
01:08:365 (5,6,1) - Space this out a bit more, it looks like 1/8 when it is in fact 1/4.
01:11:120 (7,1) - ^
01:11:273 (1,2) - ^
01:11:732 (2,3) - ^
01:12:344 (4,1) - Increase spacing or stack these. Going into this section is kinda confusing.
02:29:793 (1,2) - Increase spacing.
04:02:855 (1) - This slider needs to aim more towards the next slider, it's very awkward to hold and not only that but it's difficult to realize that it needs to be held for so long because it's a slowdown. I would recommend moving it left (towards to starting note of the pattern maybe).

For a map with such none-simple rhythm this plays very well. Good job.
Topic Starter

jesus1412 wrote:

[Hana Emi]

00:01:936 (1,2) - Because this song is slow and there is no introduction beat to get a sense of rhythm going I would recommend starting the map with a slider, hidden players would prefer that otherwise it'll be a pain in the ass.hmm yeah i see what you mean, fixed
00:02:778 (4,1) - This note into slider doesn't translate well in my opinion, I would recommend using a 2nd slider made out of 00:02:549 (3,4) . This wouldn't be a problem towards the middle of the map because players would have a great sense of what is happening and a slider allows them to develop that understanding without difficulty (hence why I recommend their use at the start of the map).fixed
01:08:365 (5,6,1) - Space this out a bit more, it looks like 1/8 when it is in fact 1/4.fixed
01:11:120 (7,1) - ^fixed
01:11:273 (1,2) - ^fixed
01:11:732 (2,3) - ^fixederino
01:12:344 (4,1) - Increase spacing or stack these. Going into this section is kinda confusing.fixed
02:29:793 (1,2) - Increase spacing.fixed
04:02:855 (1) - This slider needs to aim more towards the next slider, it's very awkward to hold and not only that but it's difficult to realize that it needs to be held for so long because it's a slowdown. I would recommend moving it left (towards to starting note of the pattern maybe).yeah this was kind of conusing, fixed

Thank you for the mod! it really helped a lot! :D

For a map with such none-simple rhythm this plays very well. Good job.
You add "hatsune miku" in the tags two times. Remove one, and I might mod it tomorrow.
No kudosu.
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

You add "hatsune miku" in the tags two times. Remove one, and I might mod it tomorrow.
No kudosu.
Ty for catching this :D fixed
hi,from soga's queue

a awesome song, I love it. O.O

Hana Emi
  • 00:05:304 (1) - it's strange that using a straight slider here. Just try to curve it. 0.0
    00:14:640 (6,7) - I think it's not fit the music, it's likes better that removeing the note and puting the slider's head on the next redline.
    01:12:344 (4) - change it to a slider like 01:11:732 (2) - ,and it'll be better
    01:14:181 (2) - have a try to make it parallel with 01:13:875 (1) - 0.0
    01:27:038 (4,5) - I think it's too far from note to slider, although vocal is very high here (skiping this suggestion is OK )
    01:50:151 (4) - changing it to a straight slider may be better 0.0
    01:56:426 (5) - Ctrl +g and move 01:56:885 (6) - to stack with the next slider's head
    02:17:396 (6) - removing this will be better ,I think
    02:39:589 (1) - move the slder to stack with 02:39:283 (5) -
    03:31:783 (4) - remove the note, I think it's not necessary
Good song, good map,wonderful storyboard
Good luck 0.0
Topic Starter

spring wrote:

hi,from soga's queue

a awesome song, I love it. O.O yes this song is great <3

Hana Emi
  • 00:05:304 (1) - it's strange that using a straight slider here. Just try to curve it. 0.0 fixed
    00:14:640 (6,7) - I think it's not fit the music, it's likes better that removeing the note and puting the slider's head on the next redline.fixed
    01:12:344 (4) - change it to a slider like 01:11:732 (2) - ,and it'll be better fixed
    01:14:181 (2) - have a try to make it parallel with 01:13:875 (1) - 0.0i like this the way it is
    01:27:038 (4,5) - I think it's too far from note to slider, although vocal is very high here (skiping this suggestion is OK ) yes i try to emphasize the vocals at this part
    01:50:151 (4) - changing it to a straight slider may be better 0.0hmm i like it the way it is now
    01:56:426 (5) - Ctrl +g and move 01:56:885 (6) - to stack with the next slider's head i dont like this pattern sorry
    02:17:396 (6) - removing this will be better ,I think yes i agree, fixed
    02:39:589 (1) - move the slder to stack with 02:39:283 (5) - hmm ok fixed
    03:31:783 (4) - remove the note, I think it's not necessary
since it is kiai time, i want to keep the chorus dense with notes

Good song, good map,wonderful storyboard ty
Good luck 0.0
TY so much for the mod <3 it was really helpful


  1. The file size is too big, because of the images. You can convert the PNG backgrounds into a JPG file, since it'll chop the half of the file size.
    I see that you duplicate the main background (HAND.jpg) (you put it in the SB folder, and named it hand pulse.png), which was unneccesary, because you can use the main background as an element, and you'll add 1 MB more.
    You also duplicate these files: GREY HAND PULSE; GERY HAND; LIGHT BLUE HAND PULSE; pink lemonade hand pulse. Please use only one image file if you want to make pulse and background with the same image.
    I decided to make a lot of changes, so here's the new osz (make a backup of the current first, and if you see something not right, you can PM and tell what's wrong). The backgrounds are in JPG, I compressed them so it could get a reasonable file size, removed duplicates, and I edited the .osb file with new names.
  2. Add "vocaloid utaite" in the tags.
The post isn't complete, but I just want to inform this. No kudosu though. And sorry posting in this thread two times. There'll be a third time...
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:



