
NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 10:32:29 PM

Artist: NicoNicoDouga
Title: Courage to tell a lie
Tags: Wise-ONE DaxMasterix Sanjenin Nagi -U DoKoLP yeahyeahyeahhh bakemonogatari eminem rihanna love the way you lie
BPM: 110
Filesize: 9933kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dax's Normal (3.54 stars, 118 notes)
  2. DoKo's Hard (4.96 stars, 230 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 328 notes)
  4. S.Nagi's Taiko (4.83 stars, 500 notes)
  5. yyy's Easy (2.44 stars, 88 notes)
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ano desu ne, Araragi-san.
Topic Starter
ohhh can i make a diff please :3

Weezy wrote:

ohhh can i make a diff please :3
Topic Starter
Choose your pick.

[Easy] / [Normal] / [Hard]

Mafiamaster wrote:

Choose your pick.

[Easy] / [Normal] / [Hard]
Normal desu.

Edit: Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (Mafiamaster) [Dax's Normal].osu

I don't know but i think the name is Nico Nico Douga.. *with spaces* /me run
Topic Starter
Thanks for the difficulty! Much appreciated.
Sanjenin Nagi
I thank you for seeing me taiko Guest difficulty :D

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (Mafiamaster) [S.Nagi's Taiko].osu
next time tell me about your new maps earlier, b**** =(
Star Stream
  1. 00:35:522 (3) - 1grid down and 2grid right will be symmetry
  2. 00:37:704 (3) - ^ and 2grid left ^
  3. 01:04:431 (3) - NC? melody has changed here imo
  4. 01:22:431 (1) - NC after spinner
  1. 00:30:613 (1) - i think this NC is useless
  2. 00:32:794 (1) - ^
  3. 00:55:703 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end)
  4. 00:57:885 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end)
  5. 00:57:885 (1) - a little confusing.. well
  6. 01:13:703 (1) - i think this NC is useless
  7. 01:18:613 (1) - ^
  8. 01:20:794 (1) - ^
  9. 01:37:158 (1,2,3) - how about ctrl+r? (don't drag) this stack is a bit hard imo
  1. AR8 is fast imo, -1?
  2. 00:24:340 (4) - remove NC to flow your combo rhythm?
  3. 01:07:431 (1) - ^
  4. 01:09:613 (1) - i'd start this combo from 01:09:885 (3) -
  1. ._.;
Move this out of WIP...

Where is the source D:

yyy's Easy
01:22:431 (1) - tiny thing combo
00:38:249 (1) - Goes better with the bg music if it were just a hit circle.
01:00:067 (1) - I see no point on the new combo here. It has the same significant as 01:02:249 (3) -
01:10:976 (2) - Centre this like so: Note that it's not perfect, did it real quickly but you get what I mean here.

01:13:158 (1) - Finish here

Dax's Normal
- I'm seeing different spacing being used throughout the map which should be fixed. Stick with 1 spacing unless there is a jump (which there shouldn't on a normal map :U)
00:22:158 (4) - Delete this since there is a mini pause here.
00:55:703 (1,1) - The way these 2 sliders are placed don't make alot of sense really. Try some other placement.

DoKo's Hard
End that last spinner at the same spot as in Insane for consistence.

00:55:772 (2) - Could start this 1/8th earlier, fits better with umaaaa

That is all
Wow, this Mod was fast.

Doesn't this comes from the Monogatari series? So if, you should add this to the Source.

[yyy's Easy]
00:38:249 (1) - I personally dislike the Finish here. It sounds strange here.
00:41:794 (2,3) - Delete them and set here a Slider. It feels better for a beginner to play.
00:52:431 (2) - You could do this.
01:04:431 (3) - NC
01:13:158 (1) - How about to add here Finish?
01:28:431 (1) - The Slider should be made a bit more symetrical.

[Dax's Normal]
00:32:794 (1) - remove NC
00:38:249 (1) - Same as Easy.
00:46:431 (4) - Finish sounds odd here.
00:55:703 (1,1) - These Sliders are pretty cool but as first unsnapped and second really irritating. They should not be so close at it because their form makes this more confused.
01:08:794 (1,1) - You may make them symetrical Goddamn Nazi suggestion orz
01:13:703 (1) - remove NC
01:21:339 (3) - Remove Clap and add Whistle. Clap doesn't fit here and Whistle sounds quite ok IMO.
01:37:158 (1,2,3) - Reverse Position?

