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hi, BeatofIke :oops:

  1. i think you should add HS (Whistle) more, and fix a finish sounds
[merchat7's Insane]
  1. 00:02:335 (1) - move a little to center
  2. 00:11:070 (1) - i think this distance is not so good, cant first play this to other players
[Nich's Hard]

AIBat v2.0 wrote:


Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
00:23:701 (snap to 00:23:696)
00:35:853 (snap to 00:35:848)
01:00:157 (snap to 01:00:152)
01:06:233 (snap to 01:06:228)
  1. 00:22:082 (1,2) - this stack is not so good, gives confusion to players
  2. 00:38:222 (6,7) - ^
  1. 00:56:449 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - change reverse slider (4,5,6)
  2. 01:08:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  1. Fine
good luck :oops:
Fixed mostly...

Thank you for mod, Wreath :)
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UPDATED! Waiting for merchat7's response. :D
Hi ^^

Here I am from my modding queu =D


Nothing :)


Nothing either ;)


01:01:576 put it one grid down ^^

Nothing more Easy and Normal seem to be perfect to me. =D


00:16:576 put combo 5 exactly in end of slider 4
00:21:228 delet circle ?
00:21:323 put combo 6 exactly in end of slider 5
00:53:127 put combo 3 and 4 exactly in end of slider 2

That is it for Hard ^^


00:52:462 put 5 exactly in end of slider 3

Nothing more

This beatmap is really good ^.^ Sorry that I can`t help you much ^^`

Good Luck =D
Good day, sir

00:47:905 (1) - Head and tail slider is overlapped by spinner-osu. It makes beginners confuse
01:06:133 (1) - Add finish at head slider?
01:12:209 (1) - ^

* AR +1?

01:14:487 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, makes hidden for beginners (sometimes, beginners are slowly to read, though). Also, while the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden for players. Do the colorhax by doing this

[Nich's Hard]
00:11:829 (1) - While the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden for players. Do the colorhax by doing this

Why this song is sing by "NO NAME" instead of "AKB48"? That's a shame......
Some fixed...

Thank you for mod, Mikarunoel131 and Leorda :)
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Sorry, I don't agree with both, I think both are fine for Insane diff.

Stack that properly at end

Ty for mods, adjusted some patterns as well
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Hello! Mod request! :3

All diffs are Pro ;-; I don't have anything to mod D:

Just a suggestion

00:59:772 - Add circle and make it stream o:

;-; Good luck ranking it ;3
Intentional, wanted to do something like 00:23:032 (4,5,6,1,2,3) here

Change something else through Thanks for mod!
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Hi! from my mod queue~(very tiny mod)


Approach Rate : Hard - 6 , Normal - 4.


Try add stream here 00:59:487 :
00:59:772 - add note.

00:29:677 (2) - distance snap.

00:41:829 (1) - old combo?


Fine, if you will change Approach Rate.



Cool map , all diffs is cool.Good Luck!
Intentional, wanted to do something like 00:23:032 (4,5,6,1,2,3) here
Ty for mod!
I didn't fix it, but may change AR if people say about this.

Thank you for mod, Yoru-SAN :)

as requested in my queue


i begging you, please, DO NOT CHANGE SV AT EASIEST DIF \>.</
00:02:335 (1,2,3,4) - whistle+finish sounds better, imo
01:07:272 (2,4) - a bit hard to read patterns like this in easieast diff.

00:20:184 (3,3) - avoid this overlap
00:56:639 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - meh.. do not overuse 1/2 here too hard for Normal
01:08:601 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^

OD and HP Drain +1
nice diff <3

tickrate 1 :/
01:15:247 (1) - clap maybe?

well mapped. good luck~
I changed only OD.