  1. The file size is too big, because of the images. You can convert the PNG backgrounds into a JPG file, since it'll chop the half of the file size.
    I see that you duplicate the main background (HAND.jpg) (you put it in the SB folder, and named it hand pulse.png), which was unneccesary, because you can use the main background as an element, and you'll add 1 MB more.
    You also duplicate these files: GREY HAND PULSE; GERY HAND; LIGHT BLUE HAND PULSE; pink lemonade hand pulse. Please use only one image file if you want to make pulse and background with the same image.
    I decided to make a lot of changes, so here's the new osz (make a backup of the current first, and if you see something not right, you can PM and tell what's wrong). The backgrounds are in JPG, I compressed them so it could get a reasonable file size, removed duplicates, and I edited the .osb file with new names.
  2. Add "vocaloid utaite" in the tags.
The post isn't complete, but I just want to inform this. No kudosu though. And sorry posting in this thread two times. There'll be a third time...
that's alright, take all the time you need

Hana Emi

  1. If there's an object before the first timing point, you should put the timing point before the first object, which in this case, move the timing point to 00:00:406 .
  2. You use too much kiai mode in my opinion. Like 00:29:793 -, in my opinion.
  3. The first landed on 01:34:691 should be on 01:35:916 - , since the chorus starts there. You should also end it on 01:54:589 . It follows nicer with the music. There's also 03:42:957 that can end on 03:46:936 .
  4. End the second kiai time on 02:15:100 .
  5. 05:05:916 - On the SB, the pulse isn't correctly pulse (unless it's because of something I changed in the .osb file).
  6. 01:33:467 - I like the particles you made here.
  7. 01:35:304 - Should the "light border.png" be scaled like this, or maybe you can scale it more?
  8. "pink lemonade hand.jpg" is a bad background, as you can see the little "distort", the "borders" aren't "smooth". I suggest to re-do the background, or remove it and replace the element in the SB by something else.
  9. 00:01:936 (1) - Try facing the curve down:
    In my opinion, the slider looks more nicer, and won't have a curve like 00:02:855 (2) -, because I personally saw it ugly.
    Or, when you face the curve to the up, it'll create a circular flow with the next object, so it's comfortable to play.
  10. 00:02:855 (2) - Add a new combo, since the beat here is strong (and it's on a downbeat). Also, loosen the curve a bit:
    Like I mentioned in the first suggestion, in my taste, curves like this are ugly.
  11. 00:04:691 (5,6,1) - Try moving these to x:309 y:65, so you could adjust the curve of 00:04:691 (5) so it could make a blanket with the previous object's head.
  12. 00:08:365 (2,3,4) - I suggest to move more closer to each other so it follows better with the music. The tone (beats) is quiet than 00:09:283 (1,2,3) -, which are louder, so it gives more emphasis, so a jump would follow the music. This suggestion will break the pattern you created with 00:09:283 (1,2,3) .
  13. 00:23:365 (3) - I don't really this type of wave shape, as I can see the little triangular corner, on the slider's border. Try a wave with only four nodes:
  14. 00:26:885 (1,2) - Swap the new combo ((1) becomes (6), and (2) becomes (1)), since downbeats has (always) strong beats.
  15. 00:34:691 (1) - Same suggestion as 00:23:365 (3) . The shape isn't "complete", as you can see that the right side is shorter than the opposite side. Try to replicate (it's okay if it's not precise) the shape in the image below:
  16. 00:40:814 (2,3) - These were uncomfortable to play, because the distance got suddenly short. I suggest to move them apart, as you did to 00:35:916 (2,3) . You can try placing them like in the image below:
  17. 00:42:038 (4) - The tone of the voice got higher, so it can use a new combo. It also lands on a downbeat.
  18. 00:50:916 (1) - Remove the new combo? The tone is likely the same as 00:49:691 (1,2,3) .
  19. 00:51:834 (1) - Lel. Nazi. This kind of curve were used in old maps, because the developer didn't upgrade the nodes on the slider earlier. You can remove the node in the middle by selecting the slider, hold CTRL, and click on the node. To add one, hold CTRL, then add the node where do you want to place.
  20. 00:59:793 (3) - The distance between this and the previous object is too short (I testplayed and it was uncomfortable to play). Move it further to the previous object, and if possible, try blanketing with 00:58:875 (5) . If the distance is short, you can ignore it.
  21. 01:29:181 (2) - Move this to where that 01:28:569 (1) could shoot naturally to the next object.
  22. 01:29:487 (3,4,5,6,7) - Try moving them more further to each other. Since the previous part has a higher distance between them, you can to these, so it stays on a same "consistency play".
  23. 01:50:916 (7) - That's a weird shape. Try a curve so it follows the pattern with the previous object.
  24. 02:11:803 - Same suggestion as 01:29:487 (3,4,5,6,7) . The distance is too little, so it's a little uncomfortable to play.
  25. 05:05:916 (1) - The shape is really weird, and ugly. A normal curve would fit.
I have a similar mapping style, but mine's shittier
Well, that's all (I guess). Good Luck on ranking this map.
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