
Nekomata Master - Last Hometown

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年11月8日 at 21:17:18

Artist: Nekomata Master
Title: Last Hometown
Source: REFLEC BEAT limelight
Tags: world/electronica
BPM: 108
Filesize: 2917kb
Play Time: 01:42
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0.92 stars, 76 notes)
  2. Hard (4.33 stars, 166 notes)
  3. Normal (3.04 stars, 123 notes)
Download: Nekomata Master - Last Hometown
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
we should map more nekomata song.
Get more mods and call me back.
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lol okay
thanks star :P

ゆっくりしてて いい曲でした! 三☆

Hi Muya ;)
just suggestions

  • General
    ● Resize BG image 1024*724 -> 1024*768, for example:
    ● Remove .osb file when unused :3
  • Easy
    ● Good
    ● 01:05:369 (5) - add note on x:313 y:269?
    ● 01:14:258 (5) - ^ on x:180 y:156?
    ● 00:45:924 (5) - remove whistle, add finish?
    ● 00:54:813 (5) - ^
    ● 01:03:702 (4) - ^
    ● 01:12:591 (4) - ^
    I think it's a good easy diff's :)
  • Normal
    ● Good
    ● 00:05:924 (3) - grid snap off and move on x:401 y:316, distance looks more accuracy :3
    ● 00:07:591 (4) - if you change ^ move on x:339 y:237 1.00 distance =)
    ● 00:16:480 (4) - move on x:187 y:347 again distance (I'm so nazy xD)
    ● 00:33:424 (2) - x:126 y:35, distance 1.01
    ● 00:58:980 (2) - x:460 y:216
    ● 01:01:202 (5) - x:366 y:101
    ● 00:22:591 (3) - maybe add here custom clap? :3
    ● 00:45:924 (5) - remove whistle, add finish? as in easy
    ● 00:54:813 (5) - ^
    ● 01:03:702 (4) - ^
    ● 01:12:591 (4) - ^
    Hmm...very good :P
  • Hard

    ● HP DR +1?
    ● 00:29:258 (2) - move on x:299 y:152
    ● 00:30:369 (3) - if you change ^ move on x:98 y:356 (distance 1.0)
    ● 00:35:554 (7,8,9) - maybe need to use a smaller distance (0,6?)
    ● 00:50:369 (1) - x:304 y:304 (1.0)
    ● 01:08:146 (1) - x:323 y:139
    ● as in Easy :3
    I like this diff's :oops:

Awesome music and map. Good luck ;)
Topic Starter
thanks o/
Hi Muya~ Modding your maps as usual (:
orz, please tell me if you're mapping another Nekomata Master song... I'll mod as soon as possible >_<


-> The note on 00:03:146 could use a custom clap for me (try this for example, feel free to rename it to normal-hitclap if you want stronger sound :3)
-> Why no kiai? Short kiai fits this song though~ (I don't recommend long kiai, it'll be too flashing for such a relaxing song (: )


  1. 00:01:480 (1) - ...soft slidertick with 40% vol. fits better maybe? idk >_<
  2. 00:12:591 (1) - A whistle on slider's end to make it blend better with the song won't hurt imo (:
  3. 00:14:813 (2) - (optional) If you listen to the song carefully, there's this howling-like sound, so I think applying a gradual volume increase for the slidertick here (40% -> 50% -> 60%) sounds good~
  4. 00:20:369 (5,6) - Hmm, I prefer to create a symmetry here - because (5) isn't new combo-ed a symmetry formation like this makes more sense to players I think:
  5. 00:33:702 (2,3) - Uhm, try to move this a bit further to the upper-right regardless of the spacing? (compare with 00:28:146 (4,5)'s distance - this (2,3) almost overlaps)
  6. 00:43:702 (3,4,5) - (optional) Minor stuff, but perhaps curve (3) more (and more symmetrical as well) to balance (5)'s curve? xD
  7. 01:03:146 (3) - Put in ~x:147 :270 instead? It'll give more balance to (3,4,5) imo...
  8. 01:17:035 (1) - Again, another gradual volume increase (50 -> 55 -> 60) would work well here I believe, your call though~
  9. 01:23:702 (3) - This slider's angle is sharper than most of your sliders, I recommend to curve it using two waypoints to get the desired effect though:
  10. 01:42:960 (1) - Apply a gradual volume decrease to this spinner, as the music fades-out here?

