06:54 <Elly-chan> : ohi
06:54 <Elly-chan> : well that was a quick map
06:54 <Elly-chan> : XD
06:54 <-Bakari-> : hey~
06:54 <-Bakari-> : glee is better than bieber \:D/
06:54 <Elly-chan> : Yep \o/
06:54 <-Bakari-> : and better than original Friday

06:54 <Elly-chan> : mh, can I point out a few things I saw solely from playing?
06:55 <Elly-chan> : yeah ofc XD
06:55 <-Bakari-> : i'll be glad to know what you think about this map

06:55 <Elly-chan> : oki ><
06:56 <Elly-chan> : welllll, I liked it. It had nice flow and it was appealing aesthetic-wise :3
06:56 <Elly-chan> : a few small things urked me though
06:56 <Elly-chan> : like..
06:56 <Elly-chan> : 00:00:652 -
06:56 <Elly-chan> : you start the map with a few notes and then a humongously long spinner
06:56 <Elly-chan> : it fits but it's just plain out awkward.
06:56 <Elly-chan> : i would have expected you to keep following the BGM due to this being a hard or insane difficulty
06:57 <-Bakari-> : thanks. i'll try to map this spinner
06:57 <Elly-chan> : alright
06:57 <Elly-chan> : 00:28:568 -
06:57 <Elly-chan> : this overlap looks messy in play and made me sad )':
06:57 <Elly-chan> : It's kinda hard to read imo
06:57 <Elly-chan> : might wanna space it out to keep things safe
06:58 <-Bakari-> : wait >3< it's lag :O it should be like this
http://puu.sh/zYo606:58 <Elly-chan> : OOOH, okay
06:58 <Elly-chan> : XD
06:59 <Elly-chan> : well, i just updated and it's still like this
thohttp://puu.sh/zYoD06:59 *-Bakari- baka
06:59 <-Bakari-> : i forgot to check map before submiting >3<
06:59 <Elly-chan> : ah :3
07:00 <Elly-chan> : was there anything else you fixed?
07:01 <Elly-chan> : if not i can point out the last things I saw :v
07:01 <-Bakari-> : only this slider >3<
07:01 <-Bakari-> : so.. please, help me!

07:01 <Elly-chan> : alright~
07:02 <Elly-chan> : in the kiai
07:02 <Elly-chan> : 00:37:318 -
07:02 <Elly-chan> : it really urked me when you didn't use a triplet here
07:02 <Elly-chan> : seeing that you used them a lot previously and now it being the kiai where things are supposed to get more
07:02 <Elly-chan> : intense / harder, it makes no sense
07:02 <Elly-chan> : you've used pretty symmetry, but in this case I think following the music is better ;~;
07:04 <-Bakari-> : yea, following rythm much better
07:04 <Elly-chan> : ye
07:05 <Elly-chan> : 00:39:193 - same thing here with the triplets
07:06 <-Bakari-> : 00:44:610 (4) - maybe put something like
http://puu.sh/zYri07:06 <-Bakari-> : btw, triplets can't ruin symmetrical patterns :3 they make map more interesting

07:07 <Elly-chan> : hmm, that stream works
07:07 <Elly-chan> : maybe just move nine down a bit
07:07 <Elly-chan> : wouldn't matter since this is a hard difficulty and it's only avoiding distance snap by a few grids
07:07 <Elly-chan> : ah, yes, true ><
07:07 <Elly-chan> : hmm, i wonder if you'll ever make the MAT one day

07:08 <Elly-chan> : bakari so cool ♥
07:08 <-Bakari-> :

