What you need to download: - Bluestacks (or any other android emulator) - Within Bluestacks download Qooapp and inside that download ミリシタ - DereTore Toolkit - MLTD Toolkit
Inside of Bluestacks: Once you've downloaded the game, go into the game and make an account (if u want) and just download the songs/unlock them (its not that hard u can find translations of the game and figure it out). Then go into ur root files and find the Android folder. Heres where you need to go to: Android -> data -> com.bandainamcoent.imas_millionlive_theaterdays -> files -> ADX2 -> song3 Inside of the song3 folder, there are a bunch of ".acb" files, and they are named in the shortform ver of the song (e.g. Refrain Kiss -> song3_refkis_bgm.acb). Export it to ur computer.
How to extract and get the song from the ".acb file": 1. Go inside of deretore-toolkit folder and go to Releases 2. Find the "AcbUnzip.exe" file and drag the .acb file onto the exe file (u dont need to open the exe, just drag and drop on it) 3. You should now get a folder with some ".hca files" 4. Go into the miritore-toolkit folder and find the "HcaDec.exe" file 5. Find the .hca file that is "song3 <song_name> bgm.hca" and drag and drop onto that exe file from step 4
Now u should end up with a .wav file in that acb folder
If u wanna convert it to mp3 or ogg at 192kbps, just use audacity and extract it as an mp3/ogg.
There you have it! If you want metadata, you can go to https://project-imas.wiki/Main_Page and search for the song you are looking for. You could also go to google and search "<song name> project imas" and find it there.
Ordinary Clover - too lazy to type in their names Fairytale ja Irarenai - FAIRY STARS Maria Trap - Tenkubashi Tomoka Kimi to no Asu o Negau Kara - Ibuki Tsubasa Sakashima no Kotoba - Tsumugi Shiraishi Melty Fantasia (ohon Remix) - ESCape