This is my first beatmap. I would apreciate any type of feed back or modding.
Easy/ Vanilluxe: needs modding
Normal/Zoroark: needs modding
Hard/Zekram: needs modding (couldn't choose which pokemon so i stuck them together XD)
Insane/Nsane:I give up for the second time. this song is too hard to make insane Osu! for. TOO MANY LONGNOTES GODDAMIT! Will need guest difficulty or I'll just skip insane for this song e.e
Taiko's: Needs one more
Current Taiko needs modding1st map
I'm taking guest difficulties for any difficulty and will most likely include it, but as you can see, the only guest difficulty I might actually need is insane becuase I'm not too confident on doing it successfully since this is my first beatmap.
PM me if you want to do a guest difficulty

Skin was made by :
3ds friendcodes anyone? i wanna get some pokemon battlers for X/Y. Pm me urs and i give you mine

I have school now. i can barely use the computer because im not allowed T^T. I hate strict parents