07:09 <Elly-chan> : 00:13:985 (1, 2, 3, 4) - ctrl + r please
07:09 <Elly-chan> : follows the rhythm better
07:10 <Elly-chan> : re-do the hitsounds on the note and adjust spacing, etcetc
07:10 <Elly-chan> : :3
07:10 <-Bakari-> : about this stream.
07:10 <-Bakari-> :
http://puu.sh/zYsx right?
07:10 <Elly-chan> :
http://puu.sh/zYsY try spacing nine down a bit more
07:11 <Elly-chan> : 00:46:485 - can you center this note, too
07:11 <Elly-chan> : it's one grid too far to the right
07:11 *Elly-chan nazi
07:12 <-Bakari-> :

i like nazi mods
07:12 <Elly-chan> : ah, really? xD
07:12 <Elly-chan> : I try to stay away from 'em unless i wanna bubble something
07:13 <-Bakari-> : meh. i like accepting nazi mods. but trying to use them only when map really needs this mods.
07:14 <-Bakari-> : for example when map has awesome hitsounds and some circles/sliders are ugly :<
07:14 <Elly-chan> : yee ):
07:15 <Elly-chan> : oh, dat reminds me
07:15 <Elly-chan> : 00:09:402 - did you forget to add a whistle here, or..?
07:15 <Elly-chan> : seeing you added one on 00:07:735 -
07:15 <-Bakari-> : yea, i forgot ~_~
07:15 <-Bakari-> : my terrible memory >3<
07:16 <Elly-chan> : haha it's all good
07:16 <Elly-chan> : i can mod the rest of the hitsounds / combos / whatever's left after you update
07:17 <Elly-chan> : tell me when
07:17 <-Bakari-> : updated :3
07:17 <-Bakari-> : i mapped this spinner but i'm not sure
07:23 <Elly-chan> : alright
07:23 *Elly-chan late
07:23 <Elly-chan> : sorry, was doing something
07:23 <-Bakari-> : meow :3
07:24 <Elly-chan> : hmm
07:24 <Elly-chan> : 00:02:110 - maybe delete this note
07:24 <Elly-chan> : 00:03:985 (5, 6) - ctrl + r
07:24 <Elly-chan> : fits music better
07:26 <-Bakari-> : fixed \o\
07:26 <Elly-chan> : \:D
07:27 <-Bakari-> : i think it's ok if one pattern isn't symmetrical
07:27 <-Bakari-> : it fits with song/map >3<
07:27 <Elly-chan> : yeh

07:28 <Elly-chan> : 00:00:652 - this green combo
07:28 <Elly-chan> : idk, it looks a bit weird concidering the next combo's three's endpoint is near a receeding 300/100
07:28 <Elly-chan> : maybe reposition? idk
07:28 <Elly-chan> : would look nicer but it's fine as it is i guess
07:29 <Elly-chan> : umm, maybe you can make an insane difficulty for this set? :O
07:29 *Elly-chan random
07:30 <Elly-chan> : seeing that you don't use quite a few triplets in the pre-kiai part / bridge
07:30 <Elly-chan> : totari optional tho
07:30 <-Bakari-> : i don't want to put insane diff here :<
07:30 <Elly-chan> : alright ~
07:31 <Elly-chan> : hmhm
07:31 <Elly-chan> : you know what would be cool
07:31 <Elly-chan> : if somebody payed you real money for mod posts
07:31 *Elly-chan RUNS
07:31 <Elly-chan> : haha anyways
07:31 <Elly-chan> : update and i'll play the map again to see if i missed anything aesthetic wise
07:32 <-Bakari-> : ok~
07:33 <-Bakari-> : upd~
07:37 <Elly-chan> : 00:05:235 -
07:37 <Elly-chan> : slider repeat of four covers this note up; reposition
07:37 <-Bakari-> : done (x392 y292)
07:38 <Elly-chan> : ehh i don't even bother to check the x and y axis lol
07:38 <Elly-chan> : i'll trust you that it's good
07:38 <Elly-chan> : :V
07:38 <Elly-chan> : 00:05:652 - move this pattern or make it unsymmetrical or something please
07:39 <Elly-chan> : the fadeout of three makes 1's position of the next pattern look sloppy and crowded together
07:39 <Elly-chan> : 00:19:610 - don't stack this with two
07:39 <Elly-chan> : put it on top of the slider's start point if you want to do an anti-jump
07:39 <Elly-chan> : (( stack ))
07:39 <Elly-chan> : it goes with the verse the slider is following~
07:41 <Elly-chan> : 00:28:152 - NONONO ;-;
07:42 <Elly-chan> :
http://puu.sh/zYGS do something like this instead
07:42 <-Bakari-> : DAT DAMN SLIDER
07:42 <Elly-chan> : it keeps messing up
07:42 <Elly-chan> : xD
07:43 <Elly-chan> : 00:30:235 - isn't symmetrical
07:43 *Elly-chan nazi
07:44 <Elly-chan> : ctrl + c (3), then click ctrl +v on where four is and then press ctrl h
07:44 <Elly-chan> :