[S.Nagi's Taiko]
Please disable Video at the Taiko Diff.

[DoKo's Hard]
00:55:703 (1) - Add Finish at Start Point.
01:05:794 (6) - Remove Finish. I suggest to add soft Whistles from the default Set.
01:19:703 (1) - Remove Clap and add Whistle.

00:31:703 (6) - NC
00:32:249 (1) - Remove NC
01:04:431 (1) - Add Finish at the Start Point and remove Whistle.
01:32:794 (6) - NC
01:33:340 (1) - Remove NC

This Song. o3o
This Gurl. o3o
Enna Alouette
Hi mod4mod in your queue~ :3


  1. the BG size is small, here better one :3
  2. remove all bookmarks in all diffs ~
  3. remove the letterbox in all diffs because you have a video

yyy's Easy

  1. 00:26:522 (2) - fix the spacing and the spacing in notes after this~
  2. 00:29:522 (1) - ^
  3. 00:33:885 (1) - bad slider ._. maybe this?
  4. 00:36:067 (1) - ^
  5. 00:49:158 (1) - finish? maybe it'll sound better~
  6. 01:00:067 (1) - remove this useless NC ._. i dont this it's have any meaning here~
  7. 01:34:976 (1) - how about you add a slider point in the middle it'll be a lot better, like this?
  8. 01:37:158 (1) - ^

Dax's Normal

  1. 00:32:794 (1) - Remove this NC it's just useless and its dont have any meaning of having it~
  2. 00:49:158 (1) - finish at slider start and remove whistle if you did that~
  3. 00:57:885 (1) - this heart is too hard for normal diff maybe think of something esle ;_;

DoKo's Hard

  1. 00:24:340 (1) - remove this NC it's useless here~


Nothing much to say good work :3

This all i can do :< Good luck
Hi ~ The Bonus in your queue.

Just suggestions:

  1. The green color looks..hmm, strange, this is better i think:
    Combo4 : 0,200,0
  2. Disable Letterbox? There is already black edges in BG, so Letterbox will not show. (or change a BG? i can find one for you, tell me if you need it)
00:33:885 (1) - try this:
00:36:067 (1) - ^
01:05:522 (3) - 01:07:704 (3) - nazi - 1 grid up? (grid 4)

01:18:613 (2) - spacing issue, add a note at 01:18:340?
01:20:794 (2) - ^
01:34:976 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - looks ugly..try this: (also change position of 01:34:431 (3))

00:38:249 (1) - unexpected reverse..remove once repeat and add a short slider at 00:38:658? so it will also follow the drum at 00:38:794.
01:14:794 (6) - ^ remove once repeat and add a note at 01:15:203?

  1. AR8 is better imo, because though its real bpm is 220, no big jump and confusing pattern is used. Also, the song is not intense, so AR9 add some nervousness which is needless.
  2. HP-1?
  3. Good hitsounds!
Change these blue tick sliders may break the it is all up to you
00:26:522 (6,7) - exchange?
00:36:476 (5,1) - like this? seems fit the vocal better
00:40:022 (4,5) - exchange them?
00:43:022 (3,4) - ^?
00:47:658 (5,6) - ^?
00:50:113 (6,7) -
00:57:749 (1,2) -
01:17:522 (3,4) - ^
01:27:613 (6,7) - ^
01:37:567 (5,1) -

That's all I can find. Take the star and good luck~

Star Stream wrote:

  1. 00:30:613 (1) - i think this NC is useless Added.
  2. 00:32:794 (1) - ^ Removed.
  3. 00:55:703 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end)
  4. 00:57:885 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end)
  5. 00:57:885 (1) - a little confusing.. well Edited.
  6. 01:13:703 (1) - i think this NC is useless eyup Added.
  7. 01:18:613 (1) - ^ nope this not..
  8. 01:20:794 (1) - ^ ^
  9. 01:37:158 (1,2,3) - how about ctrl+r? (don't drag) this stack is a bit hard imo false :c

Weezy wrote:

Dax's Normal
- I'm seeing different spacing being used throughout the map which should be fixed. Stick with 1 spacing unless there is a jump (which there shouldn't on a normal map :U) false but.. i fixed some spaces in 1,0x..
00:22:158 (4) - Delete this since there is a mini pause here. wut o.o
00:55:703 (1,1) - The way these 2 sliders are placed don't make alot of sense really. Try some other placement. Obviously~ Changed.

