
Multiplayer Games History in your profile

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1,444
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Changelog wrote:

[peppy] Initial public release of Multiplayer History display.
Gotta say this is great feature you made there, peppy. I was just wondering, if there is possible to get history of players multiplayer history listed in players web profile? Then you don't need to keep numbers in mind/bookmark/stuff.

If you do not know about this feature, check this out.
Archangel Tirael
Would like to see on my page was not the story starts, and the number of matches won and lost. The idea took from DJMAX: PORTABLE2. I think that the introduction of this thing will attract highly skilled players in multiplayer.
Having multiplayer matches history on your profile gives a better idea to people on how/what you play.
Maybe also seeing the time spent playing games (not AFK) in multiplayer would be nice.
Interesting statistics. Sounds good to me.

I've wanted multiplayer history ever since I first multiplayer game.

It'll be nice to display a list of mp links in the user profile (under Historical). It's useful for someone who wants to grow their friend/team list by keeping track of what kind of lobby they plays most often and who they've met over and over again. Of course there's also statistical value for mp history so a user can revisit the links without bookmark/recording the mp link at the time of play and analyse play style/strength changes.

+1 for the OP
Oh yes please. This would be great, if mp match links appeared in the profile.
would love!
The link is outdated. Try an owc match link instead, they will never expire

So what kind of info will be shown on the profile?

How many mp matches, or recent match?

iirc unsubitted maps will be shown as "???" or something.

Saten wrote:

So what kind of info will be shown on the profile?
Would be nice if that specific link (for the respective mp match) was shown on a player's profile ever time said player had participated in an mp and played at least one map fully before leaving. (upon leaving the mp match link would show in the player's profile)
Topic Starter
Actually it would be awesome to have some other stats too like MP playcounts (for each mode?) etc.
Seeing the Multiplayer history in the web profile would be indeed very nice, I'll support that.
But I don't know about that Multiplayer play-count thingy.
I don't think that multi and solo playcounts are divided yet, so everybodys multi-playcount would start at 0.
It would be the same as Replay counts, it started from Zero
Well yea, I just wanted to say that, this wasn't meant to be a reason why I'm against Multi-Playcounts.
It just wont be useful to me.
But that's my opinion.
As somebody who enjoys multiplayer a lot I would find this very useful ;owo;
Multiplayer Stats.

Matches Played: 473

1st Place: 147

2nd Place:168

3rd Place: 86

Win/Loss Ratio: 1.12

Average Difficulty: 4.78 stars

This would be nice to see! People will be able to see my multiplayer skills with this! \o/

Kuro wrote:

This would be nice to see! People will be able to see my multiplayer skills with this! \o/
Then why don't add a ELO-system for multiplayer?

Kuro wrote:

Multiplayer Stats.

Matches Played: 473

Multiplayer ELO-Rating: 1465

1st Place: 147

2nd Place:168

3rd Place: 86

Win/Loss Ratio: 1.12

Average Difficulty: 4.78 stars
Except multiplayer ELO doesn't work in osu since you're playing against the map and not against the other people you're MPing with. Won't be possible until a difficulty calculator becomes integrated into this game.
Topic Starter
Also I'm afraid that people will abuse WLR and ELO stats anyway.

Aqo wrote:

Except multiplayer ELO doesn't work in osu since you're playing against the map and not against the other people you're MPing with. Won't be possible until a difficulty calculator becomes integrated into this game.
You ARE playing against the other people you're MPing with. The one who did best on the map wins. Difficulty of the played map is completely unrelated here.

Tshemmp wrote:

Aqo wrote:

Except multiplayer ELO doesn't work in osu since you're playing against the map and not against the other people you're MPing with. Won't be possible until a difficulty calculator becomes integrated into this game.
You ARE playing against the other people you're MPing with. The one who did best on the map wins. Difficulty of the played map is completely unrelated here.
inb4 win farming on shortest maps vs noob friends in locked room : D

loseri wrote:

inb4 win farming on shortest maps vs noob friends in locked room : D
ELO system doesn't work this way. You cannot farm points vs low rated players.

Well, this is unrelated to the OP anyway.

Tshemmp wrote:

loseri wrote:

inb4 win farming on shortest maps vs noob friends in locked room : D
ELO system doesn't work this way. You cannot farm points vs low rated players.