Thanks for mod, -Bakari- :)
Tick rate 2 fits the song best for me, if you suggest for consistency, it's fine to have different tick rate in a mapset, especially guest, but I will add the clap,

Please add a clap on this spinner 01:15:247 (1) -
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  1. Recommend you get a timing check. The offset and/or bpm is clearly off (listen to 00:29:697 (3) - and 00:33:874 (6) - Insane).
  2. What's your source for your artist name?
  1. 00:47:905 - Kiai section starts, yet you've got nothing to bring out. Your rhythms aren't more difficult, your sliders are the same - keep this in mind: reaching the chorus of the song doesn't automatically mean "hurr I'm gonna turn on Kiai just cuz it's chorus". Why are you using Kiai?
  2. 00:58:538 (3) - I wouldn't position this vertically from 00:58:158 (2) - . Even a slight staggering would be better.
  1. 00:12:968 (2,3,1) - May be very confusing for newer players.
  2. 00:59:677 - A certain feeling of emptiness. Add an object here.
  1. Due to abundance of 1/2 rhythms I recommend tick rate 2.
  2. 00:09:835 (1) - Remove new combo spinner; clearly a continuation of 00:09:551 (2) - .
  1. What's your distance spacing in this map? Care to explain it? I'd like to know before I get into modding this map.
Topic Starter

those wrote:

  1. Recommend you get a timing check. The offset and/or bpm is clearly off (listen to 00:29:697 (3) - and 00:33:874 (6) - Insane). There's nothing wrong with the timing. The BPM and offset are perfectly fine. I'm a timing expert myself. Cases like this are usually the music's fault.
  2. What's your source for your artist name? Well let's see...Wikipedia, My Anime List, Anime News Network, Google it!
  1. 00:47:905 - Kiai section starts, yet you've got nothing to bring out. Your rhythms aren't more difficult, your sliders are the same - keep this in mind: reaching the chorus of the song doesn't automatically mean "hurr I'm gonna turn on Kiai just cuz it's chorus". Why are you using Kiai? Why make it harder? It's only easy difficulty! The chorus is usually the most epic part of the music. Why not add kiai time there. Based on what I've studied from other maps (such as anime, eroge, nightcore, vocaloid, etc), most mappers tend to use kiai time on the chorus.
  2. 00:58:538 (3) - I wouldn't position this vertically from 00:58:158 (2) - . Even a slight staggering would be better. Nah, I prefer positioning this vertically. It looks ugly when it's staggered imo.
  1. 00:12:968 (2,3,1) - May be very confusing for newer players. I argee with this, but I don't know any alternative way of changing it. Hopefully, I'll think of something.
  2. 00:59:677 - A certain feeling of emptiness. Add an object here. I also agree, but this ruins my map's symmetry.

BeatofIke wrote:

Why make it harder? It's only easy difficulty! The chorus is usually the most epic part of the music. Why not add kiai time there. Based on what I've studied from other maps (such as anime, eroge, nightcore, vocaloid, etc), most mappers tend to use kiai time on the chorus.
Most Kiai sections are usually more flourished, too. Flourish is up to you to interpret - whether it be spacing, general difficulty, slider velocity, slider shapes; as long as the map stands out more in the Kiai section, there's nothing wrong with using Kiai. Would like not to have to use that "hurr durr" example from above again.
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According to peppy, kiai time should be used to choruses to emphasise epicness!

Also about the source for the artist name? ... p?id=13805

and to name a few...

those wrote:

  1. Due to abundance of 1/2 rhythms I recommend tick rate 2. I can change it, but it would be busy using the green line to need add to it quite a lot, since have slider-tick sound. So, I don't change it
  2. 00:09:835 (1) - Remove new combo spinner; clearly a continuation of 00:09:551 (2) - . Fixed, but I suspect that will it unrankable?
Thank you for mod, those :)
I have not use a consistent distant snap since my 5th Insane, so I suggest looking at my map as jumps, anti jumps and "normal spacing" and sub genre of small anti jumps and small jumps. I believe I use these distant snaps, but I may have adjust certain stuff through self modding to be different from this. Almost forgot, the beginning is just snap to a consistent 1.4x distant snap.

Normal - 1.2x
Jump - 1.6x or higher
Anti Jump - Don't think I decrease spacing massively for any part here, consider stacks as the anti jumps
Small Jump - 1.4x
Small Anti jump - 1.1x
Stream - Adjust according to what I feel is right

Hope this is good enough for you.