07:44 <-Bakari-> : yea. already :3
07:47 <Elly-chan> : 00:39:818 - doesn't follow rhythm exactly
07:47 <Elly-chan> : i'd expect another triplet and then a slider
07:47 <Elly-chan> : maybe remap this blue combo? idk
07:49 <Elly-chan> : umm, i think that takes care of th emajor problems
07:49 <Elly-chan> : ;O
07:49 <Elly-chan> : let's see, now new combo and hitsound mods
07:49 <Elly-chan> : <3
07:49 <-Bakari-> : :3
07:50 <Elly-chan> : 00:12:318 - new combo
07:51 <Elly-chan> : the background music changes in nature
07:51 <-Bakari-> : yea~
07:52 <Elly-chan> : 00:40:860 - new combo since you couldn't add one at (5)'s slider end
07:53 <Elly-chan> : 00:44:610 - kinda sotra the same thing here
07:57 <Elly-chan> : oh wow i zoned out
07:57 <Elly-chan> : sorry about that
07:57 <Elly-chan> : XD
07:57 <-Bakari-> :

07:57 <Elly-chan> : everything else combo-wise looks clean
07:58 <-Bakari-> : >hitsounds
07:58 <Elly-chan> : didn't check em yet
07:58 <-Bakari-> : /D:\
07:58 <-Bakari-> : i think they aren't that good
07:58 <Elly-chan> : 00:04:402 - clap instead of whistle obo
07:58 <Elly-chan> : ovo*
07:59 <Elly-chan> : 00:06:068 - same here
07:59 <-Bakari-> : fixed :3
08:00 <Elly-chan> : 00:28:152 - either remove the clap here
08:00 <Elly-chan> : 00:29:818 - or add one here
08:00 <Elly-chan> : your chocie
08:00 <Elly-chan> : choice*
08:01 <-Bakari-> : better remove one, it fits better, IMO
08:01 <Elly-chan> : oki
08:01 <Elly-chan> : 00:32:735 - nono, the whistle should be here!
08:01 <Elly-chan> : remove it from three
08:03 <Elly-chan> : 00:49:402 - whistle
08:03 <Elly-chan> : 00:51:068 - same here
08:03 <-Bakari-> : fixed o/
08:03 <Elly-chan> : 00:53:152 - forgot a finish D:!
08:04 <-Bakari-> : yea :O
08:09 <Elly-chan> : i think that's it
08:09 <Elly-chan> : ><
08:09 <Elly-chan> : uploaddd~
08:10 <-Bakari-> : meow >3<
08:12 <Elly-chan> : .. look at this 00:26:485 -
08:12 <-Bakari-> : another baka-slider :O
08:13 <Elly-chan> : yeee
08:13 <Elly-chan> : XD
08:13 <Elly-chan> : wow suddenly a wave of laziness just went over me
08:13 <Elly-chan> : ;_;
08:14 <Elly-chan> : brb, i'll be back in two minutes xD
08:14 <-Bakari-> : >o<
08:15 <-Bakari-> : :O suddenly. looks like i have to go. have to finish some things >3< can you at least test other diffs, too? D:
08:15 <-Bakari-> : sorry >3<
08:16 <Elly-chan> : ahh
08:16 <Elly-chan> : yes i can
08:16 <Elly-chan> : uvu//