Well, this is unrelated to the OP anyway.
Just find someone of your own rank : D that should work

Tshemmp wrote:

ELO system doesn't work this way. You cannot farm points vs low rated players.
You seem to misunderstand how map difficulty is relevant in this.

Player A: plays easy maps. Plays a lot of multiplayer against other people on easy maps, who are worse than him, wins a lot. Since there is no map difficulty detection, he gets rated very high from his constant wins.

Meanwhile Player B: plays hard maps, sometimes wins, sometimes loses; plays with very strong opponents. All of them end up getting rated low, lower than player A, since all of them lose a lot, and the system doesn't take map difficulty into account.

Then a player from player B's group suddenly decides to play with player A on his easy maps. Suddenly this player wins a ton for free and farms a ton of rank easily, since ELO would make him leech points from player A rapidly. Player A doesn't understand why such a low rated player wins so easily against him. Player B is frustrated knowing that his most efficient way to gain ELO is by farming mp games with high-rated players who are actually weaker than him, which is neither fun for him or the players from Player A's group.

by the way the same problem exists with the PP system. Since it doesn't take map difficulty into account -> farm easy maps, tons of PP. Try to play hard maps -> lol sucks for you, unless you're cookiezi or niko who are at a level where those hard maps are like easy maps for them you're gonna gain zero from that (and even players like that essentially only gain points from their plays on maps that are easy for them and not from their truly hard plays that pushed them to their limits).

Saten wrote:

So what kind of info will be shown on the profile?

How many mp matches, or recent match?
What about displaying the latest 5 mp links, with a "Show me more" link to display a further 15? Will that put too much burden on the server/coding side?

Just curious, how long are these new mp links kept for? Assuming an average player doesn't play as much multi games than single games, will it be feasible to keep all mp links (till they expires)?

Below is a simple calculation based on my gross assumptions (sorry I don't have much knowledge on how long the links are kept for):

For someone who plays 5 mp games a day, if:

mp link expires in 3 months => 5x365.25/4 = 466 links will be kept till expiry
mp link expires in 6 months => 5x365.25/2 = 913 links will be kept till expiry

The shear number looks too cumbersome to display embedded in user profile. Maybe a link in addition to "Show me more" (mentioned above) eg "Show complete mp history" can be implemented to display entire history on a separate page (opens new tab)?

Just a thought. I got no coding/db experience so apologies in advance if that's totally infeasible.
It's been over a month, time to bump this thread!

I've been keeping MP link history in a TXT document since my last post. I play an average of 2 games per day.

In my case 30 link histories will amount to roughly 2 weeks of play record, 60 links for a month etc.

An initial display of recent 5 mp links, plus a "Show me more" link to display an additional 25 links (embedded) may work well as a starting point. Anything more than 30 mp links may be too long for embedded display, so a separate page display will be better in that situation.
I guess this request would be linked to the ELO request t/115405

theowest wrote:

I guess this request would be linked to the ELO request t/115405
lol that's gotta be the fastest RE I've seen...

Yeah there're some related discussions in this thread but the requests are not the same. The ELO thread is about the ranking while this one is for displaying the mp history in your profile.
This could work if half the game was reworked.
I Approve of this feature.. now if only there was some way to find a specific multiplayer match, either by username search or from your profile.. i just tried and could not find any way to find a recent match's data at all.
Why isn't this added yet? It would be nice to have to prove I don't go into random rooms to show off...

Kuro wrote:

Multiplayer Stats.

Matches Played: 473

1st Place: 147

2nd Place:168

3rd Place: 86

Win/Loss Ratio: 1.12

Average Difficulty: 4.78 stars

This would be nice to see! People will be able to see my multiplayer skills with this! \o/
The above post attempting to add another feature to this feature is irrelevet and any other post linked to it should be disregarded.
Needs recognition, this would be an awesome addition to profiles!
this would be great!
Please this feature would be awesome !
still waiting
still waiting
still waiting
are we still waiting
this is a great idea
Bumped it to 1000 it's actually a good request to implement
how is this still not a thing, we are ALL still waiting.

RingosJahn wrote:

how is this still not a thing, we are ALL still waiting.
You gotta play a match in lazer

7ambda wrote:

RingosJahn wrote:

how is this still not a thing, we are ALL still waiting.
You gotta play a match in lazer
I try to stay on the main client just in the off chance i FC something ill gain rank. as soon as i can gain PP on lazer ill probably just play that.
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