Edit: Why was the artist change, keep it as NO NAME, the official website capitalize it and the video does too. Look at video at 00:48:00~
Topic Starter
-> UPDATED Nich's Hard!
-> Changed Artist back to "NO NAME"
Star Stream
From my queue
  1. Good
  1. too boring, try using several rhythms for this diff
  1. same as Easy with the intro..
  2. 00:59:677 - add a note
  1. 00:08:032 (5,6) - i'd start the hold slider from 00:08:032 -
  2. 00:21:513 (8) - too busy, delete
  3. 01:08:411 (8,9) - ^
  1. 00:02:335 (1) - so far from center after spinner, it will be really hard to play
  2. 00:06:513 (3) - ctrl+r? i think it's nice to play with both 2 and 1
  3. 00:37:082 (1) - move it to 00:37:272 - and add 2 circles from 00:37:082 - ?
  4. 00:48:285 (2) - ctrl+r will be enjoyable jump
  5. 00:49:614 (6) - ctrl+r slider from 00:49:424 - , and try adding a circle on (200,64) it's great for me
  6. 00:51:323 (2) - ctrl+r
  7. 00:54:361 (2) - ^
  8. 01:13:348 (4) - weird movement, ctrl+r (if you allow this, i recommend to ctrl+r 01:13:728 (1,2) - )
the ctrl+r things, they're just 'will be more exciting to play for me'. feel free to ignore if you don't like them

Good luck with rank
P.S. Kiai part doesn't need to be harder than other parts.. just up to mapper
Topic Starter
My maps are always boring apparently.
Random reply.

Blue= Followed or applied idea
Orange = Didn't understand/know how to fix, adjusted something else instead or wait for more opinions
= Didn't follow

Star Stream wrote:

  1. 00:02:335 (1) - so far from center after spinner, it will be really hard to play Fine to me, almost the first note so can always easily retry. Spinner isn't that short as well. It did cross my mind that I may have place too far, but I couldn't think of anyway to map this part without starting the pattern out like this.
  2. 00:06:513 (3) - ctrl+r? i think it's nice to play with both 2 and 1 Yep
  3. 00:37:082 (1) - move it to 00:37:272 - and add 2 circles from 00:37:082 - ? Experiment with stream for all similar patterns in this section.
  4. 00:48:285 (2) - ctrl+r will be enjoyable jump Don't really think it fits with this pattern
  5. 00:49:614 (6) - ctrl+r slider from 00:49:424 - , and try adding a circle on (200,64) it's great for me Hmm, I just tried a different pattern with I guess the same ideas, assuming I understood what you meant. Not sure about doing a stream here so I assume by adding, you move moving the hit circle to that place.
  6. 00:51:323 (2) - ctrl+r Same as 00:48:285
  7. 00:54:361 (2) - ^ ^
  8. 01:13:348 (4) - weird movement, ctrl+r (if you allow this, i recommend to ctrl+r 01:13:728 (1,2) - ) Still doesn't feel right to me, I tried to improve this once again through. This pattern has been adjusted a lot of times.
the ctrl+r things, they're just 'will be more exciting to play for me'. feel free to ignore if you don't like them
Thanks for mod!
Fixed all, but in 00:08:032 (5,6) - will change to 5 circles instead of using 1 circle and 1 slider repeat.

Thank you for mod, Star Stream :)
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Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ BeatofIke ~ :)

M4M for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions

[merchat7's Insane]

  1. 00:31:766 (2) - Should add new combo here, and remove 00:31:576 (1),vocal start to here.
  2. 00:43:348 - Add finish fit here.

[nich's Hard]

  1. 00:47:335 (2) - Remove this circle sound better to me.


  1. 00:44:867 (1) - Add finish sound better to me.


  1. 00:44:867 (1) - Same as normal diff.

That's all ~ Pretty nice map and song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Fixed in my diff...

Thank you for mod, Rika-chan :)
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Waiting for merchat7's reponse.
Also, those haven't modded merchat7's insane yet. :o
If I wanted a finish there, I would put at 00:37:272 (3) - and 00:40:310 (3) - as well, however, I just wanted to emphasize the beginning of the first vocal phase, I feel the begin of second phase is not as accented so I decide not to put finish there.

Agree with new combo, feel free to fix for me BeatofIke.

