If you're looking for a free NM, ask here: Queue. If you wanna mod a map of mine, any of the pending maps below is good. M4M reqs can be done on my queue or on pm ^^ If you're mutual feel free to pm me reqs anytime on any media ^^ I also take hitsounding reqs on metal (or anything that supports metal drums) and edm songs. Just pm me if you have a req.
Check out my map projects over here. Not everything is listed, as some collabs/GD's aren't made public yet ;3 (and I'm too lazy too keep it up to date at all times)
Using a custom built PC, ubuntu 18.04, Razer Ornata + Gaomon S56k (80% area). Stole Skull Kid's skin for taiko and an old xilver skin for std. I quit lol