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

[Dax's Normal]
00:32:794 (1) - remove NC eyup Removed
00:38:249 (1) - Same as Easy. Removed.
00:46:431 (4) - Finish sounds odd here. Removed.
00:55:703 (1,1) - These Sliders are pretty cool but as first unsnapped and second really irritating. They should not be so close at it because their form makes this more confused. Changed.
01:08:794 (1,1) - You may make them symetrical Goddamn Nazi suggestion orz I love nazi suggestions <3 Fixed.
01:13:703 (1) - remove NC nope
01:21:339 (3) - Remove Clap and add Whistle. Clap doesn't fit here and Whistle sounds quite ok IMO. .. Hm.. Taked the Idea.
01:37:158 (1,2,3) - Reverse Position? Stack? No, thanks for the Suggestion.

-Sekai- wrote:

Dax's Normal

  1. 00:32:794 (1) - Remove this NC it's just useless and its dont have any meaning of having it~ Removed.
  2. 00:49:158 (1) - finish at slider start and remove whistle if you did that~ No thanks :c
  3. 00:57:885 (1) - this heart is too hard for normal diff maybe think of something esle ;_; A big reverse heart for avoid confusions (? Changed.

popner wrote:

01:18:613 (2) - spacing issue, add a note at 01:18:340? nope.. better change it. Changed.
01:20:794 (2) - ^ ^
01:34:976 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - looks ugly..try this: (also change position of 01:34:431 (3))
not bad.. taked but changed the positions :3.. Edited.
SO MANY MODS. with the sames suggestions orz.. So nice :3
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (Mafiamaster) [Dax's Normal].osu
Hello, :3


  1. You have audio in your video, please remove and full submit :3
  2. Disable Letterboxing during breaks in all diffs since you have a video


  1. 01:18:613 (2) - this spacing makes it really confusing to play, please increase into 1.0


  1. 00:38:249 (1) - The second repeat here is unexpected and slightly hidden by the previous circle :<
  2. 01:14:794 (6) - Same here.

This insane is awesome~ Sorry for the short/shit mod, couldn't find anything orz
Megurine Luka
Let's do Bonus /o/


Make a Taiko BG.~ and disable video in Taiko


oh yyy=3=

00:52:431 (2) - try x=192, y=160?
01:39:340 (1) - mute?


00:25:158 (1) - make the red point left forward a bit like:

00:27:340 (1) - ^ right forward
00:39:885 (4) - try x=392, y=232
01:34:976 (1,3) - make the head point and the end point on the same y-axis (horizontal line)
so that:

01:37:158 (1,3) - ^
01:39:340 (1) - mute?


00:38:249 (1) - add one more turn
01:18:067 (4,6) - 1 grid right
01:23:522 (4) - try move the middle point down like


AR8 sounds better for me
01:08:794 (6) - try

01:13:158 (9) - NC?

