I could keep adding more and more names in this box and reach like 20 or 30 names. There are so many good mappers out there, but these 9 are all some kind of legendary for me. I still have trouble giving them a proper order, but they all belong here in some way.
These are the true mindblowing maps I have seen in this game, the ones that really impressed me personally. Perhaps they may have little appeal to others, but they are all very special to me. Ordered by title.
Halozy - Deconstruction Star s/292083 The most most impressive map ever, my ultimate fav. 310bpm made natural with expressive jump patterns and a wonderful dancy feeling. And all done under the restriction of only vertical straight sliders, this is true mapping mastery.
nano.RIPE - Esoragoto s/461432 A true work of feeling. All notes fit in their place even without "proper" rhythming or spacing. A pure expression of the song. Additive rhythming at its finest, slider understanding like none I've ever seen.
Hanatan - Friction s/281749 The closest map to technically perfect. Appealing to all players and to all mappers, every object is ideal. Simple, but brilliantly made.
Kalafina - Kimi no Gin no Niwa s/132044 Emotional mapping in its best and truest form. The most artful and most powerful map ever. Best usage of sv changes ever, nothing compares.
Siestail - Magic Lip Service s/376878 Perfect beat placing and vocal mapping. 7/4 wonder. Fun extended sliders. Mapped to create an overall cute feeling, this map is pure joy. Best sb of all time.
kors k feat. Yukacco - On The Beat (Akira Complex Remix) s/352083 True rhythm wonder. Best usage of extended sliders ever. Most immersive experience from an EDM map you will ever find in this game.
soramin - Tanataro s/557692 Just lovely. Not too sure what to say here, this one just snuck into my heart. It has that perfect feeling that so little maps can give.
ChouchouP - Tsukimiyo Rabbit s/122342 Bouncy and thrilling, the best 1/3 map ever. One of the most fun reading challenges, rhythm challenges, and aim challenges. This one throws every trick in the book while still keeping you smiling. Fantastic.
Killer - Zui Qing Feng s/238692 The perfect end to this list, the most beautiful and relaxing map ever. The map that shows this game has no limits to what kind of experiences can be provided. If I were to pick one map to explain why I love osu, this would be it.
Thank you for these works of art. I hope to someday make something that can sit alongside them ;-;