Btw, I recommend pming those in-game. If for whatever reason, those don't mod this, please tell me before asking for recheck, want to polish my diff a little more before bubble.
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Don't worry, I won't ask Rika for a recheck just yet. I still need to make some modifications and some fixes with my Easy and Normal difficulties. (I learned my lesson from my previous map orz) As for those, I'll ask him to mod your insane (if he accepts that is). I'll be sure to note you about that.

Star ~ 8-)
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Topic Starter

those wrote:

  1. What's your distance spacing in this map? Care to explain it? I'd like to know before I get into modding this map.
It's been 3 weeks already (and counting) lol.
Think it's ready now. Tried to improve some patterns, tested a bit and didn't a problem with the new changes.

Here's a star
Topic Starter
Thanks for the star. Updated!
PS: Rika isn't going to recheck anymore. Already asked her. :(

[merchat7's Insane]
00:10:880 (5,1) - I don't agree with this spacing, threw me off while playing. And also delete new combo here 00:11:070 (1)
And add it here: 00:11:829 (2)
00:47:146 (4) - new combo? seems like these two slider should be part of an individual combo.
01:14:487 (3) - new combo, same reason as above

[Nich's Hard]
00:09:361 - add note here
00:38:601 (7) - new combo and delete it here: 00:38:791 (1)

00:56:449 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think you should lighten this a bit, maybe turn 00:57:209 (1,2,3) and 00:58:728 (1,2,3) into sliders with repeats.
01:08:601 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - same suggestion as above.

01:13:728 (3) - end the slider here: 01:14:108 and add a note at 01:14:487 -
there's a unsnapped object in this diff, check with aimod or aibat
Fixed all...

Thank you for mod, Lizbeth :)
00:10:880 (5,1) - I don't agree, this is why I made (5) a slider rather than hit circles to make this easier to read. I feel the emphasis on the drums is lost without this jump. As for new combo, if it weren't for the finish at end of 00:11:070 (1) - I wouldn't have put a new combo on it. I also feel the stream doesn't look as good with two different combo colors in it.

Fix the rest,
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Kawayi Rika
I'm back to Recheck ~

For Insane : 00:10:880 (5,1) - Really too Suddenly and no sense here,test played and asked some BATs/players almost say not acceptble.

Fix and call me back again ~
Rika showed me this map while she was modding, so when I saw the video I was tempted to get to make a new one.

Edit: Removed video and images from my puush.
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Ummm....Thanks? :?
I didn't expect a recheck or anything, but thanks anyway XD.

EDIT: Your video is better than mine, so I replace the current one with yours. :D
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Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks fine now ~

Good luck with rank ~

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Thanks for the bubble Rika. :D
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1000th Post XD

IRC Overview
22:19 Charles445: : quick overview? ok
22:20 BeatofIke: : alright cool
22:20 Charles445: : which one?
22:20 BeatofIke: :
22:20 BeatofIke: : This map
22:21 Charles445: : playing
22:21 BeatofIke: : okay
22:22 Charles445: : very nice
22:22 BeatofIke: : thanks :D
22:22 Charles445: : might want to make the blue color a litte brighter
22:22 BeatofIke: : okay
22:22 Charles445: : also you MIGHT be able to get a better sound for the beats
22:22 Charles445: : but what you have here is great
22:23 BeatofIke: : okay thanks
Thanks for the overview Charles445! :D
[Nich's Hard]
00:50:279 (4) - Remove this note -- a triple here just doesn't fit because it's not following anything. If you want to, adding a note at 00:50:848 would be better. Not having a triple at all in this section works fine too.
01:02:430 (4) - Same as above, really.

nice mapset, let's get it ranked
Fixed all...

Thank you for mod, Sync
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Thanks Nich95! :D
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Thanks Sync! :) :) :)
Loved this anime, still waiting for 2nd season ><
anyway! congratz!
Congratz~! :)
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto BeatofIke ~ ;)
congrats :3
congratz xD
Gratz Beat >w</
yay you got it ranked :D
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My gift to you! :D
Gratz!! :>
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Thanks Everyone! :D
Looks like I'm late for this one, congrats anyways.
Congrats :)
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Thanks! :D
Colin Hou
I'm soooo late. congratz on the ranking
Love it <3
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