Others are fine :D
Hi hi~ try to mod this because of your queue~
  1. Red : I think you must to fix.
  2. Blue : Need to discuss.
  3. Black : Just suggest or nazi.
[ General]
  1. I see a issue on Taiko diff , use notebook open the diff I see this I think you should change it>_<
    GridSize: 32
  2. I think Combo color 3 isn't good to look , it's too bright for me
[ yyy's Easy]
  1. 00:33:885 (1) - Looks a bit ugly , if it's me , I will make the slider prettier like this shape
  2. 00:36:067 (1) - ^
  3. 01:04:431 (1) - Add a finish start to follow the song!
  4. 01:08:794 (1) - Remove whistle 01:09:885 , It's not fit the song
  5. 01:30:067 (3) - Cover by HP bar! You must fix this
  6. 01:33:885 (2) - Remove whistle start like 01:31:703 (2) -
[ Dax's Normal]
  1. 00:50:249 (3,4) - Spacing issue on this parttern
  2. 00:53:522 (1) - You don't need to add finish here , there is nothing here you must add a finish here , so remove it!!!
  3. 01:08:794 (1) - Add clap end same as before
  4. 01:37:158 (1) - Add whistle start like 01:34:976 (1)
  5. 01:38:249 (3) - Remove whistle start like 01:36:067 (3)
[ DoKo's Hard]
  1. 00:25:158 (1,2,3) - Add whistle these slider's start to follow the song more
  2. 00:28:294 (1) - Big suggetion to add a whistle end , sounds greaaaaaaat for me!!!~~
  3. 00:35:249 (6) - Add whistle
  4. 00:55:703 (1) - Start add a clap sounds strange for me , big suggetion use finish instead of clap
  5. 01:03:885 (6) - Same as above
  6. 01:04:840 Add a note here sounds good
  7. 01:29:385 (3) - Add whistle
  8. 01:35:249 (2,3) - Sounds a bit strange for me , try delete circle 3 , and extend slider 2 to 01:35:794
[ Insane]
  1. 00:27:067 (1) - move to 00:26:658 (7)'s end looks good and have a better flow on me
  2. 00:53:522 (1) - Remove whistle, There is nothing in the music
  3. 00:55:158 (2) - Add clap start sounds great
  4. 01:03:203 (4) - Add clap end
  5. 01:04:431 (1) - Change whistle to finish like 00:55:703 (1)
  6. 01:29:522 (1) - Crel+R to have a better flow
  7. 01:45:340 (1,1) - this parttern looks a bit strange to me , try to extend slider1 to 01:45:885 to follow the vocal , and make the spinner start at 01:46:022
[ S.Nagi's Taiko]
d= don ( Normal )
k= katsu ( Clap orWhistle )
D= Big Don ( Finish )
K= Big Katsu ( Clap/Whistle + Finish )
  1. 00:40:022 (7) - Delete this note
  2. 00:40:567 (11) - ^
ok , It's the best I can do , Sorry for my verrrrrry poor mod >_<
Good Luck :3
Hi, mod for bonus slot in your queue :)

  1. Uncheck letterbox during the break since both of your bg and video doesn't have ratio 4:3. It will cause letterboxing cannot be seen during the break.
yyy's Easy
  1. I feel this easy is quite hard for easy diff because there's a quite high jump and some 1/2 rythim fill the map. To make beginner more easier to play 1/2 rythim and overcome the jump i suggest to set the AR to 2. I don't mind with 1/2 rythim, but the jump, orz..
  2. 01:04:431 (1) - Change whistle at the start to finish? It's have same rythim and accent with rythim at 00:55:703 (1) -
  3. 01:36:340 (2,3) - I think it will have more good flow if you reverse this. Well, re-arrange the hitsound if you do this.
  4. 01:39:340 (1) - Remove the whistle? I think the whistle hear sounds too loud.
Dax's Normal
  1. 00:25:158 (1) - Sorry for nazy, but this slider clearly unsymetrical. I hope you can move the red anchor point 3 grid left to make it more symetrical.
  2. 00:27:340 (1) - ^, do the reverse thing.
  3. 01:03:885 (4,5) - Umm, this note has closer spacing than your other 0.9x spacing. Fix it please.
  4. 01:08:794 (1,1) - Please add clap into both of this slider end. Since you always give clap at beat 2 and 4 in kiai time but not this one.
  5. 01:26:249 (1) - Touch the hp bar. Lower it a bit please.
  6. 01:30:613 (1,1,1,1) - Give a finish to all of this slider start. Since it's awkward when you switch the finish sound into whistle at 01:30:613 (1) - start.
Doko's Hard
  1. 00:55:703 (1) - Give finish at this slider start? It's really well placed if you add finish here since it's the beggining of kiai time. Kiai time without finish is not very good to hear imo.
  1. 01:30:613 (1) - Nothing much to say about this diff, but this finish seems awkward since there's only 1 finish sound after the kiai time. So, it's better to remove it.
Hmm, maybe that's all from me. Sorry for such a short/bad mod >.<
Good luck~

Makar8000 wrote:


  1. 01:18:613 (2) - this spacing makes it really confusing to play, please increase into 1.0 Fixed.