  1. 00:01:480 (1) - Uhm, I'd rather use this for the opening so (3) will carry the flow from your previous (1) :
  2. 00:08:146 (1,2) - The rhythm here orz... I'd make (1) as a 1/1 slider, and continued with a note on 00:09:258 ._.
  3. 00:12:313 (6) - Whistle here to fit the instrument? It won't hurt (:
  4. 00:23:146 (4,1) - Minor stuff, but perhaps try this? (especially to make your (4) better)
  5. 00:36:480 (5) - Straight slider works best here imo~ (just delete the waypoint orz)
  6. 00:41:480 (1) - (optional) Use normal slidertick (with lowered volume) here? Really, I think the sliderticks can be emphasized here~
  7. 00:50:369 (1) - Same as above
  8. 00:58:702 (1,2,3) - ...uhm, is this intentional? (you can simply make an arc like this without spacing change though...)
  9. 01:15:924 (6) - Minor stuf, but perhaps try to move the waypoint to ~x:225 y:40 to balance (5)'s curve?
  10. 01:17:035 (1,2,3) - Same as Easy, about gradual volume increase
  11. 01:31:480 (3) - (optional) Put (3) more to the upper-right and adjust like this perhaps? I think it's better to make (1's end,2,3) as an arc:
  12. 01:42:960 (1) - Same as Easy about the spinner's volume dynamics...

-> Use tick rate 2 ONLY for this diff? Plays good with your 1/1 sliders though xD

  1. 00:03:146 (3) - ...use 25% on slider's end instead, to make it more distinguishable?
  2. 00:07:961 (x) - Would be nice if you mapped the 1/6 here orz
  3. 00:21:480 (7) - combo here? (yep, the song progresses here)
  4. 00:25:924 (6) - Move to ~x:337 y:335 to get more flow from (5)? (the next (7) isn't hard to adjust though)
  5. 00:34:535 (4) - This note is closer to (3) compared with (5), but it's not hard to catch though :3
  6. 00:53:702 (5) - Uhm, imo the slider here doesn't flow as great as it supposed to be... Two circles look brilliant with your next slider though (:
  7. 00:57:869 (6,7) - (optional) Try to apply a triangle here with (5), so it'll be more parallel with (8,9)?
  8. 00:59:258 (1) - Slider wave flows greater to your next (2) imo, really (:
  9. 01:10:369 (4,5,6) - (optional) Try this arrangement for a more continuous flow? (I rotated (4) slightly and added more curve to it, and put (5) lower than (4)'s end)
  10. 01:17:035 (1,2,3) - Same suggestion with previous diffs about gradual volume increase~
  11. 01:19:258 (6) - Wouldn't it be better if this slider is placed in ~x:358 y:356 to fully make (3,4,5,6) an arc? More or less, the flow will be like this:
  12. 01:20:924 (9) - If you followed previous suggestion, you do not have to change this note's position (:
  13. 01:31:480 (3,4) - I recommend to move it a bit upper regardless of the spacing to avoid overlap with (2)'s path xD
  14. 01:42:960 (1) - Same as previous diffs about spinner volume dynamics~
Hello Muya From my queue
00:03:008 - sound like 00:01:896, no used, maybe some diff +1 there is butter
00:23:702 - a new Musical instruments jion,a green line?
00:40:369 - ^
00:18:702 - a high sound here. it be not use :?
00:58:980 (2) - un intentional
00:45:924 (1) - end at 00:44:258 (4) start
use 1/6 is so good ;)

that all :)
you map is so hard for modding,but it says your maps is very good :)
star~ good luck for you
Topic Starter
thanks Niva and wantuole!
update :)

  1. Lead-inを1000msに設定
  1. NCのパターンについて
    00:32:591 (1) - 00:37:035 (1) - これらのnoteとそれ以前の前半のパート、01:17:035 - 以降のパートでNCのパターンが異なっています
    00:08:146 (4) -
    00:18:146 (4) -
    00:28:146 (4) -
    00:45:924 (5) -
    00:54:813 (5) -
    01:03:702 (4) -
    01:12:591 (4) -

  1. 00:09:535 (3,4,5) - この箇所の流れは綺麗ですが、(4,5)のスライダーの角度(と流れ)が好きではありません
    00:12:313 (6,1) の位置調節が必要になりますが、画像のように綺麗に整えてみてはどうでしょう
  2. 00:45:924 (6) - NC追加
  3. 00:54:813 (5) - ^
  4. 00:56:202 (6) - かなり細かいところですが、00:56:202 (6,7)の細かく見た時の流れが(6)のカーブが少しだけ合っていないように思いました
  5. 01:25:924 (2) - 音量を50-55-60とそれぞれ上げ、ターンにFinishを追加
    01:17:591 (2) と 01:17:035 - 01:17:591 - 01:18:146 のパターンを考えると音量の変化をここで付けるべきです
  1. fine


good luck
Topic Starter
thanks o/
hi~ relax song > <


01:41:542 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end). easy and normal diff, too.
but i don't know why it's unsnapped.
but AIBAT catch it
need check about this....