Megurine Luka wrote:


00:25:158 (1) - make the red point left forward a bit like: in the center? Moved.
00:27:340 (1) - ^ right forward Moved.
00:39:885 (4) - try x=392, y=232 srry.. symmetry with 00:38:249 (1)
01:34:976 (1,3) - make the head point and the end point on the same y-axis (horizontal line)
so that: ... Update the diff :c
01:37:158 (1,3) - ^ this is already changed lol
01:39:340 (1) - mute? eyup.

bossandy wrote:

[ Dax's Normal]

NO RLY MEN. So Many mods.. xD Mafia i rly love you.. ~

  1. 00:50:249 (3,4) - Spacing issue on this parttern Fixed.
  2. 00:53:522 (1) - You don't need to add finish here , there is nothing here you must add a finish here , so remove it!!! Removed.
  3. 01:08:794 (1) - Add clap end same as before Is already added..
  4. 01:37:158 (1) - Add whistle start like 01:34:976 (1) Is already added.. :c
  5. 01:38:249 (3) - Remove whistle start like 01:36:067 (3) Is already removed.. Xc

Miya wrote:

Dax's Normal
  1. 00:25:158 (1) - Sorry for nazy, but this slider clearly unsymetrical. I hope you can move the red anchor point 3 grid left to make it more symetrical. is already fixed. And o love nazi suggestions/advices <3
  2. 00:27:340 (1) - ^, do the reverse thing. ^ <3
  3. 01:03:885 (4,5) - Umm, this note has closer spacing than your other 0.9x spacing. Fix it please. Fixed.
  4. 01:08:794 (1,1) - Please add clap into both of this slider end. Since you always give clap at beat 2 and 4 in kiai time but not this one. is already added/fixed.. Men.. So many mods D:
  5. 01:26:249 (1) - Touch the hp bar. Lower it a bit please. Ok.. but is only the 300k.. so is not a Problem. Fixed.
  6. 01:30:613 (1,1,1,1) - Give a finish to all of this slider start. Since it's awkward when you switch the finish sound into whistle at 01:30:613 (1) - start. Obviously bro.. Fixed in all.
NO RLY MEN.. So many mods.. xD Rly mafia i luv u~
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (Mafiamaster) [Dax's Normal].osu

btw.. u need gives the kds for -sekai- & makar8000 (?
PD: Rly the Artist is Nico Nico Douga.. with the ''Spaces'' . Grammatically Obviously.. but this can be ranked with that artist name.. im Not sure but think about it..

-Please remove the Letterbox :c.. i forgot it D:
Taiko Mod:

Please use a constant volume through the whole song, your 3rd timing point is 80 instead of 85. and Make sure they are all on Normal.

00:31:703 (80) - No finishers in 1/4.
01:13:158 - make this timing point 1.00, pointless slow down.
01:32:794 (71) - same issue with 1/4 finishers.

Consider mapping to the drum beat instead of the vocals, the patterns are unorganized and inconsistant (not even modable because of the pure randomness. ) and not very fun to play.

Sanjenin Nagi

Bossandy wrote:

S.Nagi's Taiko
d= don ( Normal )
k= katsu ( Clap orWhistle )
D= Big Don ( Finish )
K= Big Katsu ( Clap/Whistle + Finish )

00:40:022 (7) - Delete this note
00:40:567 (11) - ^
finish :3

MMzz wrote:

Taiko Mod:

Please use a constant volume through the whole song, your 3rd timing point is 80 instead of 85. and Make sure they are all on Normal.

00:31:703 (80) - No finishers in 1/4.
01:13:158 - make this timing point 1.00, pointless slow down.
01:32:794 (71) - same issue with 1/4 finishers.

Consider mapping to the drum beat instead of the vocals, the patterns are unorganized and inconsistant (not even modable because of the pure randomness. ) and not very fun to play.

01:13:158 - make this timing point 1.00, pointless slow down.
This section maintained at a rate of 0.75 personally thought decide the match did not change.

Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (Mafiamaster) [S.Nagi's Taiko].osu
i like your map, Mafiamsater

Clear :D

too fast/hard for easy
1.60 SV + 1/2 notes.
jumps at easiest diff = a lot of players will hate you
for example here's a jump 00:27:340 (1) -

Please keep distance between 0.95-1.05 ALWAYS at this diff

00:29:522 (1) - slider's shape doesn't fits with (2)'s approach circle
00:31:703 (1) - ^
01:08:794 (1,2) - distance x0.87 and it's will confuse beginners

00:55:703 - i don't care why and how. x1/15 section will confuse beginners!
00:38:249 (1,2,3,4) - maybe
01:06:067 (5) - unstack because other notes (1. 2, 3) aren't stacked!

00:21:885 (3) - - slider's shape doesn't fits with (2)'s slider-fololow circle
00:23:522 (2) - ^
01:02:658 (2) - remove red dot/ use white insted!

lol, clear



  1. You could add Rihanna in the tags. The reason I brought it up is because she is featured in the "Love the Way You Lie" song.
yyy's Easy
  1. 00:46:976 (1)-A finish sounds better than a clap really. Consider switching hitsounds for this note.
  2. 01:22:431 (1)-Try to move this note closer to the inner circle. That way, it makes it easier for a beginner.
  3. 01:30:613 (1)-Pretty much the same thing I mentioned from 00:46:976. Consider switching hitsounds on the beginning of that slider.
Dax Normal
  1. 00:46:431 (4)-A finish sounds better than a clap really. Consider switching hitsounds on the end of this slider.
  2. 00:55:703 (1)-Split the start and end point farther more. The reverse arrow that is overlapping the starting point looks pretty bad.
  3. 01:06:613 (1)-A whistle would sound fitting here perhaps?
S.Nagi's Taiko

Looks alright to me.

DoKo's Hard

Looks very good.


Nicely done, man.

Alright, that's about it.

Give me a call when you guys look through my mod post.

-Bakari- wrote:

00:38:249 (1,2,3,4) - maybe Okay! Changed.
01:06:067 (5) - unstack because other notes (1. 2, 3) aren't stacked! Unstack lol.. Fixed.

Roddie wrote:

Dax Normal
  1. 00:46:431 (4)-A finish sounds better than a clap really. Consider switching hitsounds on the end of this slider. Added.
  2. 00:55:703 (1)-Split the start and end point farther more. The reverse arrow that is overlapping the starting point looks pretty bad. I can't make a better heart so... Fixed. I think..
  3. 01:06:613 (1)-A whistle would sound fitting here perhaps? Added.
Download: NicoNicoDouga - Courage to tell a lie (Mafiamaster) [Dax's Normal].osu
Srry for the delay ;A;
After a couple of minor fixing and a major fixing on easy, your map is all set.

So... bubbled.
Love this <3

Congratulation! o_o
Best easy ever
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto Mafia chan :3

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Best easy ever
Maybe because you made it :roll:
Enna Alouette
gratz =w=/
Yey~ :)
Congratz and Thanks Mafiamaster ^^
Gratz! :3
Minty Gum
I admire your style of mapping very much, Mafiamaster :D Congrats.
grats on ranked
Oh damn Mafia strikes again :P. congratz on the rank ;)
wow~Mafia congratz~^^
asdfsadfbsdfkjsbak too good
Congrats! Awesome remix.
Congrats Mafiamaster. Good Map.
yay congrats <3
Catchy song. congrats
Congratz~ :3
Yay \o/
good map c:
good map
Amazing map.Gratz~
For the record this happened in Nisemonogatari. xD
Good map nonetheless.
Gratz on getting it ranked~
Great song, it's very catchy!
Love the map and song :) The MP3 hurts my ears though... too much sibilance! (the "S" sounds are like needles poking my eardrums. doh) Oh well, can't expect much from audio pulled from nicodouga :P
Amefuri Koneko
Awesome beatmap! Favoured! :3
Yes great beatmap!
My top 2 played beatmaps are both sets by mafia, even though one of them is a guest ^
Anyone have a lyrics?

In a way, the supernatural
is osu!
lol lolcubes (?)
Oh gosh lolcubes..
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