01:18:702 (4,5,6,7) - decreaing volume? about 50%~55%, look like a bit loud at this part.


00:54:813 (1) - (nazi) x248 y376
(this note a little touch HP bar in hard rock mode...
i know it don't happen problem. just.. if you don't mind this note's position, how about fix it.)
00:58:146 (7) - use soft-whistle hitsound?
01:42:461 (7,8) - increaing space? low bpm here....
01:42:794 - unused redline(?) i don't think this red line have some effect...

just only different..

now :
remove : [

spinner's end placed red or white line..

exist another effect?... i don't know about that.. im newbie mapper..

sorry for my short modding....
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01:41:542 - these is cant better snapping when use a slider.
last redline is resnap rhythm.
so fine now
Muya why so perfect ;___;
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こんにちは! from My queue.


●00:32:591 (1) - spacingを揃えるためにx:256 y:88 に移動?
●01:01:480 (2,3,1) - 01:10:369 (2,3,1) - と同じように内側にnoteを配置してみてはいかがでしょうか
●01:26:480 - 折り返しにfinishを追加
●01:42:794 (4) - ここからspinnerを開始?finishの音がなくなってしまいますが、

●00:12:591 (1) - 逆側にまげてみてはどうでしょう?
●00:28:146 (1) - 始点にwhistleを追加
●00:43:980 (2,3) - こういった音とりはどうでしょう?
●01:26:480 - 折り返しにfinishを追加

●00:24:072 (2) - 難しいリズムなのでこの先と同じようにsliderをつかってみてはどうでしょうか?
●01:26:480 - 始点にfinishを追加
●01:09:535 (2) - 逆側にまげてみてはどうでしょう?

お役に立てたらうれしいです :)


Topic Starter
ありがとう :)
Hi Muya


  1. Good. Just maybe ask some MAT/BAT about that Unnsnaped slider end if it's rankeable or no (Sorry but i don't know)

  1. 00:17:035 (1) - Add whistle at the begin, it follows the instrumental and keeps the consistency
  2. 00:47:591 (2) - Move this note to x:353 y:217 and this slider 00:48:146 (3) to x:319 y:250 to get them aligned perfectly whit 00:45:924 (1)
  3. 01:05:369 (2) - Move this note to x:319 y:275 to get aligned whit 01:03:702 (1,3)
  4. 01:25:924 (1) - Add finish in the reverse arrow to be consistents whit 01:17:035 (1) since its the same part of the instrumental
  5. 01:41:542 (3) - This slider is usnnaped at the end (due the offset change)

  1. 00:36:480 (5) - I think that the whistle at the end doesn't really flows whit the music, consider removing it
  2. 00:49:258 (4) - A whistle there sounds good whit the instrumental IMO
  3. 01:18:702 (4) - Sounds better the whistle at the begin, so add it at the begin and remove it at the end
  4. 01:25:924 (2) - Add finish in the reverse arrow to be consistents whit 01:17:591 (2)
  5. 01:41:542 (4) - The slider end is unnsnaped (Due the change of the offset)

  1. 00:04:813 (2) - A whistle in the reverse arrow sounds good, try it before saying no
  2. 00:13:702 (2) - Same as above
  3. 00:24:674 (x) - Add a note the in 1/4 to make a little stream that flows whit the instrumental
  4. 00:25:924 (7) - A NC there should flow nice, follows the high instrumental note and prevents high combos like this 00:27:869 (9)
  5. 00:33:563 (x) - Add a note there in 1/4 to make a little stream that flows whit the instrumental
  6. 01:19:258 (6) - I think that a NC there flows very well whit the Insstrumental
  7. 01:26:480 (2) - Add finish at the begin, to be consistents whit 01:17:591 (2)
  8. 01:28:146 (1) - A NC there flows well whit the instrumental
  9. 01:41:542 (6) - This slider is unnsnapes at the end (Offset change)
Good mapset, just hitsounds and stetical mod, so hope it help in something.

Good Luck ! And Star !
Topic Starter
thanks~ :)
Barney Stinson

Easy nothing

00:02:591 (2) remove this note
01:01:480 (6) - correct spacing


01:18:702 (4,5) - delete those ones and copy and ctrl+j (2)

Nothing more. That's pretty nice map GL!
Topic Starter
thanks o/

* Since your hard diff are pretty easy to me, would be nice if you add Insane diff

* AR -1? Your current approach rate is bit fast

01:41:542 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end)

* AR -1? Your current approach rate is bit fast

01:41:542 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end)

01:41:542 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end)

That's all I got.... hope it's help!
(๑╹ω╹๑)/ hi from my Mod Queue

~ 01:28:980 - add a circle i think it sounds better (?)
or just replace the circle here : 01:28:702 wit a slider from 01:28:980 to 01:28:980

~ 01:42:960 - finish or whistle


~ 00:34:535 (4) - nc

~ 00:36:758 nc and remove it here -> 00:37:035

~ 00:58:702 nc and remove it here -> 00:59:258

~ 01:07:869 nc and remove it here -> 01:08:146

~01:20:924 nc and remove it here -> 01:21:480

~01:25:646 nc and remove it here -> 01:25:924

~01:43:016 - finish or whistle
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thanks Leorda and Lally ;)
Hi! As promised.

  1. Clear!
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 01:41:542 (3) - AIBAT indicates the end of the slider isn't correctly snapped, please comfirm it can fix it.
  2. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 00:12:591 (1) - I think you can add a whistle at the end of the slider to follow your whistle pattern!
    2. 00:21:480 (1) - I would change the end of the slider to normal hitsound if I were you because of the drum sound.
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 01:41:542 (4) - Same as Easy.
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:04:813 (2) - The rhythm problem here. Listen to the music, there is 1/3, not 1/4, thus, please end the slider in 1/3, that means to end it at 00:05:554 - , not 00:05:646 - . In either way, you can use a 1/3 reverse slider at 00:04:813 -
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 00:22:591 (3) - I would change this to normal hitsound if I were you because of the drum sound.
    2. 00:57:035 (3) - How about removing the normal hitsound here and then change it to soft-finish hitsound sound to follow the cymbals behind the instrument? You may turn it back to normal hitsounds at 00:57:869 - .
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 01:41:542 (6) - Same as easy.
  2. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 00:22:591 (3) - I would change the beginning of the slider to normal hitsound if I were you because of the drum sound.
    2. 00:57:035 (5) - How about removing the normal hitsound at the end of the slider and then change it to soft-finish hitsound sound to follow the cymbals behind the instrument? You may turn it back to normal hitsounds at 00:57:869 - .
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almost fixed

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Yey, Muya bubble :3
No need to set negative offset I think, first offset can be moved to 00:01:480... But:

After moving offset, add +7ms to ALL of your timing section (don't forget to resnap notes though)

Also consider moving 'limelight' to tags orz, all ranked map from REFLEC BEAT only have 'REFLEC BEAT' (without the series) on source (


I'm not going to pop the bubble, the map is great already + I already modded it previously, charming map (:
If you can find a rebubble after your self-pop, I'll rank this :3

EDIT : I can't instarank with timing change as well orz ._.
Topic Starter
thanks again o/
I think source is fine


kanpakyin wrote:

Sorry, I can't rebubble because of timing change.

Sorry for delay mod, my bad T_T
Kawayi Rika
Hi Muya ~ :)

Checked map for my Queue ~


  1. Inconsistent Artist/TitleUnicode,pls check osu file and fix.
  2. Remove unused countdown pls.

Other all fine to me,nice job ~

No kds for this post ~ Call me back ~ ;)
Topic Starter
thanks Kawayi Rika, both fixed!
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks all fine now ~

Here you go :3

N ♥ E ♥ K ♥ O ♥ M ♥ A ♥ T ♥ A
M ♥ A ♥ S ♥ T ♥ E ♥ R

I will definitely recheck this when I got home...
Please wait for me >_<
Sent a forum PM, please take a look (:

I want to rank Nekomataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


EDIT : Changed lead-in, all good now~
(we should map more nekomata songs yeah! :3)

Ranked ~
Topic Starter
thanks :)

Muya wrote:

we should map more nekomata song.
I'm agree with you.
Congratz :3 ~
yes, is amazing
:idea: おめでとう
Graz Muya \:D/
yeah moar nekomata song :D
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